Austin's best friend Kaitlyn turned two that weekend too. We went to her party. Kaitlyn lives a block from us. We see her and her parents also every night. They walk around the block and then play outside until we get to their house. Then Austin and Kaitlyn play outside for 15-20 minutes before we finish our evening walks. We love our walks. It is really the only time Brian and I talk. Austin and Sydney enjoy their stroller ride. Austin has become very talkative so sometimes Brian and I don't talk as much because he's talking too. Kaitlyn's party was a lot of fun! It was really hot but we still had a great time.
This weekend went went down to Cincinnati. We left Thursday after work around 4 pm and drove down. It wasn't too bad of a drive. Austin is a good traveler. Sydney slept most of the way which worked out perfectly. We stopped for dinner at A&W root-beer. Before kids, we use to go there all the time. It was our favorite summertime restaurant. Now we don't go at all. It would be too hard with Sydney in her car seat. This A&W had an inside though so it worked out.

We arrived at our hotel in downtown around 9 pm. I was happy to finally get there. Austin helped us get our things into the hotel. We looked out our window and there were fireworks. We had a great view. It was fun to watch them with the kids. We got settled in and went to sleep.
Brian had to work all day. I was hoping to meet my friend down there but she had to work Friday too. So I decided to take the kids the the children's museum. The Cincinnati children's museum is very nice. It is much better than Cleveland's. We finally got there around 11 am. First we dropped Brian off at work. Then went to Walmart to buy Brian a belt since I forgot to pack one. Austin was not very good in Walmart. I was nervous it was going to be a terrible day. Then he had a poopy explosion so I cleaned him up and went back to the hotel for some "pink stuff". Pink stuff is Pinxav which we think is the best diaper cream. Then I nursed Sydney. We were finally ready to go to the museum. Being alone with the kids in a strange environment is a little overwhelming at times.
We got there and it was a little bit of a walk from the parking lot. Obviously I have to carry Sydney. Austin walked until he got distracted and wanted to stop and look at everything. I was getting annoyed since Sydney and the diaper bag where getting heavy. Finally we made it inside. There was an escalator going down but Austin was scared of it. So we walked down the stairs and finally I had lost my patience and I carried him the rest of the way. He was screaming. I was thinking "Great I am taking the kids to this great museum and he's crying. Why didn't I stay at the hotel". But once he got inside, he loved it! We had a great time. We were there until 1:30pm. By that time, we were hungry and tired. I thought about eating lunch there and going back but I did not want to do that alone. I drove back by the hotel and stopped at the McDonald's drive thru and picked up lunch. We went back into our hotel and had lunch and took a nap.
After nap we picked up Brian from work. We came back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. We were going over to a guy's house that Brian works with. I was a little nervous about this because our kids are active and don't like to sit still long. I was worried they would ruin something at their house. Luckily the gathering was basically outside. It worked out very well. We had packed some balls so the kids played with them and everyone had fun.

On Saturday morning we were in the hotel and Sydney decided to take her first steps alone without holding on to anything. It was so great to see her start walking. We were all very excited. She was 11 months when she started walking. She is trying so hard to do everything Austin does. And she will be soon!
We were suppose to meet my friend and her family at the zoo but it was raining so we decided to go to the Children's museum again. Her son was sick and they could not come. So the 4 of us went and had a great time again. After the museum, we drove home. We wanted to get home. There was still a lot of work that needed to get done on the swing set. Plus Melissa was coming into town.
The drive wasn't too bad but Sydney slept for most of it. Austin is a great traveller in the car. We hope Sydney will get better once her car seat can turn forward facing.
Brian has worked so hard on building this swing set for the kids. I don't know how many hours he has spent on it but it's a lot. For some weeks, Brian has been working on it after work in the evening, then he stops and puts Austin to bed, and then he goes back outside and works on it until midnight using spotlights to see. Brian has basically built this swing set by himself. My dad has helped on the weekends which was very nice. And Brian's mom and Mike helped with the yellow slide which was great that weekend. Jonathan helped for a weekend too when he was in town which worked out nicely for any heavy lifting that was needed. Everyone's help was greatly appreciated but Brian has been working on it everyday, many late nights, and every weekend all summer long! He is exhausted but he knows it's for the kids so it will be worth it.