Sunday was Brian’s first father’s day. I was really happy he was home. We enjoyed our day as a family. Austin got Brian a mouse pad with pictures of him and Brian. Austin wrapped it in a swaddle blanket. Brian was the expert swaddler. I could swaddle Austin but not as well as Brian. I got Brian a picture frame that said First Father’s Day, Daddy and Austin. I thought it was cute. I think Brian had a good day with Austin. Brian leaves for China Monday morning.

Working part time has been wonderful. I am so much happier now. Work is still stressful but at least I am only there a few days a week. I am able to spend quality time with Austin. On my days off, Austin and I have went to the library and went to some garage sales. I was not impressed with the garage sales. I was hoping to find some clothes for Austin but was unsuccessful. I decided to check out Good Will for Austin’s clothes. I found some really cute things for him. Best part is they were cheap. He will out grow them before he has time to wear them much anyway.

Austin is now in 9-12 month clothes. I needed to have a lot of clothes for Austin because when I was working full time I was only able to do laundry once a week. Now that I am off more I will do laundry more but still need cute clothes for him. I love dressing him cute. I get mad every time I go to the store because there are so many girl clothes and limited boys clothes. Don’t stores know that mommies will buy just as many boy clothes as girls? But going to Good Will will help cut the cost of clothes since he out grows them so fast. He is already wearing 9-12 month clothes now even though he's only 5 months old.

I am still pumping 4 times a day. I am determined to make it until Austin is 6 months old with solely breast milk. I only have one more month to go. I have started going though my frozen milk supply. When I first starting using the frozen milk I was sad. I worked so hard to make the milk and now I had to use it. Part of me wanted to save it longer but I had to start using it. When I counted how many servings I had, there were 125. Each serving was at least 4 oz. I find that impressive.
I am sad that Brian is leaving for China. I was never happy with this idea but understood that it had to be done. We were starting to figure parenthood out and now he is going to be gone for 2 weeks. I will be happy when he is back. Working part time will help me because I cannot imagine working full time and being by myself. Like everything we have faced so far we will take things one day at a time. I am trying not to get overly stressed out.

Brian is going to Shanghai which is where we bought this blue stuffed animal which we named "Shanghai". It was the mascot for the 2010 World Fair. Now it is a pillow for Austin.
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