Somehow I didn't write a Christmas post! We must have been so busy I totally forgot or it somehow got lost. Picture of our elf, Kristoff and the kid's gingerbread house.
Christmas Eve we went to Mass. Austin and Sydney fell asleep on us. They no longer nap and were getting use to it. They ended up sleeping during the last part. After mass, we went to McDonalds for dinner. We did that last year and it worked out for us. Then we came home, set up milk and cookies for Santa and off to bed.
Christmas was a lot of fun! Santa was very good to Austin and Sydney. Sydney wanted a doll house which she wanted. Austin wanted a compass. They got both. Austin got some walkie talkies and dress up clothes. Sydney got baby dolls.
My parents came over in the morning to watch the kids open their gifts. Austin and Sydney were very excited when they came downstairs and saw what Santa had brought them. It took us about an hour to open everything. They played while opening gifts. After we opened gifts, I made breakfast. That is something Brian's grandma always did and I have continued to do it. After breakfast, my parents went home. We went up to Cleveland to visit Brian's side of the family. It was nice to see them. Then we went to my parents house to have dinner and the kids opened gifts there.
It was a great Christmas! A few days after Christmas, we drove to Sesame Place for a day. We drove the same day we went to the park since it did not open until 1pm. Then we got a hotel and drove home the next morning. Sesame Place was fun. We went on the rides, train ride and enjoyed the parade. It was a fun little adventure.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Austin's Surgery
Right before Christmas, Austin needed to get ear tubes again. He has had hearing tests every 3 months. His last one wasn't good. He had a cold which did not help. It was decided it was best to get tubes again. This was his third set. There was a chance they were going to take out his adnoids out. The doctor was going to explore once he was in surgery to determine their size. If large, they would need to come out. I really thought they would but it was determined it was not needed. That was great because the recovery is not long at all.
I was originally upset when I found out he surgery was not until 11:45 am. Austin loves breakfast and thought there was no way he could do it. We decided to keep Austin up late on Sunday night. He let him eat anything he wanted. It was a great night for Austin. Sydney went to bed by 8:30pm and he had Mommy and Daddy all to himself. He loved it. We played his game Trouble. It was so fun! Austin and I kept landing on Daddy and he kept having to go home. We have never laughed so hard. Austin got to eat all the snacks he wanted. Around 11pm, we put Austin to bed. We were hoping he would sleep in. He got up around 7:30am which was good. Sydney was up too and we got her ready to go to school. I was going to have Sydney eat breakfast at school so it didn't bother Austin but he was insistent that she could eat Lucky Charms in front of him. He really did not care.
Austin and I took Sydney to school. Then I decided to take him to park to play and walk a trail. However I did not look at the weather and it started to rain. We still had fun though. We laughed and then came home. Once at home, Austin wanted to do a Kiwi Crate. He loves those things! We let him do that. After it was done, it was time for us to leave for the hospital.
Once at the hospital, Austin got to play a video game in the waiting room. He loves it! Then they called us back. Austin did not like wearing a hospital gown without underwear. We distracted him enough. He got to put stickers on his gas mask and pick a flavor chap stick to put in the mask to smell. Austin wanted Daddy to go back with him so he did.
In the waiting room, Brian and I worked on our computers. Before I knew it, it was time to go back to see Austin. I knew at that point they did not do his adenoids. After surgery all Austin wanted was his IV out. After his IV was out, his ears hurt and the nurse had to get an order for Tylenol. Once he received his Tylenol, we were on our way home. When we got home, I thought we would have a relaxing afternoon. When we asked Austin if he wanted to lay on the couch and watch was movie, he cried. He said no I want to play. So I played with him all afternoon. Brian really needed to get some work down.
Austin decided that afternoon he wanted to write all the words to jingle bells. I told the letters that made the words and he did it. He is so good a writing now. It's amazing because about 6 months ago he would complain everyday I made him practice his letters. Now he loves to write. We played some games and then I went to pick up Sydney. Then they jumped on couch cushions. There was no relaxing for him.
We really hope this is his last set of ear tubes!
I was originally upset when I found out he surgery was not until 11:45 am. Austin loves breakfast and thought there was no way he could do it. We decided to keep Austin up late on Sunday night. He let him eat anything he wanted. It was a great night for Austin. Sydney went to bed by 8:30pm and he had Mommy and Daddy all to himself. He loved it. We played his game Trouble. It was so fun! Austin and I kept landing on Daddy and he kept having to go home. We have never laughed so hard. Austin got to eat all the snacks he wanted. Around 11pm, we put Austin to bed. We were hoping he would sleep in. He got up around 7:30am which was good. Sydney was up too and we got her ready to go to school. I was going to have Sydney eat breakfast at school so it didn't bother Austin but he was insistent that she could eat Lucky Charms in front of him. He really did not care.
Austin and I took Sydney to school. Then I decided to take him to park to play and walk a trail. However I did not look at the weather and it started to rain. We still had fun though. We laughed and then came home. Once at home, Austin wanted to do a Kiwi Crate. He loves those things! We let him do that. After it was done, it was time for us to leave for the hospital.
Once at the hospital, Austin got to play a video game in the waiting room. He loves it! Then they called us back. Austin did not like wearing a hospital gown without underwear. We distracted him enough. He got to put stickers on his gas mask and pick a flavor chap stick to put in the mask to smell. Austin wanted Daddy to go back with him so he did.
In the waiting room, Brian and I worked on our computers. Before I knew it, it was time to go back to see Austin. I knew at that point they did not do his adenoids. After surgery all Austin wanted was his IV out. After his IV was out, his ears hurt and the nurse had to get an order for Tylenol. Once he received his Tylenol, we were on our way home. When we got home, I thought we would have a relaxing afternoon. When we asked Austin if he wanted to lay on the couch and watch was movie, he cried. He said no I want to play. So I played with him all afternoon. Brian really needed to get some work down.
Austin decided that afternoon he wanted to write all the words to jingle bells. I told the letters that made the words and he did it. He is so good a writing now. It's amazing because about 6 months ago he would complain everyday I made him practice his letters. Now he loves to write. We played some games and then I went to pick up Sydney. Then they jumped on couch cushions. There was no relaxing for him.
We really hope this is his last set of ear tubes!
Monday, 21 December 2015
Start of Holiday Seaston
We started the holiday activities at Mr Kringles Inventionasium. That was one of our favorites last year. This year it was a little different but still cool. The kids meet Mrs. K at the beginning. Austin wanted Daddy's camera so he told a picture of us with Mrs. K. It was really cool. During the hour tour they got to build and imagine different things. They played with putty to mold something. They made puppets and named them. They also built some toys. They made some snow too.
We went in to see Mr. Kringle that is really the best Santa Claus. It's great because we were in there for about 5 minutes with him. Brian got some good pictures. Sydney told him that she wants a doll house and a baby doll. Austin wants a compass so he can go camping. At the end, Mr Kringle let the kids pick out something to bring home. They each got a bucket of snow to make at home. We knew what to expect this year but nevertheless it was a very cool experience.
The next activity we did was Santa's workshop at Lake Farm park. They offered breakfast with Santa this year. We decided to try it. We had a pancake buffet breakfast and then Santa and Mrs. Claus came around to each table and gave the kids a little toy. The picture Brian took was awesome and it even became our Christmas card this year. While there, we took more pictures with Santa. Mrs. Claus made special snowflakes for the kids. Austin and Sydney really liked it and placed them on our tree when we got home.
Then we went to our favorite part of Lake Farm Park which is Santa's workshop. The kids get to build a toy. They have over 20 different toys to select from. This year Sydney picked flying princess and Austin got flying superman. It's fun to watch them make the toy with the elf. They love to paint it and of course put glitter on it.
After we were done, we decided to leave so we could go to my mommy's group holiday party. We got there and the kids made a craft. Then they saw Santa again. We had some lunch. We talked to some of our friends we know that we don't see too often. Then there was a story time with milk and cookies. It was a fun time.
We went home to relax a bit before it was time to go to dinner with Santa at the rec center. They had a pasta dinner with crafts. Santa arrives via fire truck which is the coolest part. After pictures with Santa are done Santa leaves on the fire truck. Not many people watch him leave. Austin, Sydney and Kaitlyn were out there waving good bye.
Once we got home, we celebrated my birthday. My dad had made a cake. The kids made me over 30 cards. Austin requested I get him a new bundle of construction paper which i did so he could make all of these cards. It was sweet. Our day was crazy busy but it was fun to say the kids had breakfast, lunch and dinner with Santa that day.
The next day we had gingerbread tea at a local theater. I didn't know what to expect but it was really cool. We had cake and apple juice before the play. Then there was about 30 minute play where they sang a lot of Christmas carols. At one point the kids could even go on stage. We were pleasantly surprised that Austin and Sydney went right up there. They sang 2 songs. Then after the show, we went on stage and the kids got there picture with Rudolph and Santa Claus. And outside they got their picture with the snowman. The weather was so nice, we let the kids walk over to the playground and play for a few minutes before heading home.
Lock 3 in Akron had Santa and crafts on Thursday nights in December. We decided to check it out. The crafts were not that great for kids. They used so much glue and it was a gluey mess. However Santa was nice. Kids enjoyed decorating a cookie with icing too. They also had putt putt golf. Austin has asked about doing that since we left Myrtle Beach and unfortunately we haven't had time to take them. So they had a lot of fun doing that. Then Austin asked if they could go ice skating. We said yes. They had an area for beginning skating that parents could still wear their shoes. We rented skates for the kids. Austin was so grateful we allowed them to do that. He isn't always the best at saying thank you but he did for this because he was so surprised we said yes. They did very well with it. They had a lot of fun too.
Our school offers parents night out once in a while. We don't do it often but December seemed like a good month to do it. The kids go and play and watch a movie. We went shopping. It was nice to shop without kids for once. We got some dinner and came home and at it while watching TV. That is what we used to do before kids. Now our TV rarely comes on. The kids had fun but wanted us to pick them up sooner.
Another fun activity we did was the polar express. I really enjoy this holiday tradition. It is expensive but they are only young once and it's a fun night. The weather has been warm however I had winter pajamas for the kids. Our train car was extremely hot. In fact some families were taking the pajamas off their kids it was so hot. The kids still had a great time. We sang songs and the kids listened to the story. The kids even got up and danced in the aisle when it was requested. They are no longer as shy and reserved. They are willing to go and do things with us not being right there. At the north pole, they saw all the elves dancing around. And Santa came on board. We didn't get a family picture because Santa was rushed since we on the last train car.

One activity I wanted to do however it did not work out was to visit Stan Hywet and see Christmas lights. We have been extremely busy and running the kids all around and they decided (verbal and behavior) they wanted to stay home. It was 70 degrees outside and it's December. We stayed home and the kids collected firewood. Brian started a campfire and he set up the movie stuff for the kids to watch Curious George's Christmas. Austin and Sydney really enjoyed that. It was nice to stay home for once too.
Austin and Sydney had their last swim class for this session. This was the first time they were together and I always assumed it would be the last for awhile again. However Sydney has impressed all of us. She can swim. She can do some things better than Austin like treading water. But Austin is better on his back and can get his arms out of the water better. With that being said, I strongly felt they can continue to be in the same class. Austin was technically advanced to the next class and I just enrolled her in the same class. Their friend Kaitlyn will be in there too so it should work out.
My mommy club was looking for a crib and we decided to donate Sydney's crib. Sydney did not sleep in it much. She loves her new bunk bed. I love it because I no longer sleep on the floor when she needs someone to lay with her. It was emotional for me to get rid of her crib. Again I am totally happy with her new bed but I know I will never have a crib again. I love the age the kids are now but there is something about not having a baby anymore that is emotional. The kids did a great job helping donate the crib. They would carry pieces from my van to the man who was delivering the crib.
Our community offers Santa coming in a fire truck to your house. This year again the weather was great and the kids were outside riding their bikes waiting for Santa to come. Our neighbors came over too and watched. Austin and Sydney were so excited. We saw Santa in the ambulance on the next street over and they waited so patiently for him to come to their house. Finally Santa arrived to our house. The kids got a gift, coloring book, and candy cane. We got a family picture too. Once inside Austin and Sydney opened their gift. Austin got a fish game and Sydney got Jegna. They both loved it! They are getting into playing games and having fun with it.
We had opportunity to see Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer musical. I got the tickets but it was other rushed night after work to get down there to see it. It was a cute show and we liked it. It was a good experience but I am not sure we will see it again. The gingerbread was better for our kid's age. It also maybe that we have done so much this year we were all a little maxed out.
The kids had their annual Christmas party as school. This year while I was shopping with Austin, I ran into a box of 6 puzzles for $5. I couldn't believe it. It was a great deal that I got for gifts for all of their classmates (which was 45 total). Austin decided all of his friends at school needed Christmas cards by him. He saw me doing Christmas cards and he wanted to do his own. I took him to the store and he picked out his own cards. He wrote his name inside of them and his friend's name on the outside of the envelope. It's a so cute! We were so proud of him especially it was all his idea!
This year the kids basically stayed in their own rooms at the Christmas party. In years past Sydney would usually come into Austin's room. With their class sizes being so big and each having own friends they like their own room. Santa came into Austin's room first. Austin went right up to Santa when it was his turn. He told him he would like a compass. Austin and Sydney have no fear of Santa. When Santa came into Sydney's room, she was so excited too. She couldn't wait to go see him and let him know she would like a doll house and a baby doll. The kids enjoyed their party.
We also checked out Glow at the Botanical Gardens. They had some cool gingerbread houses to see. The kids did a craft. They watched a train. They couldn't ride the train because of weather. We walked around the inside of the Botanical Gardens. Honestly we were a little disappointment in it. Next year if we do it, I would want to try at night to see if the lights make it cooler.
We took the kids to my parent's club Christmas party. It was different than years past. It was downstairs. They had lunch but we had eaten before since they never had that before. There were not that many kids there. Santa arrived. Austin got a Trouble Minion game. He loves it! Sydney got a paw patrol game. They like it. They played it at the table for a while and another boy came over to play too. It was a fun afternoon.
The last Christmas activity we did was at a local police station. I thought it was going to be a party but actually the kids just went inside to meet Santa Claus. The setup and background was fabulous. We had about 5 minutes with Santa. Then the kids got a goody bag with coloring book, crayons, and a cookie.
We had an extremely fun and busy holiday season.
We went in to see Mr. Kringle that is really the best Santa Claus. It's great because we were in there for about 5 minutes with him. Brian got some good pictures. Sydney told him that she wants a doll house and a baby doll. Austin wants a compass so he can go camping. At the end, Mr Kringle let the kids pick out something to bring home. They each got a bucket of snow to make at home. We knew what to expect this year but nevertheless it was a very cool experience.
The next activity we did was Santa's workshop at Lake Farm park. They offered breakfast with Santa this year. We decided to try it. We had a pancake buffet breakfast and then Santa and Mrs. Claus came around to each table and gave the kids a little toy. The picture Brian took was awesome and it even became our Christmas card this year. While there, we took more pictures with Santa. Mrs. Claus made special snowflakes for the kids. Austin and Sydney really liked it and placed them on our tree when we got home.
Then we went to our favorite part of Lake Farm Park which is Santa's workshop. The kids get to build a toy. They have over 20 different toys to select from. This year Sydney picked flying princess and Austin got flying superman. It's fun to watch them make the toy with the elf. They love to paint it and of course put glitter on it.
After we were done, we decided to leave so we could go to my mommy's group holiday party. We got there and the kids made a craft. Then they saw Santa again. We had some lunch. We talked to some of our friends we know that we don't see too often. Then there was a story time with milk and cookies. It was a fun time.
We went home to relax a bit before it was time to go to dinner with Santa at the rec center. They had a pasta dinner with crafts. Santa arrives via fire truck which is the coolest part. After pictures with Santa are done Santa leaves on the fire truck. Not many people watch him leave. Austin, Sydney and Kaitlyn were out there waving good bye.
Once we got home, we celebrated my birthday. My dad had made a cake. The kids made me over 30 cards. Austin requested I get him a new bundle of construction paper which i did so he could make all of these cards. It was sweet. Our day was crazy busy but it was fun to say the kids had breakfast, lunch and dinner with Santa that day.

Lock 3 in Akron had Santa and crafts on Thursday nights in December. We decided to check it out. The crafts were not that great for kids. They used so much glue and it was a gluey mess. However Santa was nice. Kids enjoyed decorating a cookie with icing too. They also had putt putt golf. Austin has asked about doing that since we left Myrtle Beach and unfortunately we haven't had time to take them. So they had a lot of fun doing that. Then Austin asked if they could go ice skating. We said yes. They had an area for beginning skating that parents could still wear their shoes. We rented skates for the kids. Austin was so grateful we allowed them to do that. He isn't always the best at saying thank you but he did for this because he was so surprised we said yes. They did very well with it. They had a lot of fun too.
Our school offers parents night out once in a while. We don't do it often but December seemed like a good month to do it. The kids go and play and watch a movie. We went shopping. It was nice to shop without kids for once. We got some dinner and came home and at it while watching TV. That is what we used to do before kids. Now our TV rarely comes on. The kids had fun but wanted us to pick them up sooner.
Another fun activity we did was the polar express. I really enjoy this holiday tradition. It is expensive but they are only young once and it's a fun night. The weather has been warm however I had winter pajamas for the kids. Our train car was extremely hot. In fact some families were taking the pajamas off their kids it was so hot. The kids still had a great time. We sang songs and the kids listened to the story. The kids even got up and danced in the aisle when it was requested. They are no longer as shy and reserved. They are willing to go and do things with us not being right there. At the north pole, they saw all the elves dancing around. And Santa came on board. We didn't get a family picture because Santa was rushed since we on the last train car.

One activity I wanted to do however it did not work out was to visit Stan Hywet and see Christmas lights. We have been extremely busy and running the kids all around and they decided (verbal and behavior) they wanted to stay home. It was 70 degrees outside and it's December. We stayed home and the kids collected firewood. Brian started a campfire and he set up the movie stuff for the kids to watch Curious George's Christmas. Austin and Sydney really enjoyed that. It was nice to stay home for once too.
Austin and Sydney had their last swim class for this session. This was the first time they were together and I always assumed it would be the last for awhile again. However Sydney has impressed all of us. She can swim. She can do some things better than Austin like treading water. But Austin is better on his back and can get his arms out of the water better. With that being said, I strongly felt they can continue to be in the same class. Austin was technically advanced to the next class and I just enrolled her in the same class. Their friend Kaitlyn will be in there too so it should work out.
My mommy club was looking for a crib and we decided to donate Sydney's crib. Sydney did not sleep in it much. She loves her new bunk bed. I love it because I no longer sleep on the floor when she needs someone to lay with her. It was emotional for me to get rid of her crib. Again I am totally happy with her new bed but I know I will never have a crib again. I love the age the kids are now but there is something about not having a baby anymore that is emotional. The kids did a great job helping donate the crib. They would carry pieces from my van to the man who was delivering the crib.
Our community offers Santa coming in a fire truck to your house. This year again the weather was great and the kids were outside riding their bikes waiting for Santa to come. Our neighbors came over too and watched. Austin and Sydney were so excited. We saw Santa in the ambulance on the next street over and they waited so patiently for him to come to their house. Finally Santa arrived to our house. The kids got a gift, coloring book, and candy cane. We got a family picture too. Once inside Austin and Sydney opened their gift. Austin got a fish game and Sydney got Jegna. They both loved it! They are getting into playing games and having fun with it.
We had opportunity to see Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer musical. I got the tickets but it was other rushed night after work to get down there to see it. It was a cute show and we liked it. It was a good experience but I am not sure we will see it again. The gingerbread was better for our kid's age. It also maybe that we have done so much this year we were all a little maxed out.
The kids had their annual Christmas party as school. This year while I was shopping with Austin, I ran into a box of 6 puzzles for $5. I couldn't believe it. It was a great deal that I got for gifts for all of their classmates (which was 45 total). Austin decided all of his friends at school needed Christmas cards by him. He saw me doing Christmas cards and he wanted to do his own. I took him to the store and he picked out his own cards. He wrote his name inside of them and his friend's name on the outside of the envelope. It's a so cute! We were so proud of him especially it was all his idea!

We also checked out Glow at the Botanical Gardens. They had some cool gingerbread houses to see. The kids did a craft. They watched a train. They couldn't ride the train because of weather. We walked around the inside of the Botanical Gardens. Honestly we were a little disappointment in it. Next year if we do it, I would want to try at night to see if the lights make it cooler.
We took the kids to my parent's club Christmas party. It was different than years past. It was downstairs. They had lunch but we had eaten before since they never had that before. There were not that many kids there. Santa arrived. Austin got a Trouble Minion game. He loves it! Sydney got a paw patrol game. They like it. They played it at the table for a while and another boy came over to play too. It was a fun afternoon.
The last Christmas activity we did was at a local police station. I thought it was going to be a party but actually the kids just went inside to meet Santa Claus. The setup and background was fabulous. We had about 5 minutes with Santa. Then the kids got a goody bag with coloring book, crayons, and a cookie.
We had an extremely fun and busy holiday season.
Sunday, 6 December 2015
decided this year he was going to put up our Christmas light display. We have taken a few years off since it was
difficult to put up with the kids being so small. This year, Austin and Brian basically put up
the lights. Austin was Daddy’s helper and
wanted to help whenever possible. Austin
even decided to put the lights on his swing set. Brian bought new lights so the old ones were
placed on the swing set by Austin. This
has kept Brian very busy.
I worked Thanksgiving. After I got home, we went to my parents. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. The kids even ate turkey. Austin liked the sweet potatoes. Sydney would not even try them. They both really enjoyed the rolls and the pumpkin pie.
I also
had to work on Friday after Thanksgiving.
Brian was home with the kids. He
took them to the science center. They
all had a great time. They went to a
class and made a playdoh like substance.
Austin packed the lunch before they left. Brian didn’t even know what was packed and I
guess Austin remembered everything. They
were there all day long. Everyone had a
great time.
Saturday, we went to Home Depot for the kid’s project. We haven’t been going as much as usual just
because we have been so busy. The kids
really enjoyed doing the project. Austin
can use a hammer better than I can. If a
nail needs to change directions or come out, Austin can do it.
Then we
went to a city light up event. It was
the first time we did that. We watched
them light up city hall. Then the elf
that lit up the city got back on his truck and the crowd followed him down to
the square. There were treat stations
along the way too. They wore their lights from Disney necklace which was neat. Then we had some hot
chocolate and ended the night watching fireworks. It was a fun night.
Sunday, we went to pick out our Christmas tree.
Last year was our first year getting a real tree. We loved the experience and wanted to do it
again. The weather has been fantastic
(highs in the 50’s). It was nice going
and not being too cold. We walked around
the tree farm for at least an hour looking at trees and taking pictures and
videos. We finally found our perfect
and Sydney loved watching them shake the trees and loading them on to the
cars. We did that for at least 15 minutes. After our tree was loaded, we had some hot
chocolate. We drove home and Brian took
a funny picture of the kids on the roof.
We put up our tree in our living room.
We have to take the kids little table downstairs to fit our Christmas
tree in our living room. This year tree
is absolutely perfect. It looks like an
artificial tree but smells and feels like a real one.
was really excited to decorate the tree. He even dug out the Christmas
decorations from downstairs. We have
white and colored lights on our tree this year.
We were considering using our Christmas tree for our Christmas card but
decided not to. When we first got married, we had a tree with glass icicles. So we didn't have many kid friendly ornaments, so we have slowly accumulated them. This ornaments mean more because there is a story behind them. We have several hand made ornaments now too. Sydney likes to get princess ornaments and this year Austin got a ninja turtle one. That is the kind of birthday party he wants. They also got a mickey and princess ornament with a picture from Disney. We love our Disney trip each year. Tutta got them a robot and dinosaur ornament to remember their Halloween costumes. They are very cute!
Also Thanksgiving weekend, our Elf Kristoff came back. Austin and Sydney loved Kristoff. They were always so excited to see what Kristoff was up to in the morning. This is the first year they really got into it Kristoff did some crazy things this year like take a tire off Daddy's car to use it like a Christmas card because Austin had used all the Christmas cards. He also played with the kids toys and had fun in the gingerbread house.
Also Thanksgiving weekend, our Elf Kristoff came back. Austin and Sydney loved Kristoff. They were always so excited to see what Kristoff was up to in the morning. This is the first year they really got into it Kristoff did some crazy things this year like take a tire off Daddy's car to use it like a Christmas card because Austin had used all the Christmas cards. He also played with the kids toys and had fun in the gingerbread house.
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