We took him to the pediatrician yesterday for his two month check up. She said he looks good and healthy. He also got 5 vaccines. I hate when he has to get shots. I feel so bad for him. He cries and cries. Plus his face turns so red. Brian was able to distract him afterwards by carrying him the way he likes (see video below). Brian will carry him so he faces outward and Austin loves it. He holds on securely to his legs and lets him look around and lean up against him. A common side effect of the vaccines is a fever. So I gave him some Tylenol because he felt warm and was a little fussy. He was otherwise fine with everything.

Austin usually goes to the grocery stores with us unless my mom offers to babysit. My mom babysat him on Saturday night. That is our shopping night so we went out for dinner then to the grocery store. Even though the grocery store is not very exciting, we enjoy our date nights out together. We had a nice dinner and talked about how our lives are going to change once I go back to work. I am still extremely emotional about that subject.

Brian and I are also focused too on our marriage. We enjoy doing things together without Austin at times. Our lives cannot just be about Austin. Austin needs parents who love each other and cherish their marriage. That way he can be raised in a happy home with two happy parents.

I now feel comfortable taking Austin anywhere I go. I am able to go to the stores by myself with him. I do not see it as a pain. I just pick him up and off we go. I know some moms who do not like leaving the house. That is not me. The only issue is his car seat is heavy because it weighs about 10 pounds and with Austin in it that is another 13 pounds. Once the weather gets nicer, I will be able just to carry him without the car seat.

We leave on Friday to drive to Myrtle Beach. I am a little nervous about the car ride but we will see how it goes. It will be nice to get away for a week. Plus we need practice on taking Austin on vacation. As everyone knows, we love to travel. And we hope Austin does too!

Since we're posting videos, here is a good video of Austin's other favorite thing to do: play on his play mat. This was shot when he was 6 weeks old.

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