Saturday 30 August 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Sydney (3.5 years and 2 years)

Nana came up to visit Sydney on her birthday weekend.  She arrived on Saturday afternoon.  Austin was really excited that she was coming up.  Sydney didn't completely understand but she was excited nevertheless.  It was great that she was able to come up and spend quality time with the kids.

On Sunday we all went to Wild Water Kingdom.  Nana couldn't believe Sydney and the water.  Sydney is convinced she can swim and will not allow anyone to help her.  She loves the water and wants to do everything herself.  In some places her head is barely above the water but she still manages somehow.  We had a great morning at the water park.  We are so happy we got passes this year.

On Sunday after nap we celebrated Sydney's birthday.  Meemaw and Papa came over too.  We had meatloaf for dinner.  We enjoyed our dinner together.  After dinner Sydney (and Austin) opened presents.  Austin really wanted to open all the presents but he did good allowing Sydney to try first.  Sydney got a Minnie Mouse outfit and socks from Nana.  Meemaw and Papa got her Dora dishes, dress, and a helicopter.  They got Austin a helicopter too.  Auntie Pam and Uncle Dennis got her a zoo flip book.  Auntie Melissa, Uncle Jonathan, and Camden got her dresses and PJ's dresses.  We got her a baby stroller and puzzles.  She loves puzzles.  She puts them together every night.

After presents we had a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  Usually Lauren makes the kid's cake but this weekend didn't work out for her.  So I figured I would try an ice cream cake.  We haven't had one of them in a very long time.  Austin and Sydney loved the cake.  I wanted to get her an Elmo cake but they didn't have it.  They had Dora and Sydney loves Dora too so it worked out fine.  I thought the Dora cake was cute.  

On Monday, we went to the Akron Zoo.  We have passes to Cleveland however I do enjoy the Akron zoo.  It was very nice.  Austin and Sydney had a great time with Nana.  It was a beautiful day.  They had a few playgrounds to play on too.  It was a great day.

Tuesday was Sydney's second birthday.  It is crazy that she was born 2 years ago.  Time is going by way too fast.  Every day I am so grateful for Austin and Sydney.  They make our lives complete.  Brian and I could not imagine our lives without them.  It's complete craziness most days but it's totally worth it.  We are so happy they were born.

I took Sydney to her 2 year check up doctor's appointment.  It was so nice Nana was here because Austin stayed home with her.  It's so easy to just take 1 child to the doctor's office.  Sydney weighs 25 pounds (35 percentile for weight) now and her length is 34.25 (75% percentile for length) inches.  The doctor says she is doing well.  Physically she has always been ahead just trying to keep up with Austin.  She now talks all the time.  We can understand her pretty well.  She forms 4-5 word sentences and lets us know what she wants.  It's never quite in our house unless they are sleeping.

Nana and Austin watched a tree getting cut down a street over while we were at the doctor's office.  They watched for about 2 hours.  Austin absolutely loved it.  He sat on a big rock and would slide down it.  He told everyone about it later that day.  It's cool that Nana did that for him.  I would not have just because I wouldn't be able to stay there that long with Sydney.  Plus I feel weird standing in strangers yards but Nana didn't mind at all.  They had a great time together.

That evening we had dinner then I had to go to my mommy club meeting.  There are a lot of field trips I wanted to sign up.  Brian, Nana, and the kids played at the playground near by while I was at the meeting.  Afterwards we went to McDonalds for 49 cent ice cream cones.  Austin and Sydney were very excited about that.  Sydney had a wonderful birthday.

Nana put Sydney to bed a few nights.  It was amazing because she would have her asleep within 15 minutes without any crying.  It was awesome.  She takes over 30 minutes every night for Brian and I.  She loves puzzles and books so she wants to do that instead of sleeping.  But she listened so well for Nana and went right to sleep.

On Wednesday, we celebrated Sydney's birthday with Kaitlyn, Keith and Lisa.  They came over and we had ice cream cake and played outside.  They got Sydney an easel.  Sydney loves it.  They will probably use it a lot this winter.  Austin, Sydney, and Kaitlyn love playing together.  They fight over toys but they enjoy playing together.  It was fun to have them over.  We usually go to their house in the summer.

When Sydney went back to school, I made her Elmo cookies for her class.  Austin also wanted cookies for his friends so I made him Cookie Monster cookies.  I am not that artistic but I tried and I think for me they turned out well.

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