Last weekend Nana and Grandpa came up for a visit. It was good to see them. Austin and Sydney warmed up to them well with was nice. We went to Mike's son Patrick's house on Sunday for a family get together. Austin did so well playing there. Austin is slow to warm up at times but it was refreshing to see him do well there. They had an indoor jumping house. Austin and Sydney had fun in it.
Nana and Grandpa stayed with us all day Monday. Austin was excited for them to come over and play. We went to JoAnn's to get a blanket for Sydney. Nana made her an Elmo blanket. Sydney loves Elmo right now. It is crazy how much she loves Elmo. She doesn't even watch much of Elmo but she loves wearing Elmo socks and pants. In fact one day Sydney went to school in her Elmo pajama pants because she refused to wear another pair of pants. Austin and Nana made banana bread. Austin enjoys cooking. He is good at it too. Everyone had a good day.
We took the kids to eat breakfast with the Easter Bunny at our rec center. My mom came with us too. Kaitlyn and her family was there too. We ate pancakes and eggs. Austin really likes eggs. Then we took them up to see the Easter Bunny. We were pleasantly surprised on how well they did. They wanted to sit on our laps at first but later on they sat next to the Easter Bunny by themselves. Then they colored pictures and made plants with sunflower seeds. We have the plants on our windowsill and they are growing nicely.
Austin and Sydney also went to an aquatic Easter egg hunt at our rec center. They placed lots of eggs in the pool and they had to go get them. They enjoyed that. They had to do it separately because they are in different age groups but it worked out well. Austin even gave the Easter bunny a hug there. It was awesome! Austin really likes Easter eggs. He watches egg videos on his Kindle.

Sydney has another ear infection. She has had 7 ear infections in 10 months. If she gets another one we will need to see the ENT. We are hoping she can make it though this spring/summer without tubes. If she needs them winter then we will do that to help them last longer. When she gets ear infections she doesn't sleep at night well at night. Sometimes she gets a fever. She also has a bad cough too. I feel bad when the kiddos are sick.
Austin is starting to do a little better in swim classes. He is still very worried about us leaving him there. Brian moved from one spot to another one class and Austin didn't see him anymore and freaked out. That set him back a little. We think he's just afraid we're going to disappear while he's in class. He's okay at school, but he knows how that works. He seems to be slowly getting better, but it's taken a long time to figure out what was going on.
We even had a parent-teacher conference to see if he was upset at school or acting unusually shy. They said everything was fine, so it's really just been Little Gym and now Swim Class. We have slowly been working through it, but it's been quite a challenge to isolate what we think is the cause so we could try to address it. He's starting to have fun at swim class... as long as he knows we're not going to disappear!
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