For Thanksgiving we went to my parent's house. We ate at 4pm which worked out nicely with Austin's nap schedule.

I have always liked routine but with Austin it is a must. We stick to his schedule every day. Thanksgiving morning while Austin was napping Brian and I looked though the ads. Every year Brian and I would go out shopping on Black Friday. This year there was nothing we really wanted so we decided not to go out. Well kind of. Brian went out at midnight to Target for some pans for me but he was unsuccessful at getting them. I decided I would rather sleep (hey, one of us had to stay home with Austin anyway!). After Austin's nap we went to Old Navy since they were open on Thanksgiving. They had some good deals so we got some clothes. After shopping we came home and Austin took his afternoon nap. Once Austin got up we went to my parent's for dinner.

At dinner we let Austin try turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Austin does not like food much yet. He prefers his milk. Some mashed potatoes got stuck on his tongue and he gagged. After that we stuck to his turkey and sweet potato baby food. We even tried to give Austin a tiny piece of pumpkin pie and he was not interested. Generally he's not a fan of most foods. He is starting to like things he can chew on though. Brian gave him a piece of pizza crust that was all bread and he liked playing with that. He also will eat bananas whole that Brian will give him. He just peels it and hands it to him and Austin will gum it. He only gets little bits off. Sometimes he'll take a big bite, but he spits it out right away because he doesn't know what to do with it.

Austin got to play with Gizmo. Gizmo is a dog but he is really sized like a pony. He is 150 pounds. Austin loves playing with him. Gizmo just lets Austin do whatever he wants. It is really cute to see.
Austin is now 25 pounds. He is cruising around the furniture. He also loves to walk with his toy walker. He crawls so fast. Anywhere he wants to go, he goes. He is now able to climb up and down stairs. He learned how to go down the stairs the correct way. He now does it for our living room step too.

This weekend we went out and bought a new Christmas tree. Our previous tree was huge and has fake snow on it. Austin is going to just eat the snow so we decided to get a smaller more basic tree. Our previous tree only had glass icicle ornaments on it. Again that is not going to work with Austin. We decided we will use our new Christmas tree for a few years while Austin is young then go back to our nice tree once he is older and will appreciate it.
I am excited to put up our tree but need to wait closer until Christmas because I don't want to worry about Austin knocking it down for a month.

Austin loves to get into everything! We did set up our
deluxe Christmas light display outside already. Austin likes to watch it out the front window.
The weather has been great so we have been going for our walks. I know it's going to change soon. I'm going to miss walking with Austin. However the snow is going to be fun for him especially once he gets older.
The other week I went to the store while Brian stayed home and watched Austin. In my absence, he hooked up our camera to the back of Austin's car so you could watch Austin get pushed around the house from his perspective. He made a couple of entertaining videos of it. You can check them out below.

We even went to see decorated Christmas trees with Austin at the Knight Center in Akron on black Friday. He got his picture taken with Alvin and the chipmucks. It is officially time to start getting ready for Christmas. It is going to be fun (like Austin playing with a bowl full of spaghetti fun - see video clip down below).
Austin taking care of leftovers: