On Thursday, I had to take Austin to daycare by myself for the first time. On Wednesday, Brian and I both took him to daycare so I would feel more comfortable on Thursday. Brian had to take my car to get fixed Thursday morning so I needed to take Austin. Plus it was about time that I started taking him since again the daycare is at my work. So Thursday morning was going okay. We were a little behind schedule but I figured everyday is not going to go perfect.

Back to my story... On Thursday morning we got Austin in the convertible car seat and I drove him to daycare. While driving, he was coughing but he had been doing that for a week now. Well when I went to carry him into daycare I was in for a big surprise. Austin had vomited everywhere! I do mean EVERYWHERE! I could not believe it. It was all over him, all over the car seat, and all over the back seat of the car. Oh my! At first I really did not know what to do. Luckily I had extra blankets so I used them to help clean up a little bit. Then I took a clean blanket and wrapped Austin in it and carried him inside. Once we got to his room, I changed him into some clean clothes.

Thursday night was an ugly night. Austin was miserable, crying all the time. He would not even sleep in his crib. He has always slept in his crib but not Thursday night. Actually he did not really sleep at all. Brian stayed up with him until 1am so I could get a few hours of sleep. Then I was up with him the rest of the night. I let him sleep in his bouncer chair when he would sleep down stairs with me.

Brian stayed home Friday morning for a few hours and then took Austin to daycare in the late morning. I went to work early on Friday. That was awful. I do not like being up all night with a sick baby and then going to work. Austin no longer had a fever so that was good. I still wanted to take him to the doctor to see what was going on. I knew something was not right. I got an appointment in the afternoon. The doctor diagnosed him with a bilateral ear infection. No wonder he was so cranky. He is now on an antibiotic for 10 days.

Austin does not like his bubblegum flavor medicine. We have now learned to put it in a little breast milk (about 0.5 oz or so) and he will drink it with the milk. Otherwise he just spits it back out. Also at first he was still vomiting, so he would vomit the medicine back up. Finally he has stopped vomiting and we have gotten several doses of antibiotics in him. He is starting to feel better and acting more normal again. He is back to chugging bottles again so we know he is feeling better. He still has a harsh cough. Hopefully that will go away soon.
Last night he slept in his crib again. He only got up once too. He was so tired. Today he has been sleeping a lot.

Let’s hope this week is a little better for all of us!
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