Here we are November 13, 2020. This is year is nothing like I could have expected, imagined or anything. As I learned in March, never take a day for granted. The lock down had some positives (spending more time together) however it was mostly a challenge for everyone here. We like our normal. We like going to school and work. We like having friends and seeing family outside of our household.
Once the lock down was lifted and the weather was nice outside. It was nice to get back to an almost normal. We always wear our masks out in public. We follow the rules. Watching Austin and Sydney strive in school. They were happy again. They enjoyed sports and just being kids.
Now Ohio has more than 6000 cases a day. The governor made reference that restaurants and gyms may need to close. Trust me, I get it. We have to do whatever needs to be done to save lives. I am trying to embrace this uncertain time. I am trying to enjoy the time I have with the kids. But I so wish covid would go away!
The kids are still in school right now. They had a case that involved a staff member. However they were able to stay open at least for now. No one knows what tomorrow will bring.
My job has been stressful. Brian is always extremely busy. Austin and Sydney are busy with school. Austin got his glasses this week. He has gotten use to them. He likes them as much as he can. He only needs them for reading. Austin has been playing tennis once a week. Sydney is back in cheer. She is also doing a tumbling class once a week. It good to stay busy. And we will wait to see what happens in the next few days or weeks.