Starting Monday, I will be working part time. Brian and I decided about a month ago that it was best for us if I went part time. We were unable to make things work with our current jobs. Many days Austin was in daycare for 10 hours a day. That is not fair to Austin. I really want to enjoy time this time with Austin. With our crazy work schedules, I was not able to do that. I am very happy I will be spending more time with Austin. He is only this age once and I don’t want to miss it.

I have been extremely stressed about work and being a new mom. I am thinking things are going to start getting better when I am not working long days everyday. My current schedule has me getting up at 5am so I can pump and get ready before getting Austin up. I wake up Austin every morning at 6am. He is always sleeping so soundly when I get him up. I hate it. I change him then Brian feeds him while I pack the car. I have to pack my pump, work bag and the diaper bag. Austin arrives at daycare before 7am so I can be at work at 7am. I work until 4-5pm. I pick Austin up and we go home. Once at home, I want to spend time with Austin but I need to get bottles washed and dinner prepared. I do not really cook much these days. We eat very simple meals or Subway. Brian comes home and we eat dinner and play with Austin. We walk around the block every night too. We enjoy that family time every night. Around 9pm we get Austin ready for bed. Brian usually feeds him and reads him a story. Austin goes to sleep.

Austin was better this week with sleeping through the night. He got up only once most nights. When he gets up at night he eats, gets his diaper changed, and goes back to bed fairly easily. Brian and I on the other hand don’t fall back to sleep as easily. I usually take the night shift on the weekends and one or two nights during the week. Brian does the rest. This week Austin stopped sleeping on his back. He now immediately rolls onto his side to sleep every night. He decided to make the switch abruptly one night and has stuck to it ever since.

Things are going to get a lot easier now that I am not working everyday. I will be able to handle the night shift more. I will also be able to have chores done by the time Brian gets home. Brian will be able to spend time with Austin and we will be able to enjoy our time together as a family. I am thinking my stress level will be significantly decreased.

Brian will be going to China in a little over a week for work. That is going to have its challenges I am sure. I think I am nervous because I am so use to working everyday that I don’t fully understand how much better things are going to be soon. This week will hopefully make me realize it. I am going to miss Brian. Brian is going to miss Austin. But it is only two weeks and then we will be back together again. We will be using Skype to talk to each other. This way he will be able to see Austin and Austin will see him. Everything is going to be fine.
On Monday, we took Austin to the pediatrician for his 4 month check up. He received 4 vaccines again. Brian was able to calm him down immediately by walking him around the room with him (facing outwards). As long as Austin is able to see things, he is happy (even if he just got 4 shots seconds earlier). Austin weighs 17 1/2 pounds and his 17 1/4 inches long. He is so big! He is 99 percentile for height and 89 percentile for weight. Oh he's so cute!

The only concern the doctor had was he has a flat spot on his head. It is from laying on his back for sleeping. She thinks it will get better as he starts to sit up more. Austin is now able to sit up with help right now. We are working on not having him always on his back. Luckily Austin does like tummy time too. Plus he loves his excersauser. Austin is also able to stand with help. Our little boy is growing so fast.
We are going to enjoy the weekend off together as family. I am very excited for this new week!
Austin VideosLate Saturday after I wrote this, Austin started sitting up on his own. We shot this video on Sunday:

Austin got bored looking at stuff in the house, so Brian propped him up to look outside:

And finally, now that Austin is sitting up he can play with his toys. Watch him laugh as he watches his little toy truck drive by.