Wednesday 14 May 2014

Spring Fun (3.3 years and 20.5 months)

We signed Austin up for tot soccer at our local rec center.  It is a 4 week session that they learn basic skills about soccer.  We weren't sure what to expect because Austin has some issues with activities that he participates by himself.  Soccer has worked out well.  We are able to be involved but there has been many opportunities that he goes off and does what he is suppose to do.  He seems to like it.

They played a game called what time is it Mr Fox.  The kids ask what time is it and whatever number the coach says they kick the ball that number of times.  Then the coach will answer that it's lunchtime.  The coach tries to get the soccer ball and the kids try and soccer a goal.  Austin loved that.
Sydney goes to soccer too.  She does not play but runs around and does her own thing.  It is nice they allow her to do that.  I wish it was longer than 4 weeks.

Austin is finally peeing at school.  He has been potty trained since January for peeing and just within the past few weeks he is going at school.  We are so excited.  But Austin will not allow us to celebrate.  He goes by himself and it's so awesome not to have a ton of laundry to do every night after school.  He still usually doesn't use the potty to poop.  Hopefully that will be coming soon.  Potty training has been a nightmare!

Austin got his new bunk bed.  The space in his room is better used for bunk beds.  Austin can only sleep on the bottom bunk right now.  We like his bunk beds too because the bottom one is a full so it's more comfortable to lay on than lying next to him on the floor.

Brian and I decided to paint our living room and kitchen.  We have lived in our house now for 10 years.  I really can't believe it's been 10 years!  And we haven't painted since we moved in so it was time for a change.  I really wanted to do a darker tan but Brian said no.  It is a light tan color.  Or as Austin calls it, yellow.  We are putting pictures up that I am super excited about.  In the dining room it will be in a heart shaped and the living room is going to have words with pictures.  Painting was difficult with the kiddos.  My parents helped out which was nice. Then we stayed up till 1am on night to mostly finish.  I still have one small wall to complete.  I hope to do that this weekend.

The other day I took the kids to the zoo.  We have zoo passes but usually only go a few times a year.  Austin and Sydney loved the zoo this time.  I am so glad I went. I plan on going more often now.  They saw the elephants, giraffes, monkeys.  We also went to the rain forest.  Austin wanted to ride the train and since it wasn't crowded I said yes.  He really liked it.  He was sad when it was over.

Every week we have been going to story time at the library.  At first Austin wasn't too sure about it but now he seems to enjoy going.  He doesn't always participate.  He likes to sit in my lap.  Sydney likes to do it and enjoys putting things on the felt board.  After story time they get to pick out their own books to bring home for the week.  Austin loves doing that.  Then each week they put bring them back and put them in the slot to return it.  That is probably their favorite part.  The library is  on a 6 week break from story time though.  We are sad about that.  It starts back up in June so we are looking forward to that.

Sydney likes to be rocked to sleep in the rocking chair.  She likes it when I sing rock a bye Elmo while rocking her and Elmo.  Sydney loves Elmo.  Then she will want rock a bye Sydney.  It is very cute.  Sydney is getting opinionated these days.  She is starting to have tantrums too.  I really don't like this stage.  I hope she goes though it fast.  She is talking a lot but still hard to understand her at times.  Hopefully once her vocabulary increases the tantrums will decrease.

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