On Saturday, my mom called an offered to watch Austin Saturday night. That was an unexpected surprise. Brian and I decided to take her up on the offer. Since it was short notice we did not have time to plan anything. So we decided to go out for dinner and then do our grocery shopping. For the last few weeks, we have taken Austin with us to the grocery store. For the most part, he is really good but this week we did our shopping alone. Welcome to parenthood.

On Sunday my brother Dean arrived from Texas. He drove up here to visit for a week to meet his nephew Austin. Dean and my parents came over for dinner. I got to make a large Sunday meal. I really enjoy cooking but more so when I get to cook for a crowd.

It was nice Dean was here. Him and Dad came up several days to spend the day with Austin and me. I usually do not leave the house much and do not get many visitors so this week was exciting for me. On Wednesday morning, I was even brave and went to breakfast with everyone. Austin was really good at the restaurant. Restaurants often have sling like stools to put the car seat in. It works out great because I do not even have to get Austin out of his car seat. He is able to sit at the table with us but no one has to hold him while they eat.

On Thursday, Dad and Dean watched Austin for me for two hours. Austin was good for them. I was grateful. They even changed his diaper. They said that was an adventure but they did it. Neither has changed a baby’s diaper in many years. They did a great job.
Thursday was St. Patrick’s Day. This week, I have dressed Austin in several St. Patrick’s outfits that we received. Also the weather was unseasonably warm. Dean and I walked Austin around the block while Dad washed my car for me. Then that evening Brian and I walked Austin around the block too. He got to see outside a lot. I was so happy to get outside.

This week Austin has discovered his hand and somewhat his thumb. He really likes to suck on his hand. I am afraid that he is going to be sucking his thumb very soon. We even bought Austin a pacifier to see if he would suck on that instead of his hand. He just spits the pacifier out though. So we will see what happens. Also this week, he began to smile while awake. Austin now weighs 12 pounds.

In a month, I will be going back to work. I have so many mixed feelings on this. One moment, I am excited to go back to work. I have worked hard with my career. I’m proud of what I have accomplished and do not want to give that up. The other hand I am very sad to leave my baby boy. I know with him in daycare I will not spend as much time with him as I want to. I will probably miss important milestones in his life. That is hard breaking. I wonder how Brian and I are going to do with me working full time. We have a really good set up right now but that is going to change once I am working all week. This keeps me up at night worrying about it. But I need to relax and see what happens. We need to try it and hopefully everything will work out for all of us.

It is another nice day outside so I am meeting my friend and we are going for a walk. Before I had Austin, we would walk 6-7 miles once a week together. Our walks are going to be different with Austin here but they may be even more fun.
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