Thursday, 27 December 2012

Merry Christmas (23 months and 4 months)

The week before Christmas we were busy.  On Tuesday night, Santa came to our house on a fire truck and gave Austin a present.  It is something really neat the city does.  The parents just drop off a gift at the rec center and then Santa delivers it.  We could even watch Santa's location live on the internet so we knew exactly when he was getting close (in case you couldn't hear the sirens).  Austin really like it.  It was funny because later on Christmas Eve when we told Austin that Santa was coming, he kept looking out the window and saying "Fire Truck!"  Brian got some good pictures and made this video.

On Thursday it was the kids Christmas party at school.  Brian and I made sure that we went.  We went to Austin's room first since Sydney and her room can't make cookies and such for their party since they are too young in the infant room.  Austin was happy to see us.  He enjoyed putting sprinkles on his Christmas cookie.  He liked eating all the yummy treats.  The oral prednisone (steroid) made him a little mean and crazy so he was not acting the best at times but he still had fun.  We went to Sydney's room a little later.  Then we took Sydney into Austin's room which worked out too. Austin was excited to see her and held her hand and "walked" her across the room and had her sit down and do the dishes with him.

At the daycare party, Sydney even got her picture taken with Santa. We tried to get Austin for a picture too, but he didn't want any part of Santa so we didn't force it.

It was nice to see the kids at daycare more too and interacting with their teachers and other students.  Normally we only see them for a couple of minutes when we drop them off and pick them up, so it was nice to get more a glimpse into their world away from home at school.

Over the weekend, I wrapped the presents.  Sydney was my little helper elf.  She enjoyed wrapping gifts too.  Then we also made some Christmas cookies.  Austin put sprinkles on all the cookies.  He really liked doing that.  It was cute.  Christmas time is so much fun with the kids.

Also right before Christmas it snowed.  Austin got to play in the snow.  I took the kids shopping and got Austin a snowsuit and boots.  He likes his boot but not so much his snowsuit (although it is growing on him... whatever it takes to go "out-SIDE").  Brian got some good pictures of the kids on the sled (see prior White Christmas Photoshoot post).  Sydney liked the snow too.

I worked Christmas Eve so Brian was home all day with the kids.  He took them to Walmart to get some things for Christmas Eve dinner.  Brian was nice and said he would make dinner for us and my parents.  My parents came over after nap time to help with the kids.  Brian made the same meal as my birthday.  It was really good!  We all had a nice evening.

Christmas morning Austin woke up and we thought he would be excited about the presents under the tree.  He did not seem to notice.  Recently I have let Austin watch Micky Mouse on his Kindle in the mornings.  It is so cold and dark in the mornings I don't feel like playing so early and sometimes I'm feeding Sydney then anyway.  He has been getting up at 6:30 am.  So he was confused when we had the lights on and we were not going to let him watch his Kindle.  There are priorities for Austin and his Kindle time is one of them.  Who needs Christmas when you already have a Kindle?

My parents came over for breakfast.  I made some eggs, french toast, cinnamon rolls and sausage   It was simple.  We all ate breakfast and then it was gift time.  I was so excited for Christmas this year because of the kids.   Austin would open a gift and then we wanted to play with it.  It took us well over an hour to open gifts.  It was fun though.  Austin would open presents for Sydney and give them to her.  It was very sweet.  Austin really liked his Vtech house, Vtech car loader, and his helicopter.

I made Brian a photo book from Shutterfly for Christmas from the kids.  It was neat to see all the pictures of him with the kids. He is a great dad.  Brian was surprised with that gift.  Brian made a face of Mickey Mouse for me for Christmas.  That meant he finally agreed we could go to Disney World next year.  I am so excited about that.  Brian first thought I was completely crazy when I said I wanted to take the kids to Disney next year.  Now he doesn't think I am as crazy. The kids are free since both are under 3 years old and it will be good experience to figure things out for when they're older.

We enjoy traveling and want to continue to travel with kids.  It is easier to stay home.  But the memories we have by doing it is priceless.  We won't know how to do it unless we start somewhere.  When we were first married we went to Italy on a cruise.  It was scary the first time leaving the country.  Since then we have went all around the world and are excited to take the kids places someday.

We had a wonderful Christmas! Austin and Sydney are amazing children who made it so special!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

White Christmas Photoshoot

This year we got our first notable snow fall just a couple of days before Christmas (about 4-5 inches).  Two days before Christmas it was sunny but still cold (only slightly above freezing) so we took Austin and Sydney outside for a photoshoot.  Some photos from it appear below.  We had enough snow that it stuck around until Christmas and we ended up getting even more the day after (5-6 more inches) and and beyond (another 3-4 inches).  Between December 22 and the end of the year, Brian ended up doing the driveway 4 times.  Sydney's first Christmas was definitely a white one!  Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Austin may have Asthma (22.75 months and 16.5 weeks)

Austin got Sydney's cold on Saturday.  He developed a cough again.  It was nice because his cough finally went away for a few weeks but now its back.  He had nasal congestion and wheezing.  And on Sunday night he had a fever of 101.8.  I really don't like fevers that high.  Austin was typical Austin wanting to play and not slow down much but you could tell he did not feel well.

Sunday night we gave him a breathing treatment at home.  One of our friends gave us their nebulizer machine so that was really nice.  I had been giving Austin Tylenol and Motrin to help with the fever.  Sunday night he was playing and he was noticeably short of breath.  We tried to get him to relax a little bit to help his breathing.  Finally after the breathing treatment and our bed time routine he was breathing a little better but still wheezing.  Brian took Austin to bed like he always does.

Austin woke up three times over night.  Austin usually sleeps all night from about 8:30 pm to around 7 am.  Austin woke up at 11 pm, 2 am and 5 am.  We knew he was sick.  For the most part he went right back to bed after we comforted him.

I took Austin to the doctor today at 9:30 am.  I had to bring Sydney as well but she slept the entire time so it was not a problem.  I knew the doctor was going to give him a breathing treatment so I bought the Kindle with him.  Austin loves his Kindle.  He watches videos (mostly Mickey Mouse shows), listens to books, and colors with an app on it.  Since we did not have Internet, the three little pigs book and coloring kept him entertained while receiving his breathing treatment.  Austin's oxygen level was 87% and 92% after his breathing treatments and the doctor was a little concerned about that.  The doctor reviewed Austin's records and came to the potential diagnosis of asthma.  Not exactly what I wanted to hear but there are definitely worse things.

Under this diagnosis, Austin would have to have an aerosol treatment twice a day and an inhaler as needed for worsening symptoms.  We will see how this goes for a while.  Brian is taking Austin back to the doctor tomorrow to get his oxygen level rechecked.  He will also talk to the doctor about asthma since I was caught a little off guard with the diagnosis and did not have any questions ready.

Update - Brian took Austin back the next day.  Brian asked a lot of questions but we did not get many answers.  The doctor still feels Austin needs to start the Pulmicort aerosols twice a day.  We are not as convinced.  His symptoms have only been present during colds and Sydney had it first this time too.  It turns out daycare had an outbreak of RSV too so it seems more like cold symptoms than something clearly asthma.  Brian brought Austin a pulse ox machine for at home so we can check his oxygen level and keep a better eye on when/if he is having problems.  Austin did not like it at first but now he can do it by himself.  His levels have been pretty good.  Brian and I decided to wait starting the Pulimcort.  I made an appointment with a pulmonary specialist and see what she has to say first before starting anything.  Our appointment is the first week of January.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Happy Birthday Amy (22.5 months and 16 weeks)

The last couple of weeks we have been busy.  I had to work on my birthday.  I was not expecting anything special for my birthday.  After all I totally ignored Brian's birthday this year since he got sick and was traveling for work.  I still feel bad about that.  After work, I was planning on doing my regular routine.  Run home, pack lunches, getting dinner started, and go pick up the kids all before 5pm.  Sydney eats at 5 pm so I am on a strict schedule.  When I got home I found Brian already home.  He left work early (actually early - usually "early" means not late).  Early never happens.  When I came in the house I was pleasantly surprised to find the house completely clean and him making dinner.

Brian made an excellent Thai dish.  It had shrimp, pineapple, rice, and cashews.  It was so yummy.  It was quite the deluxe dinner.  Brian rarely cooks but when he does he goes all out.  He said it took him more than an hour to find all the ingredients at the store.  I was so happy.  It was a great day.  I wish  everyday was my birthday now.  LOL.

That weekend we put up the Christmas tree.  Our tree is small and basic.  We use to have a nice big beautiful tree but we got rid of it once Austin came.  We knew we could not have it for many years so it was better to get rid of it (and the 3 boxes in the garage it took to store it).  It is just too big, too fragile, and too difficult to setup.  Our new tree fits our purpose for now.  One day I hope to get a live tree but we will see once the kids are older and would enjoy the experience too.  Austin helped set up the tree.  We don't have many ornaments because our other tree used to only have glass icicles.  Austin put on his first Christmas ornament then then started throwing his large bus at the tree (literally throwing it into the tree and watching it crash down).  Again it made us realized it was good we got rid of our nice tree.  

The time is going by really fast.  We have a set routine and it seems like the time is flying.  I can't believe next week is already Christmas.  We have the kids shopping done for Christmas.  I still have to wrap everything but I am planning on doing that next weekend.  Also next weekend we will have to make Christmas cookies.  Austin will love that.  

Austin talks a lot now.  He is good at saying two word phrases like "more cookies", "orange ball", "Austin up" (or more infamously, "Up Please" which sounds like "uppies" because he says it fast), and "Right Back" (as in, I'll be right back).  It is really cute.  He can basically tell us anything now.  It is so much fun watching him turn into a little boy.  He loves Sydney and enjoys being a helper.  He will help me get her in and out of the car.  After daycare days, he always closes the downstairs door to the house for me. He will get Sydney blankets and her pacifier.  She really doesn't use a pacifier much but Austin thinks it should always be in her mouth.  In fact, he will wake her up to put it in.  

Sydney is growing and becoming more interactive.  She holds on to her rings on the play mat very well.  She is great at smiling at you.  It is so cute!  Sydney has a great temperament.  She rarely cries and lets Austin play with her whenever he wants.  

Sydney got sick this week.  She lost her voice on Wednesday.  It was so pathetic because she could not even cry since she had no voice.  It was a little cute too.  :)  She had some nasal congestion.  Friday night she developed a fever.  We were suppose to go to a Christmas party on Friday but we stayed home since Sydney was so sick.  She would also vomit after coughing and she vomited a lot each time.  We were worried she had an ear infection because that was the only sign of an ear infection with Austin.  

The girl next door asked us a month ago if we would let Sydney be in a little skit at the local Catholic school for her youth group.  The skit was Saturday morning.  Since Sydney was sick, we did not know what to do.  We figured this was going to be a disaster.  But we went ahead and went anyways.   There were crafts for Austin to do.  He liked it.  Plus he ate his first candy cane.  He really liked that.  We ate some pancakes.  Then the teens put on a skit about Christmas.  Sydney played baby Jesus.  She did so well.  She never cried or anything and was happy to be held by whomever.  We were so happy.  

Afterwards I took Sydney to the doctor to have her checked out.  Brian took Austin to swim class. The doctor examined Sydney.  She has a respiratory virus that is causing wheezing and fever.  Luckily no ear infection or fluid.  We got a prescription for inhaler for when she is wheezing.  She told us to monitor her.  Since Sydney was so happy, the doctor was not too concerned.  But if she got fussy or lethargic we would have to take her to the hospital so she could be on oxygen for a while until she got better.  That is a little scary.  After Austin's illness, we really don't want to go though that again.  Hopefully she gets better soon.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Sydney Rolls Over (22 months and 13 weeks)

This was a busy week!  It was my 3 day work week plus I had to go in for 2 hours Wednesday morning.  I love my job but it is a lot of work to get ready for my work days.  I have to get all my pumping supplies ready.  Then make sure the kids have everything for daycare.  Plus pack everyone's lunch.

Sydney has been sleeping until about 4-5 am every night.  She goes to bed around 9-10 pm.  It is so nice!  Usually I fed Sydney when she gets up and am up for the rest of the day.  I have started taking showers at night so it's less to do in the mornings.  After I feed Sydney, I get ready for work.  Austin has been getting up extremely early too.  He use to sleep until 7 am every morning but now he wakes up between 5 - 6:30 am.  We have tried keeping him in bed longer but it does not work well.  We will lay on his bedroom floor and sometimes that appeases him.  Once or twice we have even brought him milk because he tells us he's hungry.  I have tried letting him go down stairs and lay on the couch but he won't stay there (he slowly inches off until he can run and play).  So usually we are just up with him.  Sydney is almost sleeping more consecutive hours than Austin!  How is that possible?

I am getting between 6 - 7 hours of sleep at night.  That is really good for having an infant.  But I am still tired at times.  After work on Wednesday, I did not feel well at all.  I had a knot in my right breast.  When I came home, I was hoping Sydney would fix it but her nursing on it really did not help much.  I needed to take a shower and let the warm water hit it and try and work it out.  It is hard to get a shower in with both kids at home.  Finally Sydney went to sleep and Austin played in his room so I had 5 minutes to shower.  After my shower, Austin was playing on the couch cushions   I was laying next to them.  I had a headache and felt sick to my stomach.  My right breast did not feel any better either.  I took my temperature and had a fever.  Great!

When you are a parent, you never get a day off.  I feel terrible but I still have to take care of Austin and Sydney.  There is not much I can do.  Then someone knocked on our front door.  It was my mom.  I was never so happy to see her.  She had finally gotten better and just decided to come over.  She had no idea I was sick.  She played with Austin and Sydney was sleeping.  I was able to relax for a little bit.

Later on that day I notice my right side of my breast was really red, swollen, hard, and hot.  It was really painful too. I would compare it to labor pains and I think I prefer labor pains.   I knew I had matitis.  I would call the doctor in the morning.  Any movement hurt and, with two kids, I am always moving.  On Thursday, I got an antibiotic and was better by Saturday.  Thank goodness.  I hope never to go though that again.

On Friday November 30, I picked Sydney up at daycare.  The teacher was asking if she had rolled over before and I said no.  I knew the reason she was asking was because she did it at daycare.  I asked if she did and she said yes.  She said a lot of parents get upset because they missed it.  I said yeah I understand why they get upset but with the second child I kind of knew there was a good chance I'd be distracted when it happened anyways.  I figured she would do it at home and I would be chasing Austin around the house and miss it.  I was a little sad I missed it but was okay it with it. I was more excited for Sydney that she is growing and developing so well.  I was so proud of her.  Then Friday night she rolled over again when all of us were there so everyone was happy.  So she rolled over twice in the same day.  Her encore performance was at home for mommy and daddy so we did get to see it for the record books too.

Last night Brian and Austin planted a tree in our back yard.  We need shade in the backyard so Brian bought two trees and planted them.  Austin was really helpful.  Austin loves to do everything Brian does.  Austin even held the flashlight perfectly for Brian when he was planting them.  He started during the day, but then realized they were supposed to soak in water for 5 hours so he couldn't finish until after dark.  Night or day, Austin is a great helper. Our little baby einstein even does dishes (when he's not drinking out of the sink)...