I have been really excited about Austin's birthday. I have been working on his birthday party for about 3 months. The first birthday is so special. I have three pages in his baby book to fill out about his first birthday. Brian took some really great pictures of Austin at his party.

I tried putting Austin to nap around 9am before I had to leave for my parent's house. He was not happy. I had to leave Brian with an unhappy Austin

My mom and I set everything up for the party while my dad went every where to pick up things and make soup and chili. Luckily my mom and I got everything set up pretty quickly. Then Brian and Austin got there around 11am. We wanted Austin to get warmed up to the place before his party.

Then guests started to arrive. Austin was shy at first however he did give a few smiles even early on. We fed Austin lunch and even let him have some pizza crust. He really liked his pizza crust. After everyone ate, Austin opened his presents. It was great because there were two other kids there (Nathan and Hailey) that helped Austin open his gifts. Austin really enjoyed opening his gifts. Hailey even read Austin his cards. It was perfect. Austin got a lot of really nice things.

Usually I don't like messes and don't like Austin to get dirty but for his birthday I did not care. I wanted him to have fun and enjoy it. His hands were stained green from the frosting from playing in it. But it was cute. He was laughing and having so much fun.

Many people even came up to have their pictures taken with Austin while he was so messy. The best was when great grandma came up and Austin started feeding her his messy hands. It was so cute. They had fun together.
After the party we cleaned up and went home. We were all exhausted but so happy. Brian and I went to a Cavs game Friday night so we were out late the night before his party. It wasn't the best timing but coworkers of Brian wanted to go that night so we went. After the party Austin went to bed a little after 7pm and we both went to bed around 8pm because we were so tired.

Austin really enjoyed his birthday party. Watching him be so happy and playful made all the work for it so worth it. I am considering making a scrapbook of his first birthday. I love to make scrapbooks but it seems like I don't have enough time. I want to spend all my time with Austin. Once he goes to bed though, I am wore out too. It is all about priorities.

Austin now takes about 3-4 steps alone without holding on to anything. He does really well when he thinks he is holding on to something but isn't. If he knows he is by himself then he freaks and sits down right away. He still loves to crawl because it is so fast at it. He can also climb stairs quickly. He can be upstairs in a matter of seconds. We have the lower level gated off but he can go up and down to the upper level whenever he wants. He will often follow one of us up there or sometimes go up there for no reason at all when no one is up there. He's heads straight for the bathroom to go play with the drawers or toilet paper (it's funny because sometimes he'll close the door behind him on his way in to buy himself more time).

Austin's favorite foods are bananas, pancakes, and applesauce. He also eats yogurt and waffles and pureed baby food (green beans, sweet potatoes, and lots of fruits). We are trying different foods but he has not been big fans of sliced pineapple or string cheese.

Our next adventure is we are going to Dallas, Texas to visit my family. We are excited about our trip. We will see how well Austin does on the three hour plane ride. Our last flights went well, but back then Austin was small enough to sleep in our hands. Now he wants to be out and about and on the move. That will be hard on a plane. It will be interesting!

Birthday Videos: