At the beginning of November, we had teacher conferences. We are always worried about Austin since he’s had trouble hearing but so far things are going well. He’s also getting all the special help he needs to hopefully catch back up. Sydney’s conference was quick and easy. It appears things come easier for her.
Winter sports also started.
Sydney decided she wanted to play indoor soccer at a local soccer club
with some friends. She had to try out and made the team. Austin started basketball with Brian
coaching. This year they will play games
against different schools so that’s fun.
Austin continues to play tennis once a week. Sydney continues to go to piano lessons once
a week. To say we are busy is an understatement.
Brian also had to go to China for a week for his big build at work. The kids are always sad when he leaves. We kept busy with all the activities though. And before we knew it, he was back home.
Once he got back from China, he spent the weekend putting up
Christmas lights. It’s always a time
consuming project. He kept him awake and
the weather wasn’t bad. They were put up
that weekend.
I hosted Thanksgiving again this year. My mom came over. I made the traditional Thanksgiving menu with
turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, and cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving is Austin’s favorite meal of the
year. He loves it! Sydney got a GI virus the Wednesday before
and we were worried we would have to postpone Thanksgiving. Luckily it was a quick virus and she was fine
by Thursday. However Sydney doesn’t like
the food like Austin. I think she only
had dinner rolls and corn.
Thanksgiving evening we went to see Frozen II at the movies. It was very good movie. We all liked it. We think it’s better than the first one.
We found out that Brian is lactose intolerant. We also had Sydney tested too. She is also
lactose intolerant. We are trying to avoid
milk products however that’s been a challenge for her. Most of the foods she like has lactose in
it. She has started on almond milk with
no issues. I hope once things calm down I’ll
be able to figure out stuff she can eat.
She doesn’t like the chewable lactaid pills and she can’t swallow the
pills. So she knows if she eats something
with milk, she’ll have a bellyache.
Some girls from girls scouts and the moms went to see the
Nutcracker. Some second graders were in
it. It was very cute.