I am home alone with the kids a lot so I wasn't too nervous about Brian being gone. However I do like all of Brian's help in the evenings and knew that bedtime was going to be a lot more work for me. It is nice to know around 5:30 pm every night Brian is home to help out. This week I was on my own for 3 nights. Wednesday night went fine. I cooked dinner like usual then after dinner we went for a walk, stopped at Kaitlyn's house to play, then came home and got ready for bed. I did what I do during nap time when I am alone. Austin gets to watch his Kindle while I put Sydney to bed. Then I am able to give Austin all the attention to put him to bed. It worked well.
On Thursday, my mom came over and we went to a consignment sale. I got some clothes for the kids and a few toys. My mom was with me most of the day. It was nice not to be alone. Thursday night after we got home for a walk I gave both kids a bath. They like taking a bath together so it works out. After bath time was over, I took Sydney downstairs to get her dressed. Austin ran into our bedroom and turned on the music. Something didn't seem right so I went upstairs to check on him. Austin had locked the door. I asked him to unlock it and he couldn't for some reason. Meanwhile he had turned on the music in our bedroom so loud it was hard to hear too. Austin started to freak out. I went downstairs to try and find the tool Brian told me to use if this happens. I found it but couldn't get it to unlock. Then I tried a screwdriver to take the door handle off. That did not work either. Finally I called our nice neighbor Bill who came over and unlocked the door. I was so grateful for him. It was a complete mess! I think Austin learned his lesson not to lock the doors anymore.
On Friday there were massive floods in Colorado. During the conference they kept interrupting to update them on the weather and if they were going to make it to the airport. Brian kept on texting me updates too. Brian got on a bus headed to the airport with hope they would make it. Then after driving for an hour, the bus was told by the police it had to turn around and go back because all the roads were closed. Brian was stuck in Colorado for at least 1 more night. I wasn't too happy but grateful that he was safe. I felt bad for all the people out there that were loosing everything.
That day I went to a school picnic in the park. It was crazy watching and eating with both kids but I did it. We had fun but missed Brian. Brian got home in time for us to go to The Little Gym open house. We had heard about The Little Gym and wanted to check it out. I want something to do in the winter with the kids and was hoping this would be it. I found out they don't have a family friendly class. Classes are all based on ages so Sydney and Austin would be in different classes. All classes under 3 are parent and child class so that means I can't really do it alone. It was fun to play there though. The following week Kaitlyn invited Austin to her class. She goes there every week. We really got the full class experience by joining her. We liked it, but it doesn't make sense for us since both kids can't be in the same class. Maybe after Austin turns 3 I will sign him up.
This week Sydney came down with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. It is a virus common in children under 5. They get blisters in their mouth, feet, hands, and Sydney has it on her thighs and buttock. Sydney has been extremely fussy with a low fever. I thought maybe she had an ear infection but it turns out she has Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. She is getting better but I had to take off work today because she is still contiguous. She seems to get getting back to normal so hopefully she can go to school tomorrow.
Sydney's new favorite thing to do is wave and say bye bye. Bye bye is her favorite word. It is so cute. Austin is very good at riding his bike with training wheels It has a handle for us to hold on to. They are both loving this fall weather and enjoying a lot of time outside on the swing set.
Hi Amy! I'm Heather and I was hoping you could answer a question regarding your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!