Sydney got a little fussy because she was tired. Brian had her face the wall in her car seat and she fell asleep within minutes. It was impressive. Brian got a lot of good pictures. I was so happy everything turned out nicely. We had breakfast. Then we played some games. We played word scramble. Then Melissa's best friend and her mom set up a Customize for Camden station. People could make onesies and bibs for him. It was so cool. Then we made babies out of play doh. People seemed to enjoy the games we had. Melissa got a lot of really nice things too. Overall it was great.
Brian caught Melissa making a funny face that made it look like she was crying. He sent it to Jonathan and said that Melissa was holding up good until we starting opening up gifts. Since pregnancy has her a bit emotional, it was believable that a breakdown may have occurred. It didn't though, but Brian had Jonathan thinking it had.
Austin has chosen names for both of his grandmas now. Austin can't say "G" words yet. So he calls my mom Meemaw and Brian's mom Nana. Nana got to spend some time with Austin and Sydney. Austin enjoyed having Nana read to him. Austin is really into his books right now. It's cute because he knows the stories so well he can basically read them too. Last night, he read Goodnight Gorillia to us. He leaves out a lot of words, but you can tell that he's still thinking them even though he can't articulate all of them. It was so sweet. Before story time, we do circle time like they do in school. There is a little song they sing which is "You have a name, I have a name, now tell me what is your name?" Austin can say his first and last name. He really likes doing that. We also often go around patting our knees and saying, "Me, me, me, me, me, me, Mommy!" Austin does it with his name when it's his turn. They do that at school too.
Austin is a talking machine now. His communication skills are great. It is so much fun to talk with him. He can tell us what he wants. He doesn't always get what he wants but he can definitely tell us. One thing he says is "pushy" which means come here. He also still loves to say "Upies" which is "up please". He can now tell us what what hurts. Like today he fell off his step ladder while I was changing Sydney. I did not see what happened and after he was done crying I asked him what hurt and he said his back. I was impressed with that. He was okay after his fall too.
I have settled into a good routine. I believe as time goes by things get easier. Early on some days I could not wait for nap time Now it seems to get here so quickly. I enjoy playing with them and all the time I have with them. They are so precious. Right now Austin loves to play with his play doh. We can easily spend 30-45 minutes playing with that. That is a long time for a toddler. Austin also enjoys playing with his bus while Sydney plays with the little people plane. They play very well together. Almost everyday Sydney and I watch Austin make baskets downstairs. For the wintertime, we brought in his basketball hoop. He really likes playing basketball and he's good at it. That reminds me I need to take a video of that.
I can't believe Sydney will be 6 months tomorrow. The time has went by so fast. She can sit up now. She really doesn't even fall over unless Austin pushes her over. She is working on crawling but hasn't yet. It will be soon though. She can stand on her feet too with assistance for balance. She weighs 15 pounds. When Austin was 6 months he weighed 21 pounds. I find that interesting. It is nice because she did not go though her clothes as quickly as Austin did.
At school, Austin and Sydney had a valentine's day party. Both Brian and I left work early so we could attend. There was a flurry of activity in Austin's room since all the kids are mobile. We spent some time in Sydney's room too, but eventually just brought her to Austin's room. Some of the older kids really liked her and started playing with her there too for the party. Austin and Sydney both had a lot of fun. It's really nice to get to see them at daycare like this. Normally we just see them briefly during drop off and pick up, so spending more time in their room with their teachers and friends is nice.
I joined the preschool parents club in our community. They have a consignment sale every year and I really wanted to sell our baby things this year. Plus it is nice to meet new people and have activities for the kids to do. Last week, they had a field trip to Chick-fil-A. So Austin and I went. It was a lot of fun. We toured the place with about 12 other moms and kids. Austin got to color pictures. He got a balloon and made an ice cream cone. It was a fun morning out with him. I really enjoyed my morning with Austin.
In 3 weeks, we will be on a cruise. I am excited and nervous about it. I am interested to see how Sydney travels. Austin we know is a good traveler. I hope Sydney is too. She is an easy going baby but we are hoping for no illnesses or any issues. It will be excellent family time and that is what I am looking forward too. Now I just need to get everything organized for it.