Brian took Austin to his first swim class with his new teacher on Saturday. He did not participate much until the teacher got out the rings. Austin wanted to make sure his daddy was always right next to him. Austin has been extremely shy recently. We are not sure what to make of it yet.
Austin has gone to the Little Gym with Kaitlyn a few times. Since the weather is still cold, I thought we should sign Austin up for a month. I thought that Austin would love it. Because he is 3 years old the class is for kids only. The parents sit outside the gym and watch. Austin does not like that at all. He has been to 4 classes and he has never really participated. Brian or I have had to be in the gym against a wall by the door just sitting with Austin. Many times we have had Sydney with us. She wants to play but is not allowed due to her age. It has been a nightmare. He would sometimes play around us but never with the class. Again we don't know what to make of it. Is it a stage he is going though? Does he simply not like it there? We don't know. During the first week, I was there alone and had to slip into the bathroom to change Sydney. He got upset when he realized I was gone. One theory of ours is that this got him worried that we'd just leave him there and that's why he doesn't leave our side.
Now that Austin is 3 he is doing more and more things. He can now dress himself. Most of the time we still do it for him but he can put on his own pants, shirts, socks, and shoes. He is starting to like picking out his own clothes too. Austin is growing up fast. He is more independent with using the potty too. At home he will go upstairs and use the potty by himself. He likes doing it alone now. He has even went poopy in the potty once this weekend. We were super excited about that. Hopefully that will continue.
Sydney is now 18 months old. She weighs 22 pounds. At her 18 month appointment she was in the 55 percentile for height and 45 percentile for weight. Her growth curve looks great. She is meeting all the expected milestones for 18 months. She has really started talking this month too. She likes to say ice, apple, ladder, straw, tissue, boots, shoes, yogurt, cheese stick, milk, Austin, turtle, frog, and Elmo. Today she even said, "Mama where are you?" Sydney likes to call us Ma-ma and Da-da. Austin is now calling us that too.

Right before Sydney turned 18 months I stopped giving her mommy milk. Sydney loved mommy milk. The date I stopped wasn't planned. We were busy that night so I did not give it to her. She went to sleep fine. So I thought this was my opportunity. The next night I did the same thing. It was like she did not notice unless I had a tank top on or it was mentioned. I have wanted to stop for a while now but Sydney did not so I kept going.
It is amazing how I had two totally different experiences with nursing. With Austin I strictly pumped for 6 months and I could not wait to stop pumping. It was so much work. Sydney it was so natural. It was hard for about a month but then it was so easy. I loved not having bottles to wash or warm up. Feeding on demand was great. I wish I would of tried harder with Austin. I am happy with how it worked out with Sydney. I would of never imaged that I did it until almost 18 months.
Sydney can run now. She is not as fast as Austin but she certainly tries. She climbs stairs standing up alone now. She is also starting to jump up and down. She loves playing ring around the rosy with Austin and Kaitlyn. One day I think they did that for 20 minutes straight. Sydney loves music and books. Her favorite books are Brown Bear, Leap Frog Colors, books with music or touch and baby feel books. She also likes the baby can read books. For a while she would make us read all 5 of them every night. Sydney is very happy if someone is reading to her.
Sydney is sick again. We are afraid she has another ear infection. If so, that is going to be 3 in 4 months. We really don't want her to get ear tubes until the fall so they will last her all next winter. Spring is almost here and hopefully we can all be healthy for a while.
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