Last Sunday night, we went out to dinner with Grandma and my parents. We went to Steak and Shake. Austin had fun seeing everyone. They even gave Austin a hat to wear. He looked so cute. We are experts at taking him out to dinner now. I pack up is rice cereal and vegetables and fed him while we eat. I am surprised how easy it is. The puffs really help keep him entertained too. Austin has gotten much better at eating (less messy too). Now he opens his mouth when he sees food coming unless of course he does not want any.

On Labor Day, we went to the Taste of Hudson. We went last year and it was a lot of fun. Last year, I was pregnant and I would look at all the babies and think that will be us next year. And here we are, there with a baby. The weather has cooled down significantly. I had to put Austin in a jacket. We had fun though. Brian even got Austin a balloon. He really enjoyed playing with his balloon.
After the Taste of Hudson, we did our weekly grocery shopping. Austin all most always goes grocery shopping with us. Brian and I would grocery shop together before Austin and now we just bring him. He now sits in the top of the cart like a big boy. He enjoys seeing everything. This time he stayed in his stroller since we walked to the store from taste of Hudson.

On Wednesday night, I was preparing his bath water.

Brian was downstairs watching Austin. Austin crawled to the stairs. Then he started to climb them. Brian yelled for me to come quick. He has been trying to climb them for a few weeks but has not been successful until Wednesday night. He climbed 4 stairs! Apparently Brian helped him lift his leg to see if he could even reach the step. Brian thought it was too far for him to stretch. Brian was wrong. He set Austin back down and then Austin (now with insight into the process) crawled right back to the stairs and did it on his own. He is growing up so fast!
Here is a funny video we made highlighting Austin's accomplishment:

This week he has been better at taking naps. I talked with daycare to find out how they do it. They give him his blanket near his face so he can cuddle with it. They also rock the crib a little bit. His crib at home is too big to rock so we can't do that but I have started giving him his blanket. I also really try to keep with the same schedule as daycare. He gets 3 naps a day. One after breakfast, one around lunch time and one around 3-4pm. The last on of the day is usually the longest of 2 hours. The other naps are usually around an hour.
This Saturday Austin starts swimming class. He enjoys water so he should like swimming. I am excited about this.
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