Tuesday, 29 December 2020


 We ended up getting a big snow storm on Christmas Eve.  We got 8-10 inches of snow.  My mom didn't end up coming up due to the snow storm.  We watched Mass at home on TV.  Then we went to McDonald's and bought that home as our usual Christmas Eve dinner.  

Austin and Sydney wrote a letter to Santa with several questions.  Santa is always nice and responds to them.  They set out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.  

Austin is always up early very excited for Christmas.  We went into his room around 4am.  I tried to keep them upstairs until 7am.  However we finally allowed them to get up at 6:30am.  London slept in our bed that night since Austin and Sydney were worried he would scare Santa.  

Austin was very excited that he got a snow machine and a hoverboard.  It wasn't until later in the morning they realized they both got hoverboards and the go kart attachment.  They originally thought one was a hoverboard and the other box was the go kart attachment.  Austin convinced Brian to set up the snow machine too.  Everyone had fun playing in the snow.  Poor Brian's hands were so cold with dealing with water in the freezing cold.  

Sydney got some drawing supplies, drone, and a robot unicorn.  She was also very happy.  Her unicorn can dance so that was exciting for that. They played with all of their toys all morning and into the afternoon.  I made a simple Christmas breakfast this year since it was just us.  We had Austin's favorite cinnamon rolls.  

In the evening, we went down to my moms.  She had a nice Christmas dinner for us.  She got the kids some gifts as well.  They had fun opening more stuff.  It was a nice Christmas.  

Monday, 14 December 2020

Christmas activities

 We did end up getting about a foot a snow.  Austin and Sydney had a snow day on Tuesday.  They were so happy.  London was also very happy.  He loved the snow.  They played a lot outside.  The sledded and skied.  London ran around like a crazy dog.  It was a great day.  

This year, Lake Farm park was a drive though to see the lights.  We did that and picked up a wooden toy for the kids to make at home.  Austin picked out an elf and Sydney picked out a cat.  Austin also made a covid wooden toy.  He got the idea from our Christmas tree ornaments.  We let the kids buy some snacks at Lake Farm park too.  They were happy.  

Austin and Sydney are playing basketball.  They wear masks and the kids don't mind.  Austin and Sydney like the activity.  Brian is very busy coaching both teams.  Sydney continues to take a tumbling class to help her with cheer.  Austin is finishing up tennis.  Again they wear masks and need the physical activity.  

They are still in school which I am so grateful for.  Austin and Sydney definitely do better with in person learning.  We have found out the Austin needs to start vision therapy to help him with his reading.  It's going to be once a week for several months.  We are hopeful this will help him.  He's doing so much better with reading with his glasses.  

We also got to go to a drive by Santa opportunity.  It was nice the community did it.  Things are different this year but trying to continue to do safe Christmas activities.  I even surprised the kids with some donuts so they were extra happy.  

About 10 days until Christmas.....

Tuesday, 1 December 2020


Well we made it to Thanksgiving and school is still open.  They had a week off for break but the plan is to return December 1.  I was fortunate enough to have several days off after Thanksgiving.  If it wasn’t for Covid, we would have traveled somewhere. However we want to be smart and safe so we stayed home. 

Brian finished the solar panels.  He it had it inspected and everything and it’s completely done.  He enjoyed doing this project with the kids.  They also enjoyed it and learned some things. 

We also set up our Christmas lights.  There’s some issues this year that Brian is trying to figure out.  It’s something with the board or something.  He’s very frustrated that they are not working properly.  Hopefully he will figure it out soon. 

On Thanksgiving, I cooked a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, and rolls.  We got the pies at Costco.  My mom came over.  The kids watched the Macy’s parade on TV.  London watched the dog show on TV afterwards.  We went for a walk after dinner. 

Austin and Sydney learned they like the Clue game.  We have played it several times over break.  They have also watched several movies.  They are liking playing Animal Crossing on their Switch too. 

Austin and Sydney also started playing basketball.  Brian is coaching both teams this year.  With no tournaments, he believes he can do both teams.  Also with covid, it’s a shorter season. 

We went and picked out our Christmas tree too.  The selection wasn’t the best.  However we did find the perfect tree.  The kids said it looks like a butt. And for 2020 it seems appropriate. 

We are making covid ornaments for our tree.  Our Christmas card this year is going to be the kids and dog in front of our Christmas tree.  We are making it covid themed. 

We are getting our first big snow storm tonight.  We will wait and see if the kids go back to school tomorrow. 

Friday, 13 November 2020

Another Lock Down?

 Here we are November 13, 2020.  This is year is nothing like I could have expected, imagined or anything.  As I learned in March, never take a day for granted.  The lock down had some positives (spending more time together) however it was mostly a challenge for everyone here.  We like our normal.  We like going to school and work.  We like having friends and seeing family outside of our household.  

Once the lock down was lifted and the weather was nice outside.  It was nice to get back to an almost normal.  We always wear our masks out in public.  We follow the rules.  Watching Austin and Sydney strive in school.  They were happy again.  They enjoyed sports and just being kids.  

Now Ohio has more than 6000 cases a day.  The governor made reference that restaurants and gyms may need to close.  Trust me, I get it.  We have to do whatever needs to be done to save lives.  I am trying to embrace this uncertain time.  I am trying to enjoy the time I have with the kids.  But I so wish covid would go away!  

The kids are still in school right now.  They had a case that involved a staff member.  However they were able to stay open at least for now.  No one knows what tomorrow will bring.  

My job has been stressful. Brian is always extremely busy.  Austin and Sydney are busy with school.  Austin got his glasses this week.  He has gotten use to them.  He likes them as much as he can.  He only needs them for reading.  Austin has been playing tennis once a week.  Sydney is back in cheer.  She is also doing a tumbling class once a week.  It good to stay busy.  And we will wait to see what happens in the next few days or weeks.  

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Austin needs glasses


Everything is always harder for Austin.  We know about his hearing issues.  With having ear tubes four times phonics and reading has not been Austin's strongest subjects.  However since last year, his hearing test was normal.  So we would think that school would be easier.  Unfortunately that has not been the case.  

Honestly we were at a lost of why.  When Austin was in second grade, I had his eyes checked and they were normal.  So I didn't think it could be his vision.  But really didn't know what it could be.  Kind of assumed still related to all of his hearing issues.  

The school has been great and helping us.  The teachers notices a lot about his reading and writing.  They suggested we get his vision checked again.  So I took Austin to another eye doctor.  Austin was adamant that he was not wearing glasses.  I encouraged him not to worry about that and for us to just figure out what is wrong.  Again I didn't really think it was his vision.  

After an hour long eye exam, it was determined that Austin needs glasses for reading.  When he had the glasses on he could read so much better.  I was relieved.  I was worried it was something much bigger.  To me this seems like an easy fix.  However Austin doesn't see it that way.  I understand where he is coming from.  He doesn't know many people with glasses.  And he doesn't want to wear them.  I am grateful that he only needs them for reading.  

The doctor put some drops in his eyes to check for glaucoma.  They stung a little bit and that upset him.  He was very upset but I did bribe him with Dairy Queen.  That seemed to work.  He is fine with the glasses right now too if he gets Dairy Queen every time he goes to the eye doctor.  Diary Queen is right by the office so it works out.  

We ordered the glasses.  They should come in a few weeks.  I really hope this helps him and that he wears them!  

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Welcome Fall

 October has been busy with school and sports.  It's nice that the kids are going to school in person five days a week.  So far, there have been no covid cases. Austin has a lot of homework as usual.  He takes him longer to get things done. Sydney has some homework but not too much.  

Austin has been busy with cross country.  Practice has been three days a week with meets on the weekends.  Austin continues to enjoy it.  Sydney has been busy with cheer, soccer, and piano.  She has enjoyed it all.  She usually has something every night of the week.  She has been good a scoring in soccer.  In one weekend, she scored four goals.  When she played last winter, that helped her a lot.  

Sydney also tried out for a travel basketball team.  Unfortunately she did not make it.  However after we learned more about it, we think it would have been too much for Sydney.  She does get burned out easily at times.  Especially when she's doing one thing.  She seems to enjoy the variety.  

On one of their days off school, I took the kids down to Ramseyer Farms.  It was awesome.  I am not sure how I didn't know about that place until this year.  Austin and Sydney both agreed it's their favorite fall place.  We usually go to Patterson's and they have a nice one too but Ramseyer had more and more spread out.  That was important for this year.  

So far, things seem almost normal other than having to wear a mask all the time.  We still can't have large gatherings however at least the kids are still in school and able to play sports.  

Monday, 2 November 2020

Halloween 2020


This year, Austin decided to dress up as London. He found a blow up costume of a dog.  He really likes the blow up costumes.  It was really big.  Then he decided to dress London up as Austin.  London wore one of Austin's shirts and Austin bought him a hat a Petco.  

Sydney decided to be a police officer.  She originally wanted to be a vampire however she did not find any costumes that she liked.  We did all of our Halloween costume shopping online.  Sydney found a cute police officer outfit and she wanted special boots to go with it.  

We went to the Akron zoo like we always do with our friends.  It was a little different from years past but we still had a great time.  The kids liked dressing up and getting treats.  

We also celebrated Halloween with my mom the week before Halloween.  We did a drive my scavenger hunt to several different locations in the city.  We took London with us. He liked it until he threw up on my mom.  He always throws up in the car.  Hopefully he will outgrow it.  

The school did trunk or treat.  We were not allowed to pass out candy this year.  But we decorated our cars and the kids walked by.  It was cute the see them.  

On Halloween, Brian took the kids out to a few houses.  They didn't go crazy.  They took London with them as well.  Once they were done, they watch Monster House in the backyard.  It was too scary for Sydney.  Austin liked it.  

Even though Halloween looked different this year, it was nice for Austin and Sydney to still be able to have some fun.  

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

London eats everything!

 We knew when we got London, it was going to be a lot of work. And some days are much harder than others.  Last week, while I was staining the playground. London was outside with him tied to a tree.  We didn't think there was anything he could get into.  Well he got into our rock garden.  I knew he had something in his mouth.  When I got closer to him, he swallowed it.  It could have been a rock, sticks, chalk, leaves, who knows.  But it was big.  He vomited afterwards and ate grass like crazy.  We also induced vomiting to try and get it back up.  I never saw a large object.  

That week, London had diarrhea and kept me up a lot at night going to the bathroom.  Luckily he is potty trained and doesn't go in the the house (unless Brian is too slow finding his shoes then he does).  Towards the end of the week, London had a fever and was lethargic.  I took him to the vet on Saturday.  He was given antibiotics and probiotics.  The same prescription a few weeks ago.  Sure enough, it cleared it up.  He started feeling better.  

Also this week, London ate Austin's math homework.  Austin was devastated.  He completely freaked out and thought there was no way he could go back to school the next day.  Finally Austin realized there are much bigger problems in the world than London eating his math homework.   Homework is not allowed to be let on the floor.  Sydney was playing with London when it happened but London got away quickly.  

School and sports have kept the kids very busy!  They have about an hour of homework each night.  Especially Austin, it takes him longer to get his stuff done.  It doesn't help he doesn't stay focused most of the time.  This lack of focus developed since COVID.  He was much better focused in the spring.  

Austin has done amazing with cross country.  He loves it!  And he's fast.  He is running 7:10 mile splits.  I can't run that fast.  I am so glad he tried cross county this year.  

Sydney has been busy with cheer and soccer.  She now likes soccer better than cheer.  She has sports most nights during the week.  That is overwhelming her a little bit.  She is going to try out for a travel basketball team this winter.  There are not enough girls to do basketball at her school.  We will see what happens.  

Friday, 25 September 2020

Getting back into the school routine

 Austin and Sydney have been back to school for three weeks now.  It has been a little bit of an adjustment.  We are very fortune that our school offers in person five days a week.  We feel the kids really need to get back to school. We did okay in the spring with online learning but they do best in the classroom.  

Austin is back to getting up extra early (including on the weekends when he could be sleeping in).  He also likes it when I bring London up to his room to get him up.  London sleeps in his pen so he's not allowed in the bedrooms at night.  The kids like packing up their stuff for school in the morning.  I find it a lot annoying and rushed but it seems to work for them.  They each have a chromebook that needs charged daily.  

The homework is real.  It's back to real school with real work.  I was kind of thinking we would be eased into it but it's back to a lot of work.  I am not complaining.  I think it's great.  It's just we went from 0-60 very fast!  

Austin is loving cross county.  He practices three nights a week.  He had his first meet last weekend.  He did great!  He had to run 1.5 miles.  I was super proud of him.  I know I can't run that much so fast.  

Sydney has been cheering at football games.  She will also start soccer games this weekend.  She loves both of them.  She's is very busy but loving it.  She continues to do piano.  

Brian celebrated a big birthday this week.   With everything going on with school, we didn't get to celebrate much.  Austin made him a slideshow and Sydney made him a card.  We had cupcakes after practice.  And his gift was solar panel delivery.  Brian is excited to put solar panals on our roof.  I am not nearly as excited as I know how much work it will be.  But I was happy to see him excited for his delivery.  

London is almost 4 months old and weighs 27 pounds.  He's going to be a big dog.  Overall he's not too bad.  He still needs a lot of work though.  He likes to jump up especially to get stuff on the table.  He ware working on his walking around the block.  And he still likes to bit the kids when playing.  He continues to go to puppy class once a week.  

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

First Day of School

 Well here we are are.  The first day of school after being out for almost 6 months.  Yes in the spring we did virtual school but it was not the same.  Austin and Sydney were so excited to go to school.  They were ready.  

Sydney set her alarm clock to get herself up.  Austin got woke up by me placing London in his bed.  They had their normal breakfast. Austin had oatmeal with a hot chocolate and Sydney had bread with chocolate.  They got ready fairly quickly.  Then it was time for first day of school pictures.  The kids said it's the least favorite part of their day.  However this year it went well because London got to be in the pictures.  

Brian and I took them to school.  We walked them towards the school.  They were happy and ready to go.  We picked them up after school.  They played for a little bit with their friends.  We stopped at the library for Austin to get a book.  Sydney wasn't too happy about that.  Then we came home.  Sydney had piano and cheer that evening.  

It was a good first week of school but the kids were tired.  They are still not going to bed as early as they should.  Plus getting back into the routine is hard.  Sports are keeping them busy too.  

We know that covid is still out there but it's nice to have a little sense of normal.  We are all okay with wearing masks.  Austin even said it's not that bad to have to wear one all day at school.  Kids are amazing!  

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Sydney's 8th birthday


With COVID, Sydney couldn't have a normal birthday party.   We decided she could invite 2 friends over to swim for her birthday.  We had Chick Fil A and Costco rainbow cake.  The girls had a great time.  

We ended up celebrating her birthday with several people thoughout the week.  On Monday, we went to down to Meewaw's and had cupcakes with her.  

On Tuesday, we kayaked the Cuyahoga River as a family.  We all liked kayaking better than tubing the river.  

Wednesday was Sydney's birthday.  We got yard signs that said Happy Birthday.  Sydney requested that since it's become really popular with covid.  She was excited to see that.  

I made pancakes for breakfast.  Sydney ate outside with the neighbors.   The neighbors got her a gift.  We were going to do the bounce house and pool however the weather didn't cooperate.  They just played outside.  That evening Sydney went to cheer on her birthday.  She loves it that much!  I brought Popsicles afterwards for the girls to enjoy.  

On Friday evening we ended her birthday celebration with our close friends.  They came over and the kids played and we celebrated Sydney's 8th birthday.  Even though it wasn't a normal birthday, it was fun for her to celebrate throughout the week.  

Saturday, 22 August 2020

August Summer Fun


It's already August.  Where has the summer gone?!  London has kept us all busy.  Honestly it's a nice distraction from all the covid news.  We have been working on potty training and puppy manners.  He would have a accident once every few days.  All and all he did a pretty good job with potty training.  He had is pen attached to his crate where he sleeps and stays while we are away.  He does a good job with that too.  

Sydney had her first communion in August.  It was a a few months delayed due to covid but at least she got to do it with her best friend, Dana.  It was a beautiful day and Brian got some great pictures.  Afterwards my mom came up and had Chick Fil A with us.  That is what Sydney wanted.  

Sydney also started cheerleading.  She practices twice a week for 2 hours each practice.  She loves it.  She enjoys doing tumbling and learning the cheers.  

Austin started cross county.  He is also loving it.  The first practice he ran 3 miles and then next day he ran 4 miles.  He did a great job.  He was a little sore the next day.  Brian got him a music player with ear pods.  He enjoys running listening to music.  

The school class lists came out.   Unfortunately Austin wasn't in class with his best friend.  However Sydney was.  Sydney didn't get the same teacher as Austin.  That was a shock to us.  We liked Austin's teacher last year. And every year until now she always had the same teacher.  Sydney got a new teacher to the school.    We are hoping for a good school year.  We have decided to send them to school full time instead of virtual.  We believe they need their friends and teachers.  We are hoping for a good year.  The must wear masks all the time.  They don't seem to mind.  

Sydney went to the doctor for her yearly check up.  She was in the 50th percentile for height and weight.  The flu shot was also available.  She decided she wanted to get it then because she didn't want to get it with Austin.  Austin doesn't handle the flu shot while.  Sydney doesn't cry or anything.  

Sunday, 26 July 2020

London and Auntie Melissa Visit

We went and picked up London on July 18th.  The kids were so excited to get him.  Melissa, Camden and Graham went with us to pick him up.  I was so nervous.  I was imaging worst case scenario.  We were going to get a sick dog.  The dog wouldn't really be there.  All crazy things.  Plus I was wondering what in the world were Brian and I thinking to agree to a dog. That morning I couldn't wait to get him and hoped everything would be okay. 

When we got there another family were getting their dog.  We waited in the car until they were finished.  We wanted to follow all the social distancing rules.  We got to meet the mom dog while we waited.  We rubbed her fur with a blanket we brought. 

Then it was time to get London (formally Scout).  London was happy and walking all around.  He even let the kids that previously owned him hold him in sitting up postition.  It was cute.  Austin and Sydney both wanted to hold him on the way home. We let Austin hold him first.  He was so happy.  However during the car ride home, London puked a little bit.  We stopped for a bathroom break.  London even went outside.  Then Sydney held him the rest of the way home.  London also puked on Sydney.  We hope he usually doesn't get car sick. 

When we got home, we stayed outside with London in the front year.  We wanted to slowly introduce him to everything.  With Scarlett at our house and 4 kids, a lot was going on.  While Brian and Austin were outside, Melissa and I put the playpen together to his crate.  Finally we let London in the house.  We took him right to his playpen and crate area.  He adjusted much better than I expected. 

We hung out all day at home with him.  He slept a lot. I didn't realize how much puppies slept.  The kids played with London.  They also played with each on iPads and in the pool. 

During the visit with Melissa, Camden, and Graham we went to several parks.  We rafted down the Cuyahoga River.  We went to waterfall area in Solon.  Melissa took the kids Geocaching a lot.  She also got them donuts.  We hung out a lot at home adjusting to life of having a dog. 

So far, we are all happy we got London.  He has had a few accidents.  However having his crate and playpen has been very helpful.  Brian stays up until 1:30am with him each night.  London sleeps but goes outside before he goes to bed.  Then I go downstairs at 1:30am to sleep on the couch.  London gets up between 5-6am.  Our system is working. 

Austin and Sydney have been doing a lot for London. Austin likes to fed him. Sydney likes to hold him.  London stays with us in the yard so far. Brian is looking into fencing options.

Sydney is finishing up softball.  She has really enjoyed it. London likes coming to the games too!

Saturday, 11 July 2020


Austin read the book Henry Huggins.  In the book, the boy gets a dog. When we were in Myrtle Beach, Melissa had just gotten a dog.  Austin enjoyed playing with him.  That got us thinking a bit about a dog.  Brian has always grown up with dogs. He fondly remembers his childhood with a dog.  Brian and I enjoyed having Sam together. 

Before covid, we were not home much.  We enjoyed traveling.  A dog never really crossed our minds. However since we have been home since March, getting a dog doesn't seem like that bad of an idea.  So if we are going to get a dog, now would be the time. We are not going to get a dog two years from now.  I normally work from home.  So even when things pick up, I will still be home with the dog all day.  When we have sports in the evening, it won't be so bad leaving the dog. 

Austin convinced Sydney about the dog.  Sydney just wanted a pet.  I think she feels bad at school, when she doesn't have a pet and most other kids do. Now with Sydney on his side, he had to convince us to get him a dog.  I was fine either way.  Part of me wanted a dog and the other part knew we were crazy.  Brian the practical one was more difficult to convince.  But since he had dogs as a child, it knew what the important bond it was.

I started reaching out to rescue agencies about certain dogs.  I realized it's not that easy to get a dog.  I understand but I do believe we would take very good care of a dog.  But we don't have a fenced in yard.  We are not established pet owners.  And we have children.  So no one would looked at us to get a dog.  Next I went looking for a breeder. Brian and I decided we either wanted a labador retreiver or a golden retriever. The more I thought about it the more I realized I wanted a golden retreiver.  I found a local breeder that had a dog coming available in a few weeks.

We decided to go and look at the dogs. We wanted to see if this would really work for us.  Before we did that though I did my homework.  I found kennels and doggie daycare for when we are away.  I looked into pet training options.  I found a vet. Brian and I discussed the time and cost factor of having a dog.  We decided we thought it was worth it for the kids. 

When we picked out the dog, we got the dog that was the most interactive with us.  The kids want a dog to play with.  We are an active family.  And this dog was just the cutest little thing ever!  On the car ride home, we all decided to get the dog. Austin and Sydney were so excited. They were singing a song and everything.  We called Auntie Melissa who was also so excited. 

Before we picked out the dog, Austin came up with the perfect name, London.  It fits with our travel themed names for kids.  We are all very excited about London!

Sunday, 5 July 2020

4th of July

Once we got back from vacation, life seemed a  little bit more normal.  We were not completely stuck in our house.  We got together with a few friends outside.   Some of the kids friends came over to swim. Sydney started softball.  It was nice. 

One of our favorite things to do on the 4th of July is the parade.  Due to the social distancing rules, there was no parade this year.  Brian decided to make his own parade for the kids.  He made signs to place on his car. He got music to correlate with the signs. And he lots of candy and threw it out the window.  The neighbor boys joined in on the fun.  Brian even remembered popsicles.  That's one of the kids favorite parts. Brian made the most of the situation. 

We didn't get to see any firework shows this year.  We usually go to at least two of them.  On the 4th of July a family came over.  The kids swam in the pool.  We played kro kay.  Brian set up a movie in the backyard. We had a fire.   We were able to see some of the fireworks from our house.  It was a great night. 

This summer we have been spending a lot of time in our pool.  The kids also like playing with the neighbors.  The play kids woods dirt store in the backyard.  The kids have also been making a movie with the neighbors.  Austin is the one that always films it.  He has started editing the videos with Brian's help.  The kids like to dress up in costumes while filming. 

Sydney has softball games twice a week.  I go and keep score.  I have actually enjoyed watching her play.  She's good for never playing before.  It nice to get out in the evenings.  Austin been going to speech therapy every other week.  Austin likes going to the hospital for speech to see the ball machine.  I am hoping this will help with his reading and sound recognition.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Myrtle Beach - 2020

This year we didn't know what to do about summer vacation.  We were supposed to meet Melissa somewhere with the boys.  We were thinking of Virginia and going to Bush Gardens.  However with covid we knew we couldn't do it.  Then we decided we would go down and see them.  We knew we would drive.  We also knew if we had to cancel it would be fine.  

Even though the number of cases continued to rise in South Carolina, we decided to go and visit Brian's family.  We left at 5am on Friday.  We only stopped for gas, 1 bathroom break, and lunch at Subway.  We made it in 11 hours which is much better than we have ever done.  It helped with so few stops.  We arrived Friday evening.  Once we arrived the kids went swimming.  They played around the house.  We had dinner and relaxed.  

On Saturday, we and looked for Geocaching.  We went to a park and looked for it for a while. We finally gave up.  Then we came home and the kids swam.  We were going to have a movie outside but it started raining.  They wanted Scoob inside.  

On Sunday, we went back and found the Geocach we couldn't find.  The guy that hid it called Melisa after she reached out to him.  Then we went and looked for it.   Then we relaxed at the house.  THe kids played Minecraft for a bit too.  It has been a relaxing trip so far.   

On Monday and Tuesday, we hung out a Melissa's house.  We did some swimming.  The weather wasn't the best.  It was cool and raining.  The kids went on a bike ride.  We continued to do some geocatching.  

On Wednesday, we went on a kayaking tour.  It was fun. We met at the dock.  Then we kayaked to an island.  It was a 30-45 minute kayak ride. I was the slowest.  At the island, the kids played in the water.  They also played in the sand dunes.  After about an hour on the island, we kayaked back.  Once we got back, Brian, Melissa and Austin placed a geocach.   They submitted for approval.  It was approved a day later.  

Our last day there was Thursday, we went to the beach after Austin's reading class.  Austin has been doing an online reading class once a week.  It's been good for him.  At the beach, we played in the water.  Brian helped the kids make a "pool" with a shower curtain.  They played on the boogie boards.  It was a fun several hours on the beach.  

We drove home on Friday.  We left at 5am and got home at 3:15pm.  We only stopped for gas and restroom break.  We picked up Subway for dinner after we got home.  It was great to get away but so nice to be home too.  

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Coronavirus 2020 - March, April, and May weekly update

March 17th  - I have decided to try write everyday while the Coronavirus is effecting us here.  Our lives have completely changed.  We are living one day at a time.  When looking at the calendar, the day really does matter since not much is going on.  This is so different from our normal life.

Today is St. Patrick’s Day.  The kids built leprechaun traps yesterday. They were excited to see if they trapped the leprechaun this morning. Unfortunately they did not. Sydney went deep into her drawer and found a St.Patrick’s shirt from last year and wore that.  I am not in the St. Patrick’s mood. 
Brian is worried and planning worst case scenarios.  I am more a one day at a time person.  I think we are prepared however no one really knows if we are prepared enough or not.

The kids have been doing a lego challenge every day.  They have also started watching Mo Willems and the drawing class he’s offering daily.  Sydney did some yoga.  I took the kids on a 2.5 mile bike ride around our neighborhood. It’s in the upper 30’s today so a bit chilly but we needed to do something. Austin finished his first book (Geronimo Stilton) while being off school.  I go and pick up their school work on Wednesday.  School starts back at home on Thursday.  

 Tomorrow is going to be interesting since Brian and I will both be working at home with the kids home.  Overall Austin and Sydney are doing well given the situation but they are bored. And we are not allowing them to watch TV and play video games all day.

March 20th-So much for writing everyday.  Yesterday Austin and Sydney started school online. It’s definitely different. They were excited in the morning to wake up and figure out their assignments. It’s work in progress so they are gradually easing into school online.  Austin started with a religion quiz, read a chapter in a book, answered questions, and did some math worksheets. Sydney had worksheets and poetry.  Honestly I was overwhelmed yesterday with working from home and starting the kids off to school.  I have to understand that they are just kids and adjusting to all of this. I have a lot of work to do at work so it’s challenging. I am hoping to adjust and next week will be better. I am so grateful that I work part time. Brian is working from home now too.  He’s super busy like usual so he’s not able to help much with the kids.  It’s amazing what the teachers have done with the new online school. Austin’s teacher has them making videos which Austin made one with Tinkercad and 3D printing.  He was busy most of the day. 
We have been going on bike rides in the evening.  It’s good exercise for them and us.  It’s still so weird to go from being busy all the time to nothing to do.  All activity places are closed.  Only stores are open.  We don’t let the kids go to stores anymore.  Luckily today was in the 60’s so they played outside a lot.  Austin and Sydney are still doing their lego challenges everyday.  They are also enjoying Mo Willems art class everyday.  I am very thankful for them.

It’s hard not to stress about when is our lives going to be back to normal. I hope it’s in a few weeks not months or years. I went grocery shopping today around 2pm and the shelves were empty.  They had some stuff and I was trying to get weekly groceries. I got almost everything we needed but it ‘scary to see the shelves so bare.  Brian had me stock up on groceries weeks ago but we are still trying to weekly shop like normal.  Just because we don’t know what is going to happen.

March 24th- Brian and I worked a lot in the upstairs bathroom remodeling it. I painted it (not sure why I thought yucky green was a good color 10+ years ago).  It’s now a pretty blue. Brian sanded the cabinet and I painted that a gray color. Brian put in a new counter-top and faucet. It looks so much better.  We are getting new hardware and towel racks soon.

The weather has been cool and rainy. The kids haven’t been outside much.  They are busy with their school work. The are enjoying the Mo Willems art class everyday.  They have been playing games, doing puzzles, and making their store downstairs. They are also enjoying cooking. Brian got out the bread machine.  Austin and Sydney love the banana bread in it.  They have enjoyed making jello too.

The amount of dishes I do these days are crazy.  It seems like it’s nonstop eating and cleaning up. Not that we are eating much but it’s just the meals and snacks. We don’t eat lunch everyday but it still seems like a lot.

I am hoping the weather gets nicer soon so we can be outside. Austin and Sydney love to ride their bikes and be outside.  As we continue to wait and see what is going to happen. Right now, New York City is the hardest hit area in the US. Italy is also a mess right now too.

March28th – I worked the last 3 days.  Luckily it wasn’t too bad with homing schooling the kids and working.  Austin does school work from about 8am to 12-1pm.  Sydney school work takes less time right now.  She gets her stuff done fairly well. Austin had his first spelling test online this week. It was cool for the teacher to do a live session and the kids to take a test. Austin’s teacher has been fantastic.
Brian works in the spare bedroom all day. It’s crazy on how many meeting he has everyday.  He can help with some school work but not much. Things have not slowed down for Brian at all at work.  The only thing is he doesn’t have that long commute.

Today is Saturday. The weekends are usually busy but not anymore.  It was warm and rainy. The kids played the Switch and watched some TV. They both video conference some of their friends. Sydney and her friend made a pinata on the video call. It was cool. Austin played video games. 

Brian and I are continuing to work on the kids bathroom.  Everything is painted.  Brian is changing the lights, mirrors and hardware.  Actually we decided to paint the closet down today the same color as the cabinet. I was excited for that. The bathroom is going to look nice when it’s done.

Brian and the neighbor next door built the kids a tree fort that they requested.  It took a few evenings but that is now up and the kids like that. We are social distancing however we do allow the kids to play with each other. None of the kids go anywhere else. Austin and Sydney have not left the house in over 10 days. They play outside and go on bike rides in our neighborhood but we don’t allow them in any stores. I go grocery shopping once a week and Brian goes to Home Depot if needed for the bathroom project (he tries to limit the trips).

April 3 (Friday)-  This has been an emotional week for me. I found out on Monday that my job is preparing us to go back into bedside nursing in an emergency.  I knew it was coming but hearing it and thinking about everything is exhausting. I had to order scrubs to wear.  At first, I thought I may have to work full time however so far it appears I will be able to work part time.

It’s hard because Brian works so much and the kids have so much school work to do.  It’s nice the school is keeping them so busy but difficult on days that I work.  Everything goes much smoother when I am off and can help with school work. This week we have been doing school work from 8:30am to 2:30pm with a half hour lunch break.  Austin finished reading Jake Drake book.  He had an English, Social Studies, and Spelling test this week. Sydney also had a spelling test.  Sydney had a little bit more work than last week which is good to keep busy.

April 8th (Wednesday) – I am on vacation this week. We were supposed to leave for Japan tomorrow. I am sad we are not going but happy we are safe at home. This is the first time ever that I am on vacation and not going anywhere. 

This weekend Brian cut Austin’s hair and Austin cut Brian’s hair.  They both turned out great. We also finished up the bathroom. It looks so much better.

Austin and Sydney have school this week. It seems a bit lighter than usual probably because spring break is coming.  The weather has been nice in the 60’s so they have been playing outside a lot.  Brian is digging up a pipe to help with drainage. They have been helping with that a little bit. They have mostly been getting muddy. 

The amount of laundry from mud is crazy.  However it beats just watching TV. Also the amount a dishes is crazy.  We have not had one carry out meal since this has started. So three meals a day plus snacks we eat at home.  That makes for a lot of dishes.

Last night, Austin made pancakes and crepes for dinner. He likes to cook.  I usually don’t let him make pancakes often because of the mess he makes of the stove. However when there is nothing else to do, I don’t have a problem cleaning the stove.  I went for a walk myself last night.  It was nice to just chill a bit. We are at 26 days of all of us being home.  I am trying to embrace it but some alone time is welcomed too.

April 10th (Good Friday) – Yesterday we took the kids to the high school and there was the Easter Bunny handing out plastic eggs.  It was a nice surprise for the kids.  However Sydney originally thought we were getting tested for COVID 19.  It’s crazy what our world is now. The kids have to see the Easter Bunny in a drive thru.  

The weather is colder so not as much playing outside.  The high is in the low 40’s.  The kids still like playing in their dirt store. They also like to ride bikes on their chalk drawn rodes.  They are sad the Mo Williems daily art shows are over. I told them I would find something new but they are not as interested.   Sydney made a rainbow out of legos today.

Austin and Sydney have been playing VR and the switch.  They are also enjoying the TV show Just add Magic.  They are also starting to work on the COVID 19 Time Capsule.   They get a little bored at times but all and all it’s been okay. 

April 13 (Monday after Easter) – On Saturday, Brian finished putting the drain in the backyard.  He dug all day long to complete it.  Austin and Sydney did help him some. It was a nice day to be outside. I finished up Easter stuff and cleaned up the house. 

On Easter morning, Austin was up early but he waited in his room until 7am as instructed.  He woke me up first then we got Brian up. Then he got Sydney up.  Austin remembered that the Easter bunny always hides the baskets in the playroom. The found it quickly.  Sydney got a Nintendo Switch that she has been wanting (but all stores are sold out) so she could play Minecraft with Austin.  Austin got 2 switch games and a new case to put all his games in. They got some candy and a egg that a bunny or chick comes out.  They are excited to see what it is. They both want a bunny.

They went outside and found all the plastic Easter eggs throughout the front and backyard. They got a lot of them. Then they came inside and played the switch.  They had fun. We also took a bike ride as a family.  Brian and Austin fixed Austin’s bike tire before we went.

For dinner, I made a little turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce.  Austin likes that.  Then we had a bonfire outside. The kids played together nicely together. It was just the four of us.  We even played the bear game for a bit. A family favorite.   Austin and Sydney convinced Brian to have a movie in the back yard.  It worked out but it was cooler than I liked and plus it was raining. I ended up inside.  I am not a big movie person and being outside in wet and cold is not my things. Everyone else had fun though.
It was sad not being in Japan like we were supposed to be. But we made the most of it given the situation.  Brian and I are sad because we know we may not be able to travel for a long time. There’s so many unknowns right now.

Today is Monday and Austin and Sydney are on spring break.  I am nervous about spring break since there’s not much to do. However Brian and I came up with a list of things for the kids to do. They need to practice their typing for 45 minutes.  They need to read for 45 minutes. They need to work on their COVID19 journal and time capsule. They can watch a new movie everyday while on spring break.  Then they can have some time for video games. The weather isn’t supposed to be that nice this week unfortunately.  We will see. So far so good.

Saturday April 18th- Well we made it though spring break.  The weather was cold and snowy. And there really much do to but we made the best of it.  We went on some bike rides (it was cold). The kids had fun drawing train tracks with chalk on the driveway. We baked cookies and bread. We played board games and dominos.  Austin and Sydney played Minecraft together on the switch. They watched movies.  All and all, it was a good week given the situation.

We all miss our friends and family. We would love to get back to normal however that appears that won’t be happening anytime soon.  The governor announced it will start reopening Ohio on May 1 slowly. Not sure how that is going to work but still not going to be normal.   There is no word what will be happening with schools but I can’t imagine that they will be going back this school year. I am okay with that. However I really hope we can do something this summer.

Sydney has molluscum and one of the bumps became infected.  We saw a physician online since don’t want to go out due to COVID19.  She was prescribed an antibiotic.  It was interesting to do a online visit but it was simple.

Our school did a online meeting with 3rd grade parents on Friday night. It was nice to see all the parents.  It’s so weird because we used to see them almost everyday.  Now we haven’t seen them in over a month.

Tuesday April 21st – I went to basic RN refresher course yesterday for work. Since there is a possibility that I would be deployed to the bedside, it was recommended we take this course. I was nervous about it but it was fine. I learned some things.  Hopefully it won’t get that bad for me to be deployed but so many unknowns right now.

Brian had the kids all afternoon. They decided to build a swimming pool with a tarp over our fire pit.  And they went swimming (more liked played in the water). It was only 55-60 degrees outside.  Austin and Sydney know that would have never happened if I was home.

The kids were back from spring break on Monday. It was nice to get back into a bit of a routine and kids doing school work all morning long.  They don’t seem to mind the school work too much. Sydney works mostly in her room. Austin is downstairs and I help him a lot. Sydney doesn’t have as much to do. 

I went grocery shopping this morning. It’s depressing going to the store wearing making sure you social distance.  Like everyone, I just want my normal life back. However, I understand and support why everything is shut down. Some states are starting to open back up and that’s a disaster waiting to happen.  Nervously waiting to see what happens. 

Wednesday April 29- wow over a week has went by since my last entry.  We have been busy with school work.  Brian is busy with work. In his free time (weekends), he is working on the landscape lighting outside.  Brian let the kids have an outdoor movie night on Saturday. Honestly I wasn’t a fan of. I like when the kids go to bed on time and I have a little time at night. Austin also gets up so early that it seems I never get any alone time.  So I didn’t take part in the movie night.  The kids were happy though. 

On Sunday, the weather was cold and rainy.  It was so depressing. Austin had some enrichment homework to finish. He was being difficult and pushing Brian’s buttons.  Sydney and I did housework.  Sydney learned how to do laundry.  We also cleaned the floor.

On Monday I watched the governors press conference.  The hospitals, doctor offices, and dentists are going to slowly open.  Businesses can open next Monday with strict rules like wearing mask. Stores will be allowed to open up the following week.  At first, it was going to be required to wear mask in the store and now it’s just strongly recommended.  Again the whole thing just makes me sad.

Austin and Sydney have been spending as much time outside as possible. They like to ride their bikes in the driveway with roads and train tracks.  They are also building wood animals. Austin made dog with a leash the I walked down the driveway.  They are creative.  They watch the show Androids now on Prime.  But that is really the only TV they get. They haven’t played the switch much either this week.
They only have a few more weeks of school. Then what? I am not sure how we are going to pass the time.  But I am sure we will figure it out. This doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon. 

Friday May 1 -It’s May but nothing really has changed. In May, my friends and I usually call it Maycember because it’s so busy with end of school activities. Not this year. Even though, their school is doing an amazing job it’s not the same.  I counted last night and we have been home now for 7 weeks. That’s a long time. However I believe we have a long way to go.

Austin has grown attached to his wooden dog he made. It goes upstairs with him at night and down stairs in the morning.  They are currently watching a Wrinkle in Time together.  Sydney is downstairs watching Desendents 3.  I have cleaned up the house and Brian is busy at working from home.

The kids have not been doing legos much anymore.  However Sydney wanted a Frozen 2 lego set that we got her.  She put it together in a few days.  Austin has been into flying his drone again.  They like to play outside as much as possible.  They are either making things in the garage or riding their bikes.  They also enjoy playing at their dirt store in the backyard. 

Saturday May 9 -  Last weekend Brian and I leveled out the yard where the pool will be going. It was a lot of work but it should be good for the kids this summer. The weather was beautiful last weekend. It was in the 70’s. We spent most of the weekend outside. 

It was another week of busy school. Austin is reading book the book War with Grandpa for school.  We are enjoying the book. Austin has Math and English assignments everyday.  Sydney has English and Math everyday as well.  She does most of her work herself. The weather has been cooler this week. Austin and Sydney haven’t been outside much.  Today it even snowed. Yes, it’s May 9th and there was snow. Next weekend is supposed to be nice again though.

Ohio is starting to reopen again.  Next week, stores will all open and personal care places will open.  We are still planning on staying home.  I go grocery shopping once a week and Brian goes to Costco every other week. Austin had a hearing test this week.  Surprisingly to us he passed it. However he is still having difficulty with sounds. We are looking into speech services this summer. 

Thursday May 14th – Brian has been busy getting the pool set up. In fact, it got set up yesterday and it’s still currently filling.  Austin and Sydney are so excited!  So far, everything  has been going well.  The pool is much bigger than I thought. Austin and Sydney are going to have something to do this summer. 
Also the governor announced today that non contact sports can resume at the end of the month.  It’s possible that Sydney would be able to play softball.  And Austin could maybe do tennis.  Not sure exactly yet but it’s exciting that there may be something for them to do. 

Austin is having a hard time with all of this.  He liked our normal life and staying home all the time is not going well for him. Recently he’s been angry.  I get it.  It’s hard.  We try to take Austin when we can to go somewhere.  Like Brian had to get the lawn mover fixed and had to drop it off. Both Brian and Austin stayed in the car for social distancing reasons so Austin could go.   Brian also took Austin to get sand for the pool. Again staying in the car, so safe and he got to get out. 

Austin also had an orthodontist appointment this week. It went surprisingly well.  Austin doesn’t need any work done yet.  We will follow up in a year.  That was great news. 

Austin and Sydney only have one more week of school left. At first, I was nervous however now I am ready for summer. Austin is going to do a summer reading program. They will have some work to do but it won’t be as much.  Honestly I am ready for the break. 

Monday May 18th- We opened our pool this weekend. We filled it up Wednesday and Thursday.  Brian used the fire and pump to heat it.  The pool water started at 50 degrees but Brian got it up to 70.  Austin and Sydney did not swim for long but they did get in the pool both days.  Brian had to get in to spread the salt.  We got salt water pool. Austin and Sydney are very happy about the pool.

It’s interesting because I am finally putting stuff in my calendar again. The entire month of April there was nothing. I am adding drive by birthday parties or school parades.  Also there are a few car and doctor appointments.   It’s exciting to do something. We are still be very cautious and not going out too much. 

I am interested to see what happens with COVID 19. Ohio has began to reopen and a lot of people are out and about.  Either there is going to be a spike soon or could it be more seasonable virus?  There is so much experts don’t know about it. We will have to wait and see.

May 28th – Thursday – Memorial day weekend was extremely hot.  We were so happy our pool was up and ready to use.  We used it a lot over the weekend.   We even took the kids quickly to the store to get pool floats.  We of course wore masks, social distanced, and didn’t allow the kids to touch anything.  Stores are open now.  Restaurants are also open however we wouldn’t dine in.  We got pizza today.

Austin and Sydney are done with 2nd and 3rd grade.  It was a good year considering.  It would be better if they were in school but they made the best it could be.  Austin will miss his daily hangout class with his teacher.  Sydney will also miss her classes and the work.  They like to be busy.  I ordered them summer solution books to keep their skills fresh.  Austin is also doing a summer reading class online.  He needs more practice with reading.

We still stay home most of the time. Today, Austin and I ran to the library and dropped off some books we checked out right before things closed down. We still have a few books from another library however they aren’t open yet. 

The nicer weather is making staying home more manageable.   We are trying to embrace summer.  Brian even set up an outdoor movie for them tonight.