Two weeks ago, it was Memorial Day weekend. Brian and I had a three day weekend and it was great. It seems like our weekends are always so busy and we are always running around. It was really nice to have that extra day together and not have any significant plans.
Saturday morning Austin woke up at 5:30am. I really hate when he starts the day off so early but there was nothing I could do. I just had to get up and start the day. So I decided after breakfast we were going outside to weed and cut bushes. I really hate weeding but unfortunately it needed done. It was nice outside and Austin loves to be outside so it worked out well. Austin and I weeded and had fun until he decided to eat some bird poop. I could not believe he did that. It was only a very small amount but still. So I ran him inside to wash is mouth out and his hands. He does like putting stuff in his mouth but he has been really good at not eating rocks but for some reason he thought bird poop was a good idea. He did not like the taste so he should not be eating that again.
Brian got up and came out to join us for some fun. Brian needed to clean out the gutters so that is what he worked on. Of course, Austin wanted to help him but that was not an option. We worked outside for a bit and then all of a sudden I did not feel very well. Austin and I went into the house and then I needed to go to the bathroom. Brian was on a ladder outside somewhere and I did not have time to get him so Austin came with me to the bathroom. Austin goes to the bathroom with me a lot (especially being pregnant) but when you don't feel good it's really not much fun to keep him entertained too. But I had to do what I needed at that moment.

I was still sick Saturday night and early Sunday morning but I was starting to feel better. We decided to take Austin to see Thomas the Train and the Cuyahoga Valley Railroad. We had never done it before so we wanted to see what it was like. There were all kinds of kids activities. There was balloons so we got Austin an orange fish balloon. He loved it. We went on the train ride. It was a half hour which was just about perfect. Too much longer would be too much work to kept him entertained. It was a nice morning to do it.
Sunday it was really hot so we took Austin swimming at the rec center. We were going to use his pool but it started to thunder so we decided the rec center was best. Austin loves swimming! It was nice because Brian worked out then he came and swam with us. Monday was another really hot day in the 90's. On Monday, we did go swimming in Austin's pool. I love Austin pool. It is the perfect size for him and us too! Monday we kind of relaxed a bit and enjoyed the day.
My parents were in Texas for my nephew Zach's graduation over Memorial Day. We went to Texas in February so we did not go down for the graduation. I felt bad but being pregnant it was best for me to stay close to home. Usually we have a cook out or something on holiday weekends but no one was in town so we just stayed close to home and enjoyed our time together.
Last weekend, my dad painted Sydney's room pink. It looks so good. I love it with the white baseboards and pink walls. Then on Saturday, we went and picked up her dresser. Her dresser is white and looks beautiful. I am getting excited for her arrival. We ordered her crib and that should be in this week. Her room is coming together nicely.
Austin now likes to climb the stairs holding on to your hand. He no longer likes to crawl up or down them. He also loves turning on and off lights. He is an expert at pushing the garage door button too. It is amazing what that little boy can do. He knows where things go and he is always eager to put them there. For example, we keep a wireless keyboard and mouse for our TV under the couch (to hide it from Austin). If we leave it out overnight, first thing in the morning he will gladly put them back under the couch. He knows the TV remotes go on the fireplace. If he sees one out, he goes and puts it away. He loves putting away the dishes from the dishwasher. He puts the silverware in the drawer and likes it if you pick him up so he can put the plates away. He also throws his own diapers away and if its poopy he knows it goes outside in the trash and he walks it out there and throws in the trashcan. I hope he stays our little helper.
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