Tuesday 27 November 2018


In November, Sydney had 4 birthday parties to attend.  She was very busy.  Austin was home a lot helping Brian setting up our Christmas lights.  Brian decided that they were going back up this year.  It has been 2 years since they were set up.  Last year with our house and death of my dad, we didn't set them up.  Sydney doesn't ever remember our Christmas lights.  However Austin does and he was very excited to have them back up again!  He worked hard with Brian to get them set up.

Brian is coaching basketball for Austin and Sydney.  It's on Friday nights so it works out.  Brian feels bad since he can't spend too much time with on group but all and all it's going fine.  Next year, Austin will be playing games for basketball.  That should be fun!

I had Thanksgiving here again this year.  My mom and grandpa came over.  Brian is working on our downstairs bathroom so he kept the kids busy helping with that.  I am getting better at cooking a turkey.  Dinner turned out nicely.  It was a lot of work but worth it. Austin loves Thanksgiving dinner.  Sydney did not want to eat turkey because it's an animal however after she tried it. She liked it as well.  She only ate turkey and rolls.  Austin ate all other foods.

My mom and grandpa did not stay long.  Austin wanted to go out and see the Black Friday experience so we took them to Best Buy and we stood in a line (they were just opening when we arrived) but only letting certain number of people in at a time.  It was very cold.  After about 15-20 minutes we got in.  We just walked around the store and the kids played the switch.  That is what Austin wants for Christmas.  Then we went home and watched a movie.

On Friday, Brian took the kids to the Science Center while I worked.  They loved that.  Then when they got home we worked on Christmas lights and then basketball.  After basketball we went out with friends for pizza.

On Saturday, we went downtown Cleveland for their Winterfest.  The weather was nice in the 40's.  We saw them turn on the lights and for Santa to arrive.  Then we went to the Cavs game.  The game was good and they actually won.  It's been a rough season without LeBron.  It was a nice evening.

On Sunday, Brian took out annual Christmas card picture.  Brian always comes up with great ideas for our Christmas card.  This year, the kids are on the roof and have a runway for Santa to land.  It's very cute!

We are getting ready for a busy Christmas season!

Monday 12 November 2018


We went to our favorite Halloween activities Boo at the Zoo with our friends.  The weather was very nice for it.  This year, Austin was an airplane pilot and Sydney was an unicorn princess.

We also went trick or treating down at my mom's house.  It was raining that night.  Since my mom can't move around that well, I basically stayed there to hand out candy.  Brian took the kids everywhere.  They were very wet and tired but had so much fun.  And got so much candy.

We went down to the Q for a Trick or Treat event there.  They had different stations.  The kids decorated a pumpkin.  They got some candy and pizza.  We also got a lot of empty shoe boxes to give to all the basketball players Brian is coaching.  Brian is coaching the 2nd grade boys team and the 1st grade girls team.  Luckily it's at the same time each week.

On Halloween, I was planning on doing trunk or treat at the kids school. Unfortunately it was raining so it was moved indoors which was fine.  I was also in charge of Sydney's class party so I had to help with that.  We played games and read stories.  It was fun!

Brian also took the kids trick or treating at our house.  It was also raining that night.  But once again the kids had fun and got a lot of candy.  I hung out at my neighbors driveway which was fun too.

Austin's football team was in a tournament and they went to the finals.  Unfortunately they lost however it was fun to watch them get there.  Because of all the rain, everything was so muddy.  I had never seen so much mud before!  I had Sydney wear snowsuit just because if she fell in the mud, her clothes would still be clean.  It was a very good idea!