Wednesday 7 December 2011

Happy Ba-Ba Birthday Amy! (10 ½ months)

Austin favorite words right now are ba ba. We are not sure what they mean but he loves to say it! Austin is also good at saying da da. He does not realize that Brian is dada yet but he is getting close. He kind of says mama but not often and has no idea that I am mama.

Austin also learned to clap his hands this week. I have been working with him for a while now to clap his hands and he has finally done it. Brian and I were very excited. He sometimes recognizes the word "clap" and will do it. Austin loves to walk around with his push walker. It is really cute. He also loves chewing on everything so many times he will have a teething toy in his mouth as he walks around. Austin is so cute!

For my birthday we went out to dinner at Parason’s. I love Italian food. It was nice. Then we went back to my parent’s house for cake and ice cream. Austin and I blew out the candles together. The next time we sing happy birthday it will be to Austin. I am very excited about his birthday. I can’t believe he is going to be a year old. Time really does go by too fast!

Last week, I mailed out our Christmas cards. We went to Hobby Lobby to get some props for Austin’s picture. I love that we have a photo studio in our house. When Austin is happy we can set it up and we get great pictures. As you can see Austin’s Christmas picture is very cute!

We are starting our Christmas shopping. I can’t wait for Christmas. Christmas is going to be so fun with Austin! We are so lucky because he is a happy baby. He loves to play and have attention. On Christmas he will have all the attention. We will be able to watch him eat the wrapping paper (of course I won’t let him but he will certainly try).

Austin now has 8 teeth. He loves to eat puffs and Cheerios. He still eats stage 2 baby food although he is starting to have chopped up fruits more and more. He usually has three servings of fruits a day and one serving of vegetables. He also has baby cereal for breakfast and dinner. He always loves yogurt. He must have gotten that from me because Brian is not a fan of yogurt. I eat yogurt everyday.

Austin has been taking his naps easily these days. I love it. The only issue is sometimes the evening nap does not go well. When he gets home from daycare he is tired. Usually he is asleep in the car seat. I try to bring him in the house and directly to his crib to finish his nap but he usually does not sleep long. Then he is cranky in the evening because he is tired.

Also Austin has another ear infection. He has had 4 of them now. He will not take his medicine in milk any longer. He does not like the taste and he will not drink it. So we have to give it to him in the syringe. At first it was terrible. Austin would scream and cry and it was very difficult to get it in him. He is getting better everyday with it. Most recently, he has come to accept the inevitability of it all and will sit there and reluctantly cooperate and take his medicine without being forced. Thank goodness. I hold him and Brian gives him the medicine. It has been working out better. Hopefully he will not have any more ear infections for a while.

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