Monday, 16 March 2020

Start of the Coronavirus in Ohio - March 2020

For spring break we were supposed to go to Japan. We have been monitoring the situation in Asia over the Coronavirus.  With the large number of cases, we weren’t sure what was going to happen.  Suddenly on March 11 everything changed for us here in Ohio.  Our governor declared all schools closed for 3 weeks.  Because of our spring break, our school is closed for 5 weeks. 

With the coronavirus situation in Europe right now, it’s clear we are in for some trouble to come.  It’s very likely the kids will not be going to school for the rest of this school year.  Times are changing for us quickly and significantly.  There’s no more school. There’s no more sports or practices. There are no more birthday parties. There are no more social gatherings. Bars and restaurants are closed for eat in. There are words like social distancing that we had never had to deal with before.  It’s completely new and overwhelming.

Brian made me prepare for this weeks ago.  We have plenty of food (at least I think so, Brian thinks we could have more). I went to the library and got lots of books and movies.  Kids are playing with trains, cars, and legos that they haven’t played with in a long time.   The kids are still playing outside.  It’s been muddy but weather has been pleasant for March.   Brian purchased supplies to redo our bathroom upstairs. I am excited to get that done. 

It’s really a whole new world for so many people.  We are doing are part by avoiding others as much as possible.  Hanging out at home as a family. Limited electronics and playing like the good old days.  The next few weeks are definitely going to be challenging.