Friday 2 May 2014

Easter (3.2 years and 20 months)

Austin has been waiting for Easter for a long time.  He loves watching videos on YouTube of people opening Easter eggs.  On Saturday morning we took him and Sydney to our local outdoor Easter egg hunt.  It was a little cool but over all the weather was nice.  Austin was with the 3-4 age group kids and Sydney was with the 2 and under.  Brian took Austin and I took Sydney.  Because the weather was nice it was more crowded.  The egg hunt was over in a minute.  Luckily they both got a few eggs so they were happy.  After it was over, we played in the field throwing the eggs and picking them back up again.  They had fun.
On Easter morning, the kids got to find their Easter baskets.  They were under the kitchen table.  They needed help finding it but they finally did.  Austin got gears that he loved.  Sydney got an Elmo doll that she absolutely loves.  Then we had an egg hunt outside in the front yard.  It was so cute watching them run for the eggs.  Sydney realized that there was candy inside the eggs.  She decided to eat the candy while Austin was more interested in getting more eggs.

The Easter bunny hid a few more toys for them outside by the swingset.   A soccer ball was inside the slide, a gas pump was on the swingset, and a scooter was hanging from a tree.  It was something to see.  Austin had fun lowering the scooter down.  They really had a great time.  These toys are their favorites right now.

After nap we went down to my parents for dinner.  They got to find Easter baskets at their house.  Then they had an egg hunt outside too.  Again they had a lot of fun.  The weather was beautiful.  We could not of asked for a better Easter.  We walked to the park before dinner.  It was fun.

Austin has a new trick on how to put on his own coat.  He lays it down on the floor and stands behind the hood.  He puts his arms in and flips it over his head.  Then it's on.  It is pretty cool.  He has shown Sydney how to do it.  She loves to do it and refuses any help getting on her coat.

The other day Austin decided he needed to go to the bathroom alone.  He would keep telling me "don't bother me".  I respected his need for privacy.  Austin is a very private person.  I thought he was pooping in the potty.  I then realized he was teaching himself to stand and go pee.  This came out of nowhere.  He did really good with it.  Now he loves to go pee completely by himself.  We have bought him a child's urinal too to help.  He is really good a peeing in the potty all the time.  He even stays dry at nap.  He still wears a diaper at night but other than that he wears his underpants that he loves.  Most of his underpants are basic colors and he likes that.  His favorite pair is the green pair.

Sydney has moved up to the toddler room.  Since she likes to use the potty like Austin we wanted her moved up.  We are just encouraging her to use the potty right now.  Hopefully by this summer he can take a weekend and potty train her too.  I will be very excited to be out of diapers!

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