A few weekends ago, we had the consignment sale and prom. We went to the consignment sale on Friday night. We were excited to go but it did not turn out liked we would of liked. Austin kept running away. So Brian was not able to look at any toys. He spent most of the time exploring the hallways of the high school with Austin. He even ended up taking him to the gym to see a basketball tournament being played. Sydney got heavy and fussy after a while so it was difficult for me to look at clothes. There were not many good big toys either. We were a little disappointed. But I did get a lot of desperately needed clothes for Sydney.
Saturday morning I went back to the consignment sale with my friend Mara. She had never been there before so it was good to go with her. I helped her pick up some things. Mara's daughter, Alexa, is 2.5 months older than Sydney.
Then I came home and got ready to go back to the consignment sale to work. To be able to sell at the sale you must work a three hour shift. I worked 11-2. I was placing stickers in the book. It was a little intense for about an hour but then it was fine.
After the consignment sale, I came home and got ready for the Prom. I have been working with Austin's and Sydney's school on their Prom. So I needed to get there early to set up. Brian stayed at home and got the kids dressed. Then they came up.
Again Prom was not exactly what we expected. It was fun, but Austin ran around the entire time. We have to understand the he is a toddler and likes to run around but we really wanted him to sit for a few minutes to at least eat. It was nice to see everyone dressed up. Lauren, Brian's cousin, made cupcakes for it. They were delicious. It was an adventurous night out as a family.
Then on Sunday, we decided to change Austin into a toddler bed. Brian and Austin took apart his bed before nap. They put up his toddler rail. Austin loves doing projects with his daddy. Austin loved it because he knew he could get out whenever he wanted. It took Brian and I 1.5 hours to get him to finally go to sleep in his toddler bed. This was going to be a challenge. That night it took us about 45 minutes to get him to sleep.
Every nap time and bed time is a challenge. Before the toddler bed, we would put Austin in his crib, he would play and put himself to sleep. Now he continues to get out of his bed. He also wants us in the room while he falls asleep. We are hoping it will get better with time. He usually goes to sleep in about 30 minutes. Austin now falls out of bed a lot too. Brian then puts him back to bed. Austin doesn't really wake up when this happens. We are looking into a larger toddler rail. It is hard to believe that Austin is no longer in a crib. Time went by so fast.
Brian took this photo of Sydney outside. He really loves it because if you zoom in on her eye, you can clearly see him, the camera, and the stroller all in its reflection. It is pretty cool.

Sydney continues to crawl everywhere. She loves to stand up now too. She will stand up in her crib within minutes When we are on the floor, she will crawl all over us and stand up next to us. She has two bottom teeth. Her top teeth are starting to come in too. It seems like she was just born and now she is becoming a big girl too.

We realized this summer Austin will be 2.5 years old and Sydney will be 1. That seems unbelievable I no longer have a lot of baby stuff. It is kind of sad but it's also exciting because as they get older we can do more and more fun things. The weather was be beautiful. We have been walking every night. Austin plays outside a lot. He got a cozy coupe car and bike. Austin helped Brian put the cozy coupe together. Brian is making plans to build a swing set in the backyard. I am super excited about that. I think Austin is going to love it! Austin talks about it a lot and always wants to go in the backyard to look. He keeps telling dad to build the swingset as though it would take 5 minutes and he'd have one.

You can see Sydney's bottom teeth now as this photo shows. This explains why she had been a little fussy recently. She was fussy for unexplainable reasons again this week for a couple of nights. We now can see at least 1 of her top teeth just starting to break through the surface too. Soon she'll be ready to eat foods like Austin!