Monday 1 December 2014

Potty training and Thanksgiving (3.95 years and 2.25 years)

For the local mommy group, I am a member of the field trip committee.  I decided to set up a field trip to the local fire station.  Austin loves fire trucks so I thought it would be a great trip.  We decorated cookies before hand to give to the firemen.  Austin was a great helper getting everything set up with me.  Brian and Sydney were still at home because she was still sleeping.  She came right before the tour of the station.  We got to have a tour of the fire station.  They got to go into a truck.  They saw all their gear.  They had a good time.

Sydney decided on Sunday before Thanksgiving that she wanted to wear underwear.  We were getting ready to go grocery shopping like we normally do together as a family and Sydney wanted to wear her big girl pants.  I tried to discourage it.  She had been pooping a lot and we were getting ready to leave for a while however Brian yelled at me and said we need to let her try it. I just didn't think it was the best time.   I was annoyed because I knew it was going to be a mess but agreed to see what happens.  We went shopping and she did great.  However when we got home so had an accident.  Part of it was our fault for not taking her to the potty in time.

She had only wore pull ups for nap and bedtime.  She loves her Dora underwear and usually keeps them clean.  She got pooping in the potty right away.  We have only had 2-3 poopy accidents and probably 4-5 pee-pee accidents total and it's been over a week.

I can't believe how easy it was for her.  I never thought this was possible. I heard about the stories but I didn't believe it.  But it was so easy because she did it on her terms when she wanted to.  We just helped a little bit.  Austin was a big influence too.  We are so proud of her!

On Thanksgiving morning we just hung out at home.  It was so nice not having anything to do.  I love being busy but once in a while it's great to stay home too.  After nap, we went down to my parents house.  We had a nice meal there.  The kids did not like the turkey but we had ham too and they ate that.  They loved the pumpkin pie.  That is one of their favorite things to eat right now.  It was a great evening for everyone.

On Thanksgiving night at home, Austin decided to go poopy in the potty.  This is what we have been waiting for for 10 months!  It has been such a difficult road for this.  But finally Brian and I realized we had to let him decide when to do it and he did.  He's been going in a pull up for several months and we were okay with that.  Of course we wanted him to use the potty but Austin continued to refuse.  He has a fear it's going to clog.  We have tried everything trying to ease that fear but nothing has helped.  Sydney helped that though because she has been poopy in the potting.  He wanted to be just like Sydney.  We could not be happier about this!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to the Great Lakes Science Center.  Brian and I went there before we were married but that's it.  We didn't know what to expect.  I kind of thought the kids were a little young for it.  However I was so wrong.  It's great for them too.  They have an area for kids under 7.  It has a small ball pit that Austin just loved.  It's similar to the Cincinnati Children's Museum with the balls but just smaller.  Austin really enjoys playing with the balls.  Sydney liked exploring everything.  We had a great time there.  They watched a science experiment of making clouds that was really cool.  There was so much for them to see and do.  We even watched an IMAX movie.  It was their first time in a theater.  They weren't that impressed but snacks allowed them to continue to watch the movie.  We are definitely planning on taking the kids back there soon.

We have been taking the kids to some Cavs games.  We have our season tickets back and we both wish we would have gotten 4 seats but we didn't.  However we have been able to get tickets rather easily for Monday and Tuesday games.  The kids do great watching the game.  They watch about 3 quarters of the game.  I bring plenty of snacks.  They like to make signs, get tattoos, and get their hair painted.  It's great being able to watch some of the game too.  We are enjoying it.  Hopefully the Cavs will do great things this year!

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