Thursday, 28 February 2019

Winter Fun

In February the kids finished up basketball.  Sydney just practiced on Friday nights with a small group of girls.  She liked it but definitely did not love it.  Austin loves basketball but his behavior with Brian coaching is bad.  There was a lot of crying and struggling but finally during the end it was a little better.  Austin would practice Friday and Saturdays.  Brian coached both of them.  Basketball is their sport.

Austin also played futsal this winter on Sundays.  He enjoyed that.  Austin is good at soccer but with flag football being in the fall he doesn't play soccer as much anymore.

Sydney continues to have piano lessons once a week.  She loves the lessons but she hasn't been practicing as much at home.

We have been skiing almost every weekend.  Austin absolutely loves it.  He has went down every hill at Boston Mills and Brandywine.  He is not afraid of anything.  Sydney loves skiing too but is a bit more cautious.  I took a lesson and I can now manage the bunny hill.  It's a fun winter activity.

In February, I put up hearts on their doors with messages for them.  Sydney remembered it from last year and requested I do it again.  Austin actually wanted circles on his door and not hearts.  Each day they got a positive message.

Sydney's earring has gotten infected. We have been dealing with it for several weeks and trying to manage at home.   It's been a nightmare.  I even took her to the doctors when nothing seemed to work.  They gave her an antibiotic cream.  We took her earring out for several days.  However then the back closed up.  But Brian did manage to get the earring back in after it healed a bit.  It's finally doing good again.  Let's hope it stays that way.

School work comes easy for Sydney.  She loves school and likes being challenged.  She's now in enrichment Math and Reading.  It is good because it keeps her busy.  Austin is now is speech class in school to work with his 'r" and "th" sound.  Austin is in enrichment Math.  He is challenged in reading and English.  Each morning at school, he does an English sheet.  They are challenging for him.  He redoes the ones he misses on the weekends.

Brian has been working on the bathroom downstairs.  It's a lot of work and he's having the kids help him.  It will be nice when it's completed but I am not enjoying the mess. 

On Super Bowl Sunday, the lights started flickering.  Brian realized it was just our house.  We had to call the electric company to come out.  They shut off our 240 line so it was nice that we still had electricity.  But I didn't have a dryer.  It was difficult to find a electrician to fix it.  Finally after 10 days we had our 240 line fixed.