The beginning of the summer has been cool and wet. It rained almost everyday in June. I haven't minded too much that it's been cool but that doesn't give us much swimming time. We have been able to get in some Wild Water swimming but not as much as usual. Hopefully it will warm up.
Sydney doesn't like taking naps. Many days she will not nap for me. Or when she does, it takes me over an hour to get her to sleep. That drives me crazy. I need that hour to get something done. So now I let her play in her room if she insists. She is crankier in the evenings but I can't do it. Probably in the fall or winter sometime Austin is going to have to give up his naps. When that happens, she won't be taking naps either.
The Sunday before the 4th of July are always Fairlawn's fireworks. That is our favorite firework show in the area. We know where to park and get there and listen to the band. The kids run around and play with their glow sticks. Then we watch fireworks. We had a great night.
The Friday before the 4th I worked. It was a good day for me to work. Brian and my mom were home with the kids. They all had a good day.
On the 4th of July, we went to the Stow Parade. It's may favorite parade. I always went growing up. Brian and I found a great place to sit and have been bringing the kids to it for 3 years now. We get donuts in the morning. The parade hands out so much candy it's crazy. The kids really enjoy it. Then that night, we went to Solon for the fireworks. Where we watch them, there's a lot of playgrounds around. The kids love that. They play on them for an hour before the fireworks show. We had a great holiday week!

The kids played T-ball for the first time this year. It was difficult for us because of the Cavs games. I was Austin's coach which was nice for me and Austin but was harder for Brian and poor Sydney would be left alone with her team at times so Brian could get a picture of Austin. The kids fields were far apart and we were often racing out of there to get to a Cavs game downtown. I don't think I will do coaching again when both kids are playing at the same time. They only had 4 games this year because of the rain too. It has been a very raining summer. Brian did not mind since he is not a fan of baseball at all, but the kids enjoyed it.
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