We also took the kids to Breakfast with Santa. They had fun and we talked to some other parents that live near us and also go to the same daycare. Austin mainly liked running around and sitting at the various tables coloring. He wanted Sydney to sit next to him. I think we might get him a kids table and chairs set for Christmas or his birthday since he liked it so much and he does like to color at home too.
Melissa and Jonathan came up for Thanksgiving. It was so nice of them to come up. With Melissa being pregnant I know it's hard to travel. Plus it is a long drive. They came over on Wednesday. They brought toys for Austin and Sydney. Austin got a helicopter which he loves. He also got some Home Depot tools. He loved his tools too. In fact the next morning that was the first thing he got and had to fix his car with them. Sydney got a plush doggie that she likes to chew on. Austin gives it to her. It's so cute to see that. She also got a shopping cart for when she is a little older. It was so nice of them to get them these thoughtful gifts.

Wednesday night we went to the park with the kids. Jonathan and Brian chased Austin around the park while Melissa and I talked about baby Yogi. It was fun. Then we went to Bob Evans for dinner. During dinner Melissa taught Austin how to break crayons. Fortunately Austin does not break them at home. I can't wait to see what Brian teaches baby Yogi. Austin and Sydney were good during dinner. It is hard to go out with both of them. I bounced Sydney on my lap as I ate but that is fine. I have learned to eat really fast and know that most likely I am going to have a child on my lap. Many times if I have Sydney on my lap then Austin wants to be on Brian's lap.
Before nap on Thanksgiving Austin wanted to use the potty. He has been sitting on his potty sporadically for a few weeks now. We have not forced the issue but if he wants to try we let him. That means Brian or I sit on the bathroom floor and read him potty books. We are in there for at least 20 minutes. That is a little challenging when we are home alone but we are making it work. I have to be honest I am not looking forward to potty training. It is going to be messy and a lot of work but know it will be worth it in the end. So on Thanksgiving, Austin went pee pee in the potty for the first time. We were all so excited for him. He gets chocolate when he goes. He was happy about his chocolate. It is a work in progress but we are at least starting. We also ordered more potty books because we only had two and Brian and I were both really sick of them after reading only those books for 20 plus minutes

On Friday, my mother in law, Mike, and grandma came over to see the kids for a short time. They needed to get back home. They played with them and then went home. After nap, Melissa and Jonathan came over for the evening and played with them too. It was fun hanging out with them. Before they moved we would see each other at least once a month. Now it's only a few times a year. We miss hanging out with them as much but enjoy the time when we are together. I really wish they lived closer now since Yogi is coming. Austin and Sydney would have so much fun with Yogi. But we are hoping maybe to go on vacations together.
Saturday morning we met Melissa and Jonathan at Wally Waffles for breakfast. Again we had a nice time with them. They were going home today. It was nice because again Austin and Sydney were really good. We got to enjoy our meal too. After breakfast, Brian and I took the kids to see the Christmas tree festival in Akron. I love going to see the trees. Sydney was crying so Brian took her out of the stroller. When Austin saw that she was out, he wanted out too. It was a little bit of a mess but we figured it out and it worked out okay.
Then on Saturday night, we decided to take Austin to a play land inside Burger King. When we arrived we realized it was under construction so we couldn't go there. Sydney was getting hungry too. We did not know what to do. We ended up at Chick Filet. Brian took Austin inside to play and I stayed in the car and fed Sydney. I am getting really good at feeding Sydney in the car. It is actually better than the bottles because she won't fight it. It worked out because after she was done eating she was really happy and enjoyed watching her brother play on the playground.
A week earlier we went to Parasons for dinner with the kids. We thought it would be fun. It was, but we ended up spending most of the time trying to get Austin to stay in his chair and keep Sydney from crying. It was about as much work as it would be just to stay at home eat dinner. The playground at a fast food restaurant is a little more kid friendly and obviously has a much lower bar for expectations of behavior!
Brian and I had a great long weekend together. It has been awhile since we had a long weekend. Brian did not have to work too much this weekend so it was great. We really enjoyed our family time. I wish every weekend could be like this.