Austin went on his first vacation this week. We left early Friday morning at 3:30am. I woke up at 2am and pumped and got ready. Then Austin woke up so we got him ready and we left for Myrtle Beach.
I realized that Austin has a lot of stuff that we needed to pack for him. We wanted him to have all of his comforts from home. So we had to pack the Boppy, bouncer, and play gym. Plus of course his diapers, changing pads, lots of clothes, and all the breast milk. I am so glad we have a small SUV instead of a little car because everything barely fit in our Ford Escape.

When we left the house, I sat up in the front seat with Brian and we talked. We only got a few hours of sleep so we were both tired but talking helped keep us awake. We stopped for gas in the morning around 7am then I moved to the back seat so I could feed Austin in his car seat. About an hour later, we stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. We took Austin out of his car seat and let him play on the table in McDonalds. We covered it with blankets and Brian’s coat so he was not exposed to germs. We wanted him to get some exercise since he had to spend so much time in his car seat. While I was ordering, people came and talked to Brian. It is funny that strangers will come up to him when he's alone with Austin. Everyone loves Austin. People don't seem to stop by when the mom is there though.

We also stopped for lunch at Wendy’s and did the same thing as McDonalds. It really worked out well. Brian was also really nice and got his play mat gym out and set it up in the backseat of our car so Austin could play in the parking lot for a little bit. Austin loved it!

It took us 12 ½ hours to get to Myrtle Beach. We stayed at Auntie Melissa’s and Uncle Bear’s house for the first few nights. We basically moved into their house. They quickly realized how much stuff little Austin has. Austin slept in our room in his pack and play. We did not know how he would like sleeping in his pack and play but he slept fine. The only thing is he makes a lot of noises in his sleep. So it was hard for us to ignore all of his crazy noises throughout the night but we got better as the week went on.

Saturday night Melissa, Jonathan, Brian and I went to a murder mystery dinner at the House of Blues. It was a lot of fun! Grandma babysat Austin for us. It was a great night. Melissa is crazy. The two people next to her were murdered. She got to interview the woman for a while. It was so funny!

On Saturday and Sunday morning we went to Dino’s for breakfast. We took Austin and he was so good. Everyone there loved him. It is amazing how good of a baby Austin is. We are truly blessed.

On Monday morning we moved over to Brian’s mom house. Austin took over another house. On Monday, we went to Broadway on the beach and walked around with Grandma and Uncle Bear. Austin had a lot of fun. Brian carried him around so he could see everything. Austin even sat on his first dinosaur. After that we went to Auntie Melissa’s and Grandpa Mike’s work to say hello.

After Auntie Melissa got home from work, we all went to the beach with Austin. This was Austin’s first trip to the beach. The temperature outside was around 80 however it was extremely windy so it felt much cooler. The water was also a little cool but we thought it was okay to put Austin’s feet in the water. We were surprised that he did not mind it at all. He liked it. We got some family pictures at the beach.

We had a lot of fun in Myrtle Beach visiting everyone. Austin really liked his trip and took a lot of things in. You can tell he is absorbing everything he sees and does. In fact on Tuesday we basically slept all day and night because we had wore him out so much. While we were there, Austin turned over from his stomach to his back for the first time (April 1). It was exciting!

It took us a little less than 12 hours to get home. We left around 2:30am after Austin woke up. It was nice because Grandma got Austin all ready while we packed up the car and I pumped. We were amazed how quickly things went when we did not have to get Austin ready too. We have learned it takes us much longer when we have to get Austin ready too.

Austin slept most of the way home. In fact, he got at 730am and ate a bottle in his car seat and did not get back up until 930am. Then we stopped at McDonalds again for breakfast. Since we were making such good time, we did not stop for lunch. We did stop at a rest area. Brian got Austin’s play mat out again and put it on a picnic table so he could play for a little bit. It was a nice day out so he enjoyed it.

We are now home and all a little tired. Brian and I got very little sleep again last night. Austin is getting use to being back home and sleeping in his crib. We all hope to get a good night's sleep.