Luckily they did get a little better. Friday morning my mom came and played with the kids so I could finish packing. After lunch we drove to the airport. Our flight was at 3:30pm to Charlotte. The kids were pretty good on the plane. Flying requires constant entertaining but we know that going into it. They like watching their Kindles, playing with stickers, or reading books. Sydney did not like having the window shade up so she always wanted it down. When we arrived in Charlotte we ate dinner. Then went to our gate. We found out that our flight had been delayed because of an ice storm in the east which had our plane delayed. We were delayed about 2 hours. Brian let the kids run around the airport. They were bored and needed something to do. Finally we boarded our plane to Dallas.
That flight was easier because the kids both slept most of the flight. When we arrived in Dallas the airport shuttles had stopped since it was midnight. We went and got our rental car. It was not what we planned but what we had to do. Brian installed the car seats and we drove to our hotel. We checked in and tried to go to bed. Despite being 2am back home, the kids were wide awake when we arrived at the hotel so it took some work to get them to go back to sleep.
That evening we went out to dinner then went and saw some Chinese lanterns. It was really neat to see. Eveyone had a great time. It was nice having so many people with us to help push the stroller or carry Austin. Sydney really wouldn't go to anyone other than Cheri.
The next morning we all went to the Dallas zoo. The zoo was awesome. We walked around and looked at the animals. Austin had everyone carry him around. He wore his uncles out. :) The best part of the zoo was you could feed giraffes. Austin and Sydney loved it! It was really cool. We got some really good pictures of it too. The weather was beautiful and it was a great day to spend at the zoo.
Monday was our last day there. We went to a local park with a bigger playground. Again Austin had a great time. He was every where playing. Sydney had fun too. They played with balls and bubbles too. They even went and fed the ducks. It was another fun day. We had dinner at Donnie and Cheri's house. Sadly it was time for us to leave to head towards the airport because our flight was really early Tuesday morning. We had a great time with everyone in Texas! I was sad to leave.
Once we checked into the hotel, Brian went and returned the rental car. Austin did not take a nap that day so he was super tired and went to sleep before Brian got home. Sydney however really did not want to go to bed. Finally we got her to sleep.
We woke up at 4 am to get ready to leave for the airport. We packed up and went down to the lobby to catch a shuttle to the airport. We were the only ones on the shuttle. Once we got dropped off Brian was placing the car seats on the luggage so he could move them around the airport. He belts them to a carry on suitcase so he can easily wheel them around It is very impressive on how he does it. Then I looked for my purse and could not find it. My heart sank. I thought I had it on the shuttle but the morning was a blur so I wasn't sure. In my purse we all of our passports, my wallet, and phone. Brian called the hotel and they had to check with the driver. About 10 minutes later they called back and said it was in the shuttle. Luckily the driver brought it back to me. I think Brian wanted to kill me for doing this. He says now Austin is in charge of the passports because he is more responsible!
The flight home went well. Austin watched his Kindle then took a nap. Sydney played with stickers and read books. It was a direct flight. When we got home we had about 8 inches of snow in our driveway. Brian had to do the driveway before he went to work. I went grocery shopping and tried to get laundry done. I love traveling but it's a lot of work packing and unpacking with everyday chores on top. We had a great time in Dallas though!
During our Dallas trip Austin was doing good with the potty for a few days. Eventually he regressed to decide to only go in his pull ups and not use the potty. At the zoo he had to go potty and I left the potty seat in the car. Austin was very upset by this but I thought it may help him with starting to go to the potty at school. After a lot of talking Austin did go pee pee in the potty at the zoo without his potty seat. However he did not use a potty again until we got back home! It took a few days back home but now he is using the potty every time for pee pee when we are at home or out (Walmart, Dr office, etc) but he still won't use it at school.