Why does this always happen on days I have to work? It is a terrible feeling because we never know what to do. Finally I got him to calm down by letting me rock him in the chair. Then Sydney needed to be fed. Brian held her as long as possible and even took her into the bathroom with him while he got ready for work. Once he was done, he brought Sydney downstairs and I nursed her while rocking Austin. I have learned to be quite the multi-tasker these days.
Then Austin wanted his Daddy. Brian carried him for a while and he finally relaxed on the couch with him. We decided I would take Sydney to daycare and then go to work. Hopefully Austin would feel better and Brian would take him to school. Soon after I left Austin got up and wanted to be held again in the kitchen. Even Brian can't hold him for long periods of time. So Brian thought that maybe his car seat would work since he really wanted to sit up. He asked Austin if he wanted to go for a car ride and Austin surprisingly said "yes" and was eager to get his coat and shoes on. Brian drove around the neighborhood for 2 hours with Austin. At first Austin was so excited because he got to see lots of buses. He loves buses. Then finally Austin fell asleep and Brian kept on driving. Then he took Austin home and fed him breakfast. Austin told Brian his ear hurt. Austin was pointing more towards his upper back molars though on the side of his head, so Brian thought it was his teeth. It made sense since 2 year molars come in around this time. After breakfast Austin seemed better so Brian took Austin to school.
I picked the kids up after work and when I was putting Austin in his car seat I noticed lots of drainage coming out of his right ear. I knew right away he had an ear infection. This is his first infection since getting tubes placed back in the summer. I called the doctor and got the dosage information and started the ear drops. We could not believe it took us so long to figure out what was wrong with Austin. After all we are not new parents anymore and Austin even told us his ear hurts but we did not think of an ear infection since he hasn't had one since his tubes. My oh my!
It made me think of the days before Sydney was born. When I could play outside with Austin for hours. It was so easy with just him. I did not realized that at the time, but it was. Now with both of them, it is harder. I love it though. I can't take Austin out in the cold with Sydney so usually Brian does it after he gets home. Next winter though, I will be able to take both of them out. They will love playing together. I love having Austin and Sydney and they keep us so busy.
On Friday while I was at work, I got a phone call from daycare saying Sydney was not eating and she was having diarrhea. They wanted us to come and get her. I called the doctor and got an appointment. Brian left work a little early and went and picked her up and took her to the doctor. Thankfully the doctor said she was fine. I was so worried. I feared they would hospitalize her for dehydration but he said she was not dehydrated. I was so happy. The weather was nice so after I got home we all went for a walk around the block. I only worked two days last week and both days the kids were sick and Brian ended up going in late or leaving early to help out. The poor timing is almost unbelievable.
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