Saturday, 17 August 2019

Austin's Surgery

Right before school started, Austin got his 4th set of ear tubes.  We still can't believe he needed yet other set of ear tubes.  We had the surgery done at a local community hospital.  However his surgery time was not until 1pm.  We felt so bad that his surgery was so late.  He was able to have water and clear liquids until 10am but nothing after that.  And no food.  We allowed him to stay up late on Thursday night in hopes he would sleep in on Friday.  As expected, Austin did not sleep in.  He's always up early!

Austin didn't seem to mind that he was having surgery.  He was pretty okay with no food either.  He would let us know that he was hungry but that's about it.  Brian promised him whatever he wanted after surgery.  There was a chance they would take his adenoids out but the doctor said they weren't large so they weren't removed.

The surgery was quick as expected and he recovered quickly and we were discharged within an hour after surgery.  Once we got home, we got Sydney and all went to Denny's for all you can eat pancakes.  Austin was so excited.

We hope this helps his hearing and that it is his last set of tubes!

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

August Fun

Our favorite camp ground is Yogi Bear in Uniontown.  We usually go there once a year in August.  That is always Sydney's request due to her birthday month.  They have so many kids activities like gaga ball, slides, playground.  And they have a great pool and putt putt golfing.  We always have a great relaxing weekend there.

  This summer we only camped twice.  And we had so much fun at Yogi Bear, we decided to make reservations for the next weekend as well.  The bummer was I had to work so I came home Friday night and worked Saturday.  But then came back down Saturday evening.  The kids had a great time with chocolate weekend.  They played chocolate kick ball.  They had fun with candy bingo too.  It was a another great weekend to close out summer.

We also went to the drive in as much as possible.  The kids saw Angry Birds, Toy Story, Aladdin and Lion King all at the drive in this year.

We also made it to waterworks water park.  It's a fun water park for them.  They went with some friends so that worked out great!

August also means the start of fall sports.  Austin is playing flag football again this year.  Sydney is playing soccer.  They means the craziness begins with practice during the weeks and games on Saturdays.

A friend invited Sydney and I to goat yoga.  The morning of I could not believe I was doing this.  Having goats walk all over me and maybe go to the bathroom near or on me did not sound fun!  Luckily they mostly kept their distance from me and Sydney had a great time!

August is always sad because summer is coming to an end.  Sydney is always excited because it's her birthday month.  But Brian and I love summer and having the kids home with no school schedule.  But all good things must come to an end!