Today we were in Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas. It is NCL’s private island. Once Austin woke up we went to breakfast in the dining room since last night went so well. Again all the staff there was all over Austin. It is so cute. After breakfast we went to the under 2 zoo. It is a play area for children under two. It was nice to get out of our stateroom and let him play. The staterooms are small as it is let alone put a crib and stroller it in, they are really small. Austin does not have any room to play.
At the under two zoo, we met two babies with their parents. It was nice talking with them. We learned about rearranging our cabin to make more space. They kids played and had fun. Austin enjoyed crawling all around. They could not believe Austin was only about 7 months. He is big for his age. Also that he crawls so much and his able to stand with little assistance. The other babies were 12 and 20 months.
After playtime, Austin took a little nap. After his nap, we got ready to go ashore for a while. We have to tender but luckily it worked out find. He packed up the stroller and diaper bag and got on the tender boat. It was like 10-minute tender ride to shore. Once we got to shore, we went swimming.
Austin loves water. Austin was splashing like crazy. He had to get salt water in his eyes but he did not care. He kept on playing. He sat on the beach and the water would come up and splash him. He loved it. We got our picture taken in the water as a family. It was fun!
After about 15 minutes playing in the water, we got out and found some shade. We knew Austin could not be in the sun very long. We got Austin all cleaned up and sat him in his stroller in the shade. Brian and I had some lunch. Then we went back to the ship for naptime.
After naptime, we got ready for dinner. Before dinner we got some pictures taken of all of us. The wait staff in the dining room is fantastic. One waitress was even feeding Austin. We cannot believe how much attention little Austin gets. It is fun to watch. Austin seems to like it too. It seems like everyone in the dining room knows Austin.
After dinner we went for our normal evening walk. We walked around the track until Austin let us know it was bedtime. We went back and put Austin to bed. Then Brian and I sat on our balcony and ate cookies and cocoa. It was a wonderful night.
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