Brian is also busy at work. He has always been good at what he does and enjoys it. But his job is demanding too. So with both of us with managerial jobs, it keeps life interesting for us. Brian found out this week that he will be traveling for work soon. Neither of us are too happy about it but understand that it has to be done. Brian is going to miss Austin a lot. I am going to miss Brian a lot! Brian and I have been great partners in raising Austin but with him gone for two weeks that leaves everything up to me. Let’s hope I can do this!

Earlier this week, Austin decided that he should get up every two hours during the night. That was miserable! He usually gets up at least once a night and sometimes twice. We are okay with that. But every two hours and working all week makes things very difficult. Luckily that only lasted three nights. Austin seems to be back to his normal routine. We think he was starting to teeth. No teeth have broken though yet. He also had a stuffy nose so that may have contributed to his non-sleeping nights.

The weather is finally nice. We try to walk around the block every night with him. All the neighbors stop and talk to us and want to see Austin. Yesterday we took Austin for a long walk to Subway for dinner. He enjoys his walks. As long as his tummy is full we can go anywhere with him. He enjoys seeing everything.

Also yesterday we were out shopping with Austin. Most of the time when we go to the store, we leave Austin in his car seat so it can easily go onto the shopping cart. In his car seat, I have a pacifier just in case and a rag for when he drools. We stopped in Best Buy to look at dishwashers real quick. Brian took him out of the car seat and carried him inside. We were looking at dishwashers then all of a sudden Austin spit up. Brian looked at me and asked if I had a rag. I didn't. Everything was in the car. Then Brian come up with the idea to take his socks off and use them. I thought that was genius. I was too embarrassed that I did not have a rag to think of that! Next time we go into a store I will be sure to have a rag with me! All the simple things, I have to learn about being a mom.

Two other noteworthy events is that Austin's passport arrived in the mail and we had a tornado warning. Our city's tornado sirens were going off and I had to take Austin downstairs and into a center closet which we think it the safest option. We don't have a basement, but a lower level that is partially underground.

Today we are going to visit Grandma and Gramps and also my parents. It is suppose to be another nice day. We are going to enjoy it before we start another long week.

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