Tuesday 29 December 2020


 We ended up getting a big snow storm on Christmas Eve.  We got 8-10 inches of snow.  My mom didn't end up coming up due to the snow storm.  We watched Mass at home on TV.  Then we went to McDonald's and bought that home as our usual Christmas Eve dinner.  

Austin and Sydney wrote a letter to Santa with several questions.  Santa is always nice and responds to them.  They set out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.  

Austin is always up early very excited for Christmas.  We went into his room around 4am.  I tried to keep them upstairs until 7am.  However we finally allowed them to get up at 6:30am.  London slept in our bed that night since Austin and Sydney were worried he would scare Santa.  

Austin was very excited that he got a snow machine and a hoverboard.  It wasn't until later in the morning they realized they both got hoverboards and the go kart attachment.  They originally thought one was a hoverboard and the other box was the go kart attachment.  Austin convinced Brian to set up the snow machine too.  Everyone had fun playing in the snow.  Poor Brian's hands were so cold with dealing with water in the freezing cold.  

Sydney got some drawing supplies, drone, and a robot unicorn.  She was also very happy.  Her unicorn can dance so that was exciting for that. They played with all of their toys all morning and into the afternoon.  I made a simple Christmas breakfast this year since it was just us.  We had Austin's favorite cinnamon rolls.  

In the evening, we went down to my moms.  She had a nice Christmas dinner for us.  She got the kids some gifts as well.  They had fun opening more stuff.  It was a nice Christmas.  

Monday 14 December 2020

Christmas activities

 We did end up getting about a foot a snow.  Austin and Sydney had a snow day on Tuesday.  They were so happy.  London was also very happy.  He loved the snow.  They played a lot outside.  The sledded and skied.  London ran around like a crazy dog.  It was a great day.  

This year, Lake Farm park was a drive though to see the lights.  We did that and picked up a wooden toy for the kids to make at home.  Austin picked out an elf and Sydney picked out a cat.  Austin also made a covid wooden toy.  He got the idea from our Christmas tree ornaments.  We let the kids buy some snacks at Lake Farm park too.  They were happy.  

Austin and Sydney are playing basketball.  They wear masks and the kids don't mind.  Austin and Sydney like the activity.  Brian is very busy coaching both teams.  Sydney continues to take a tumbling class to help her with cheer.  Austin is finishing up tennis.  Again they wear masks and need the physical activity.  

They are still in school which I am so grateful for.  Austin and Sydney definitely do better with in person learning.  We have found out the Austin needs to start vision therapy to help him with his reading.  It's going to be once a week for several months.  We are hopeful this will help him.  He's doing so much better with reading with his glasses.  

We also got to go to a drive by Santa opportunity.  It was nice the community did it.  Things are different this year but trying to continue to do safe Christmas activities.  I even surprised the kids with some donuts so they were extra happy.  

About 10 days until Christmas.....

Tuesday 1 December 2020


Well we made it to Thanksgiving and school is still open.  They had a week off for break but the plan is to return December 1.  I was fortunate enough to have several days off after Thanksgiving.  If it wasn’t for Covid, we would have traveled somewhere. However we want to be smart and safe so we stayed home. 

Brian finished the solar panels.  He it had it inspected and everything and it’s completely done.  He enjoyed doing this project with the kids.  They also enjoyed it and learned some things. 

We also set up our Christmas lights.  There’s some issues this year that Brian is trying to figure out.  It’s something with the board or something.  He’s very frustrated that they are not working properly.  Hopefully he will figure it out soon. 

On Thanksgiving, I cooked a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, and rolls.  We got the pies at Costco.  My mom came over.  The kids watched the Macy’s parade on TV.  London watched the dog show on TV afterwards.  We went for a walk after dinner. 

Austin and Sydney learned they like the Clue game.  We have played it several times over break.  They have also watched several movies.  They are liking playing Animal Crossing on their Switch too. 

Austin and Sydney also started playing basketball.  Brian is coaching both teams this year.  With no tournaments, he believes he can do both teams.  Also with covid, it’s a shorter season. 

We went and picked out our Christmas tree too.  The selection wasn’t the best.  However we did find the perfect tree.  The kids said it looks like a butt. And for 2020 it seems appropriate. 

We are making covid ornaments for our tree.  Our Christmas card this year is going to be the kids and dog in front of our Christmas tree.  We are making it covid themed. 

We are getting our first big snow storm tonight.  We will wait and see if the kids go back to school tomorrow. 

Friday 13 November 2020

Another Lock Down?

 Here we are November 13, 2020.  This is year is nothing like I could have expected, imagined or anything.  As I learned in March, never take a day for granted.  The lock down had some positives (spending more time together) however it was mostly a challenge for everyone here.  We like our normal.  We like going to school and work.  We like having friends and seeing family outside of our household.  

Once the lock down was lifted and the weather was nice outside.  It was nice to get back to an almost normal.  We always wear our masks out in public.  We follow the rules.  Watching Austin and Sydney strive in school.  They were happy again.  They enjoyed sports and just being kids.  

Now Ohio has more than 6000 cases a day.  The governor made reference that restaurants and gyms may need to close.  Trust me, I get it.  We have to do whatever needs to be done to save lives.  I am trying to embrace this uncertain time.  I am trying to enjoy the time I have with the kids.  But I so wish covid would go away!  

The kids are still in school right now.  They had a case that involved a staff member.  However they were able to stay open at least for now.  No one knows what tomorrow will bring.  

My job has been stressful. Brian is always extremely busy.  Austin and Sydney are busy with school.  Austin got his glasses this week.  He has gotten use to them.  He likes them as much as he can.  He only needs them for reading.  Austin has been playing tennis once a week.  Sydney is back in cheer.  She is also doing a tumbling class once a week.  It good to stay busy.  And we will wait to see what happens in the next few days or weeks.  

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Austin needs glasses


Everything is always harder for Austin.  We know about his hearing issues.  With having ear tubes four times phonics and reading has not been Austin's strongest subjects.  However since last year, his hearing test was normal.  So we would think that school would be easier.  Unfortunately that has not been the case.  

Honestly we were at a lost of why.  When Austin was in second grade, I had his eyes checked and they were normal.  So I didn't think it could be his vision.  But really didn't know what it could be.  Kind of assumed still related to all of his hearing issues.  

The school has been great and helping us.  The teachers notices a lot about his reading and writing.  They suggested we get his vision checked again.  So I took Austin to another eye doctor.  Austin was adamant that he was not wearing glasses.  I encouraged him not to worry about that and for us to just figure out what is wrong.  Again I didn't really think it was his vision.  

After an hour long eye exam, it was determined that Austin needs glasses for reading.  When he had the glasses on he could read so much better.  I was relieved.  I was worried it was something much bigger.  To me this seems like an easy fix.  However Austin doesn't see it that way.  I understand where he is coming from.  He doesn't know many people with glasses.  And he doesn't want to wear them.  I am grateful that he only needs them for reading.  

The doctor put some drops in his eyes to check for glaucoma.  They stung a little bit and that upset him.  He was very upset but I did bribe him with Dairy Queen.  That seemed to work.  He is fine with the glasses right now too if he gets Dairy Queen every time he goes to the eye doctor.  Diary Queen is right by the office so it works out.  

We ordered the glasses.  They should come in a few weeks.  I really hope this helps him and that he wears them!  

Sunday 8 November 2020

Welcome Fall

 October has been busy with school and sports.  It's nice that the kids are going to school in person five days a week.  So far, there have been no covid cases. Austin has a lot of homework as usual.  He takes him longer to get things done. Sydney has some homework but not too much.  

Austin has been busy with cross country.  Practice has been three days a week with meets on the weekends.  Austin continues to enjoy it.  Sydney has been busy with cheer, soccer, and piano.  She has enjoyed it all.  She usually has something every night of the week.  She has been good a scoring in soccer.  In one weekend, she scored four goals.  When she played last winter, that helped her a lot.  

Sydney also tried out for a travel basketball team.  Unfortunately she did not make it.  However after we learned more about it, we think it would have been too much for Sydney.  She does get burned out easily at times.  Especially when she's doing one thing.  She seems to enjoy the variety.  

On one of their days off school, I took the kids down to Ramseyer Farms.  It was awesome.  I am not sure how I didn't know about that place until this year.  Austin and Sydney both agreed it's their favorite fall place.  We usually go to Patterson's and they have a nice one too but Ramseyer had more and more spread out.  That was important for this year.  

So far, things seem almost normal other than having to wear a mask all the time.  We still can't have large gatherings however at least the kids are still in school and able to play sports.  

Monday 2 November 2020

Halloween 2020


This year, Austin decided to dress up as London. He found a blow up costume of a dog.  He really likes the blow up costumes.  It was really big.  Then he decided to dress London up as Austin.  London wore one of Austin's shirts and Austin bought him a hat a Petco.  

Sydney decided to be a police officer.  She originally wanted to be a vampire however she did not find any costumes that she liked.  We did all of our Halloween costume shopping online.  Sydney found a cute police officer outfit and she wanted special boots to go with it.  

We went to the Akron zoo like we always do with our friends.  It was a little different from years past but we still had a great time.  The kids liked dressing up and getting treats.  

We also celebrated Halloween with my mom the week before Halloween.  We did a drive my scavenger hunt to several different locations in the city.  We took London with us. He liked it until he threw up on my mom.  He always throws up in the car.  Hopefully he will outgrow it.  

The school did trunk or treat.  We were not allowed to pass out candy this year.  But we decorated our cars and the kids walked by.  It was cute the see them.  

On Halloween, Brian took the kids out to a few houses.  They didn't go crazy.  They took London with them as well.  Once they were done, they watch Monster House in the backyard.  It was too scary for Sydney.  Austin liked it.  

Even though Halloween looked different this year, it was nice for Austin and Sydney to still be able to have some fun.