Friday, 29 November 2019

November Fun

At the beginning of November, we had teacher conferences.  We are always worried about Austin since he’s had trouble hearing but so far things are going well. He’s also getting all the special help he needs to hopefully catch back up.  Sydney’s conference was quick and easy.  It appears things come easier for her.

Winter sports also started.  Sydney decided she wanted to play indoor soccer at a local soccer club with some friends. She had to try out and made the team.    Austin started basketball with Brian coaching.  This year they will play games against different schools so that’s fun.  Austin continues to play tennis once a week.  Sydney continues to go to piano lessons once a week.  To say we are busy is an understatement. 

Brian also had to go to China for a week for his big build at work.  The kids are always sad when he leaves.  We kept busy with all the activities though. And before we knew it, he was back home. 
Once he got back from China, he spent the weekend putting up Christmas lights.  It’s always a time consuming project.  He kept him awake and the weather wasn’t bad.  They were put up that weekend. 

I hosted Thanksgiving again this year.  My mom came over.  I made the traditional Thanksgiving menu with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, and cranberry sauce.  Thanksgiving is Austin’s favorite meal of the year.  He loves it!  Sydney got a GI virus the Wednesday before and we were worried we would have to postpone Thanksgiving.  Luckily it was a quick virus and she was fine by Thursday.  However Sydney doesn’t like the food like Austin.  I think she only had dinner rolls and corn. 

Thanksgiving evening we went to see Frozen II at the movies.  It was very good movie.  We all liked it.  We think it’s better than the first one. 

We found out that Brian is lactose intolerant.  We also had Sydney tested too. She is also lactose intolerant.  We are trying to avoid milk products however that’s been a challenge for her.  Most of the foods she like has lactose in it.  She has started on almond milk with no issues.  I hope once things calm down I’ll be able to figure out stuff she can eat.  She doesn’t like the chewable lactaid pills and she can’t swallow the pills.  So she knows if she eats something with milk, she’ll have a bellyache. 
Some girls from girls scouts and the moms went to see the Nutcracker.  Some second graders were in it.  It was very cute. 

Friday, 1 November 2019

October Fun

October has lots of fun fall activates.  This year,  the kids loved the drive in.  With it closing soon, we made sure we took them to see the Addams family.  We saw it too weekends in a row because one was trunk or treat.  It was so much fun for the kids.  Drive in twice for Addams family.

Austin finished up flag football.  He's had a great 3 years of flag football but this year is the last year.  Next year, kids play tackle football.  Austin is not interested.  The last year was nice because his team won the championship. 

Sydney finished up outdoor fall soccer.  She has fallen in love with soccer.  It's definitely her sport.  Some of her friends are doing an indoor league.  We signed her up for that.  It's going to be a busy winter. 

We took the kids to boo at the zoo.  They still love going so we made sure we took them.  This year, Austin was a tube man and Sydney was princess Jasmine.  We also went trick or treating at my mom's house.  The weather was so terrible this year.  I didn't even go out in it.  Brian took the kids in the cold rain for 2 hours.  He's such a great dad! 

With football being done, Austin has picked back up on tennis.  He goes on Sundays.  He enjoys it.  There was some talk about Sydney trying tennis too but she decided to stick with soccer. 

I took the kids to treat or treating at the Q (Rocket Mortgage Field house but i like the Q better).  Brian was at a coaches basketball meeting so he couldn't come.  We met Jordan Clarkson.  They did a few crafts and got some treats. 

Brian has taken Austin to some Cavs games.  We only have 2 seats to half the season this year.  It works out with the kids busy school and activity schedules. 

On Halloween, the kids had truck or treat at school which I did with another mom.  It's fun to see them.  Then I did Sydney's classroom party.  Then Brian took them trick or treating around our neighborhood with the neighbors.