Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas (2.98 years and 16 months)

This year Brian and I were extremely lucky with our work schedules.  Brian was off basically from December 20 onward.  He worked a little bit here and there but nothing like normal.  I only had to work the Friday after Christmas.  We had a lot of time to spend together as a family.

On Christmas Eve, my parents came over for dinner.  Every year we have Christmas Eve dinner at our house.  Before we would have a lot of people come over but now that Brian's family lives in Myrtle Beach it is just my parents.  We still like hosting it.  Brian cuts up cheese every year.  We also make sugar cookies.  The kids enjoyed making cookies.  They like eating them even more!  We had a nice Christmas Eve.

On Christmas morning my parents came over at 7 am so they could see the kids open their presents.  Austin woke up at his usual 6:30 am.  Then we had him in our room for a little while before he went downstairs to see what Santa had brought them.  Austin came down himself first then he wanted to go get Sydney so they could open their presents together.  It was really cute. Austin went to Sydney's room and tried to wake her up.  Sydney didn't understand "what the big idea was" (as Austin would say).  Sydney woke up and then they went downstairs together.  They were both eager to open up their gifts.  They were not interested in seeing who the present was for.

Austin got a Jake and Neverland pirates ship, Jake sword, car carrier, street carpet mat, and book from Santa.  Meemaw and Papa got him stickers, paper, highlights magazine, playdoh toys, and mickey mouse.  Nana and Grandpa got him a train set that he and Sydney really like.  Auntie Melissa got him a kiwi craft kit.  He will get one in the mail every month.  I haven't done it yet but it looks really cool.

Santa brought Sydney a baby doll, music band set, broom set, stickers, and cookie jar toy with shapes.  Meemaw and Papa got her stickers, coloring supplies, highlights magazine, baby doll, and Minnie mouse. Nana and Grandpa got her animal sounds toy. Auntie Melissa got her clothes and The Little Mermaid DVD.  They both had an awesome Christmas.

The only issue was Sydney ruptured her left ear drum on Christmas Eve.  Christmas day she had a lot of drainage coming out of it.  She seemed fine but it looked gross.  Christmas Eve she didn't want to go to bed and I let her cry it out in her crib.  Then I find out she ruptured her ear drum.  I feel horrible about that but I had no idea.  I called the doctor on Christmas day.  They never called back and we knew there was nothing that could be done except antibiotics that we could get the day after.  Since she was acting fine, we just celebrated and didn't go to urgent care.

The kids played with their toys all morning then they took a nap.  After nap I dressed them in cute outfits that Aunt Betty got them. Brian tried to get some pictures of them but they were hungry and they weren't cooperating.  So we just went down to my parents for dinner.

We had a nice Christmas dinner.  The kids were well behaved.  Then they got to open more presents.  They had a lot of fun.  It was a great Christmas for everyone.

The day after Christmas we went shopping and got some after Christmas deals.  We considered buying a new Christmas tress since ours is really basic but we didn't see anything we really liked.  I kind of want a real tree next year.  We will see.  Merry Christmas!

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