We left at 5am on Friday morning. We had a flight on Air-Tran out of Akron Canton. Akron Canton is the best airport ever. Since it is small the lines are not long. Once inside of security, Austin and Brian played a little bit. Austin really liked the escalator, but Brian wouldn't let him on it (Austin crawled down 3 flights of stairs in an attempt to outsmart Brian and get to the escalator from the other end). Then I tried to fed Austin oatmeal for breakfast but he was too busy to sit still. Brian had to get tags for our stroller and car seat. Austin was running all of the place. An older guy that had been watching us, told Brian that if he had to watch Austin he would be dead by noon. Like our flight, Austin is non-stop!
The flight to Atlanta was uneventful. We had toys and Austin played well on the plane. The flight attendant even gave Austin some animal crackers and he liked that. It was nice because it was only a 1 hour flight. Once we arrived to Atlanta, we got our luggage and rental car. We drove to Connie's which was about an hour drive. Austin slept in the car. It worked out perfectly.
Once at Connie's we visited for a bit. Austin played. Then we went to check in to our hotel which was about 15 minutes away. At the hotel, we tried to get Austin to take a nap but that did not happen. He knew there were way too many things to do. At 5pm we met Connie at her house to go watch Rachel play soccer. We were at the soccer field for about an hour. We really did not get to watch the game because we had to watch Austin. Austin is always into something. After the soccer game, we met Jim for dinner which was about an hour away. We ate at Cracker Barrel for dinner. It worked out perfectly (except that we were eating about 9pm) because Austin loves breakfast foods. He ate some pancakes and he was really happy. We were amazed because it was so past his bedtime. Austin takes playing very seriously and likes seeing people, so despite being very tired he was happy. We went back to the hotel and to get some sleep.
Austin kicked back and enjoyed being out past his bedtime,
but he crashed when he got back to the hotel!
In the middle of the night, Austin woke up coughing. He coughed so much that it made him vomit. There was vomit everywhere and poor Brian had to clean it up. I can't still the smell of vomit right now being pregnant. We went though all the towels and bedding in the room. In the morning, we got some more. Austin acted fine and was happy as can be aside from the incident.
Saturday morning we went to Connie's. I did some laundry and then we went to watch the boys play soccer. Austin fell asleep in the car so I stayed in the car with him while he napped and Brian watched the soccer games. It was a beautiful weekend down there. The weather was perfect. Once Austin woke up I met them and finished watching the games. There was playground there so the kids played on that afterwards. Then we went back to their house. Micheal and Brian went to watch Rachel's final championship soccer game. Her team won the tournament. I stayed at home with Austin, Connie and the boys. Connie made dinner and we ate once everyone got home.
Once back at the hotel, we fed Austin and put him in his crib. Again he started coughing and vomited everywhere. Why was this happening? He acted fine all day long but at night once he started coughing we were in trouble.
Sunday morning we all went out to breakfast at the Waffle House. Again Austin liked it. Then we stopped at the store and picked up some things to go to Jim's house for the day. Once at Jim's Austin played outside. He loved it. Jim has a pool and Austin put his feet in the water. It was cold but he did not mind. It was nice because Jim's house had lots of shade. During dinner time, Austin vomited again. It was so hard to know what was going on but I figured he still had an ear infection. That seems to be the classic symptom for Austin when he has a severe infection. He does not run a fever but he will vomit. Again Austin acted fine but just kept getting sick once a day.
After we spent the day at Jim's we said bye to everyone and went back to the hotel. We had an early flight home in the morning. It was a fun weekend in Atlanta.
Austin made it through our last night without an incident. We had hoped this meant he was getting better and the worst was over. We were wrong. On the plane ride home, we gave Austin his last ever morning bottle (we weaned him off of these after we got back from the trip). Usually right after take off we give him a bottle on flights to help his ears and maybe get him to nap. Well soon after his bottle, Austin vomited it all back up. Luckily we were prepared. We had blankets in grocery bags and a change of clothes for Austin ready. We were seated at the back of the plane so right after it happened Brian took Austin to the bathroom and got him cleaned up. Brian had him standing on the toliet with the lid closed while he undressed and dressed him from the aisle (there's hardly any room inside the bathroom itself). Fortunately nobody else was back there at the time. I tried to clean myself and the plane up. I was so glad Brian was there. Immediately after landing, I called the doctor to get Austin an appointment.
Once we got home, Brian went to work. I was cleaning things up (all the vomit on the bags) and then I got sick. It was a nightmare! I barely made it to the bathroom and I mostly went in the sink. That clogged the sink. I felt terrible that Brian would now have to fix the sink. I called my mom to come and help me which thankfully she did. We took Austin to the doctor. He still had a left ear infection. He was started Zithromax.
Once home, Austin started to feel better thank goodness. After this trip, it made me not want to travel for a while. It is a lot of work to pack and travel with a baby especially when he is sick. Plus being pregnant does not help. For the most part, I felt fine except the smell of vomit made me vomit.
The week we were home from Atlanta, I knew I was going to stop his morning bottles. He usually got a bottle around 9am before morning nap time. I want to get him off the bottle before he becomes too dependent on them and it's harder for everyone to stop them. It went so smoothly. Austin really did not miss it. The only issue is that he does not like drinking milk from a cup. He has gotten a little better but still is not the biggest fan. He will drink water from a cup but not really milk. It is so weird.
Then at daycare, I told them if Austin did not want his bottle after lunch he did not have to take it. The next week he was off that bottle too. The most stressful part is getting him to drink milk from a cup. I found a cup that has a straw that he likes and will more likely drink milk from that. As the weeks go on he is drinking more and more milk from the cup.

Austin likes to take our finger now and drag us to whatever he wants. He is kind of funny. He can't really talk yet but he can communicate. It's so cute. He loves playing outside and we have been getting him more outdoor toys to play with. Brian is good at looking a Craig's list and finding some good deals. It is good idea to get used things because one never really knows if he's going to like it or not. This way you don't feel bad if he does not like it.
Next weekend we will be moving Austin into his new room so we can get Sydney's room all ready!