Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Austin needs glasses


Everything is always harder for Austin.  We know about his hearing issues.  With having ear tubes four times phonics and reading has not been Austin's strongest subjects.  However since last year, his hearing test was normal.  So we would think that school would be easier.  Unfortunately that has not been the case.  

Honestly we were at a lost of why.  When Austin was in second grade, I had his eyes checked and they were normal.  So I didn't think it could be his vision.  But really didn't know what it could be.  Kind of assumed still related to all of his hearing issues.  

The school has been great and helping us.  The teachers notices a lot about his reading and writing.  They suggested we get his vision checked again.  So I took Austin to another eye doctor.  Austin was adamant that he was not wearing glasses.  I encouraged him not to worry about that and for us to just figure out what is wrong.  Again I didn't really think it was his vision.  

After an hour long eye exam, it was determined that Austin needs glasses for reading.  When he had the glasses on he could read so much better.  I was relieved.  I was worried it was something much bigger.  To me this seems like an easy fix.  However Austin doesn't see it that way.  I understand where he is coming from.  He doesn't know many people with glasses.  And he doesn't want to wear them.  I am grateful that he only needs them for reading.  

The doctor put some drops in his eyes to check for glaucoma.  They stung a little bit and that upset him.  He was very upset but I did bribe him with Dairy Queen.  That seemed to work.  He is fine with the glasses right now too if he gets Dairy Queen every time he goes to the eye doctor.  Diary Queen is right by the office so it works out.  

We ordered the glasses.  They should come in a few weeks.  I really hope this helps him and that he wears them!  

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