Brian made a video that highlights various clips from our trip. Here's a link if you want to check it out:
We flew out of Akron Canton on Monday morning. This was Sydney's first airplane ride. I was really nervous on how she would do but she did good all in all. We just had to continuously entertain her. Austin did fantastic. He had his Kindle with Mickey Mouse headphones we got for the trip and played on it most of the trip. I also had activities like a Magna Doodle and coloring that they did too. Sydney also enjoyed playing with the plastic cups with ice. The airplane ride was less than 2.5 hours so it was tolerable.
We arrived in Orlando and the Disney Bus took us to our hotel. Sydney fell asleep which was nice. It was about a 40 minute bus ride to the Art of Animation. We checked into our hotel and walked around. The resorts are huge. It was a 7-8 minute walk from the hotel lobby to our room and we did not have the furthest room. The kids played on the playground. We ate dinner and then went to bed. We were tired from a long day of traveling.
On Tuesday we went to the Magic Kingdom. I had some things planned out but also really wanted to do whatever the kids felt like doing. Sydney woke up at 5 am which that woke up Austin and neither would go back to bed no matter how hard we tried. Once arriving to the Magic Kingdom, Brian took some pictures of the kids by the castle. Austin and Sydney hugged each other which was a cute picture. Then we walked around. Sydney fell asleep in the stroller since she woke up so early. We decided to take Austin on some rides.
First he rode Dumbo. Brian took him first and he loved it. Then I took him. It was fun. Then we saw a little roller coaster next to Dumbo. We thought we would give it a try. Brian took him first. I am not a huge fan of roller coasters and I knew that Brian would make it fun. It was best that Brian took him. Austin loved it! Austin probably rode that ride 6 times between the two days we were there. Brian took some cool pictures of it too!
Once Sydney woke up we went and saw Goofy and Donald Duck. Then we went and saw Mickey Mouse. This was the first time Austin got to see Mickey. He was shy. I think he still really liked seeing him though. We had lunch at the park and then went back to our hotel for nap. We realized that it's easier for everyone if the kids take a nap in the stroller instead of nap in the small hotel room. Neither of them wanted to sleep even though they were exhausted.

On Wednesday we were originally planned to go to Hollywood Studios but decided to do Animal Kingdom because we thought it would be a shorter day. It was a crazy day. Austin locked the safe in the room and we did not know what code he entered (nor what he put in it, he just told us he was "cooking" something). Brian forgot his wrist band but luckily the card in his wallet worked to enter the park. It wasn't a good start to the day. Plus everyone was up at 5 am again! Once arriving to Animal Kingdom we rushed over to the safari ride. The wait wasn't long so we did that. We got to see some animals and the kids seemed to enjoy it.
After that we took a train to the petting zoo part. Austin wanted to ride a train so it worked out. At the petting zoo, Sydney enjoyed petting the animals. Austin was more interested in using the brush to brush the bench and not the animals. There was a character we took our picture with too.
On Thursday we went back to the Magic Kingdom. It was extra magic hours so we got in an hour before the park opened since we stayed at a Disney Hotel. It was nice not having a ton of people around. We went back to the ride section and Austin rode rides while Sydney took a nap in the stroller. Again we were up at 5 am so by 9 am she was pretty tired. Then it was time for Chef Mickeys. I made reservations for this months ago. I knew this way Austin would get to see Mickey Mouse. We went for late breakfast because it was cheaper.
After nap time, we again went back to the Magic Kingdom. We went to Adventureland since we had not been there before. We rode on the Aladdin ride and went up in the Swiss Family Robinson House. We walked around the park and ate dinner. After dinner we wanted to ride a jungle cruise boat but it was closed. So we found more rides like the tea cups, Winnie the Pooh, and the carousal. Then it was almost 9 pm and we had to get back to our hotel. We really enjoyed our days at the Magic Kingdom.
The Art of Animation was having bus issues that night. We had to wait a very long time in line for a bus. It was annoying but the kids did really well. Once on the bus, Sydney had to scream herself to sleep but it was understandable for what she had to wait for. We were glad when we finally made it back.
On Friday, we went to Hollywood Studios. We first went and saw the Disney Junior Live show. Austin did not like it at first but as the show went on he did. Then we went and saw Mickey Mouse again. We learned that we have to keep a hold of Austin's hands or they will be in his mouth for all pictures. That was the last time he would see Mickey on this trip. I thought it was impressive the number of times we saw Mickey Mouse. Then we went on a behind the scene tour of a movie set (the Backlot tour). Because half of the tour was a ride the kids liked it. They did not do as well just sitting an watching sometime. There were explosives and they did not mind it. It was kind of cool. Then we ate some lunch.
After lunch the kids took a nap in the stroller again. We did some shopping. We got them some T-shirts. They never asked for anything while there except Mickey Mouse balloons on the street. Every time we would pass them, Sydney would scream. She just likes balloons. We knew we couldn't take it home so they never got a balloon. We saw a girl at the airport give her balloon away to someone who just arrived going to Disney World which we thought was an excellent idea. Maybe next time.
After nap, we tried to see the Disney Jr Live Show again but Austin freaked out so we left. There was something in the beginning of the show he did not like. We got ice cream instead. They loved it! Then the kids found a fountain to drop pennies in. Austin showed Sydney how to do it. They had fun doing that.
We decided to go back to our hotel and let the kids swim if they wanted. Of course they did. Brian took both of them so I could pack a little bit. Then I met them there. It was a little chilly but they loved the water. Afterwards we had dinner, went for a walk around our hotel, and went to bed.

The trip home was uneventful. Austin did great on the plane with his Kindle and headphones. Sydney did well too. She would play with ice and toys. When she would get upset a sucker would cure that. We are lucky we have two great travelers!
We learned a lot about Disney on this trip. We will probably not pay for a dining plan again. We will go when they offer a free one. We will never go in the summer. It would be too hot and crowded. It is nice to stay on Disney's property and not have to rent a car. With the meal plans, I don't need to pack so much food. We are not big fans of the sit down dinning because it seems to take away time you could be spending in the parks. The Magic Kingdom is fantastic for little kids. The other parks, not so much. The next question is, when will we go back?