Tuesday 10 January 2012

New Baby on the Way! (preganancy at 6 weeks)

A week before Christmas we took a pregnancy test. We brought a large quality of pregnancy tests when we were trying to get pregnant with Austin online and we still had several left. The pregnancy tests are very simple. When we took the test, the result was unclear. It was not clearly positive, but not clearly negative either. I knew I was pregnant because all the other times I took the test it was negative when I was not pregnant. Plus I was already always nauseous. Brian and I did not know what to think. Obviously we are very excited however we know the first three months with a new baby are a blur where nights and days all become one in a 90 day never ending day.

We always said we wanted two children. Ideally a boy and girl, but two healthy children is the only thing we really want. If we end up with 2 boys, at least there is some overlap with what we've learned from Austin. Now that baby number two is on his/her way though, we are nervous again. Can we handle two babies? What is Austin going to think? This is going to be an adventure. Knowing that I am carrying baby number two makes me feel that our family is now complete.

Melissa named Austin when I was pregnant with "Mattie". She was convinced we were having a girl. Brian and I named this baby Sibby because it's Austin's sibling. I really like the name Sibby. If this is a girl we already have the name picked out but if it's a boy we are going to have to think about it.

We considered telling our family on Christmas about Sibby but decided it was best to wait to make sure everything is okay. Our first doctor's appointment was not until the second week of January.

Brian, Austin, and I went to the first doctor's appointment. They took a bunch of blood and confirmed that I was pregnant. It is something about the doctor telling you the due date that makes it all the more real. We knew that Sibby was due in August but Dr Grossman told us that my due date was August 20. We had an ultrasound that same week to confirm how far along I was. That had me one week earlier in pregnancy so per the ultrasound tech my new due date would be moved back to August 26.  Since the date didn't move by more than 7 days, they don't bother changing it so it will officially remain as August 20.  We are hoping Sibby's birth date will be 8-22-12. That would make Sibby and Austin exactly 19 months apart.

We were hoping to have them a little closer in age, but this is how things worked out. I am exhausted all the time. Plus I have morning sickness which I really can't stand anymore! Between taking care of Austin and working part time, I am completely wore out. I basically go to bed when Austin does now around 8pm. Then I am usually up for an hour or so in the middle of the night. Most days I am up around 5-5:30am to start my day.

Our next doctor's appointment is not until mid February. Let's hope everything continues to look okay then.

First photo of Austin and Sydney together (January 11, 2012).

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