Wednesday 3 September 2014

Labor Day (3.6 and 2 years old)

On Saturday we went to Wild Water Kingdom in the morning.  We came home and took a nap then went back after nap.  Austin even got to go down the water slide that you have to be 40 inches tall to ride.  He loved the water slide.  We had so much fun at Wild Water this year.  They kids loved it.  Sydney even thinks she can swim by herself.  There were many slides for them to go down  We can't wait for them to open again next year.

On Sunday, we went to the Taste of Hudson.  We love that even too.  They have several activities for the kids.  Austin worked very hard coloring his wooden monkey.  He can color in the lines pretty well.  Sydney colored for a little bit then she was off and playing with some Little Tikes outside toys.  We had dinner there.  They even had a cookie for dessert.  After dinner, the kids played in the bounce houses.  I thought Sydney was too young/little do it but like always she surprised me.  Austin helped her the first time then after that she could always do it herself.  She is a strong and determined girl.  It was a nice family night.

On Monday, we went to the Cleveland Air Show with my parents.  Austin went two years ago with Brian.  I haven't been there in a very long time.  It was hot and sunny but the planes were great to see.  We were there from about 11am to 4:30pm.  The kids had fun going in planes and helicopters.  They would watch the planes too.  Meemaw even got the kids ice cream so they were very happy.  Everyone had a fun time.

Our holiday weekends are always so busy and fun!  We are a little sad that summer is basically over.  But we do love fall too.  We are looking forward to pumpkin patches and apple picking.

We are still rotating each night on putting the kids to bed.  I get Sydney one night then Austin the next and so on.  It prevents most fighting on who gets who most nights.  Sometimes the kids are not happy with who they are getting but telling them they get that person tomorrow helps.  Austin goes to sleep within 15 minutes once in bed.  You never know what you are going to get with Sydney.  It could be 10 - 60 minutes.

Austin is now pooping in a pull up.  I am very happy about that!  He tells us he needs to go and goes in the pull up.  No more cleaning his underwear.  We are trying to get him to poop in the bathroom but he is refusing.  If we push it, he will just hold his poop in.  I am hoping that he will just want to do it soon!

Sydney uses the potty about 25% of the time.  She likes using it because she gets an M&M's if she goes.  She loves chocolate.  She also does really great a school.  She tries at school 3-4 times a day.  She is staying dry at school some of the time too.  It's nice because she doesn't have a fear of the potties at school like Austin did.

Sydney has grown up a lot in the past few weeks.  She doesn't look so much like a baby anymore.  She is a little girl.  She definitely has opinions about everything.  She wants to do it her way or no way.  She screams way too much.  That is her way to get what she wants.  Most of the times I want ear plugs.  She is much louder than Austin.  However when Sydney starts screaming Austin will follow.  That is one issue I wish we could control.  Brian and I try but it's so hard.

We are using the counting discipline method.  They get 3 chances to stop doing what they are doing or they have to go to time out.  Out time out chair is upstairs in the corner.  They will sit in time out fairly well now.  Austin is learning that 3 minutes is a long time and he doesn't want to sit there so he usually corrects his behavior.  Sydney enjoys going to sit up there.  Brian and I are not as consistent as we should be but we are trying harder at it.  The biggest discipline issues we have are screaming, standing up in their chairs at dinner, wanting the same thing all the time, and hitting each other.

We take them to the stores with us every weekend.  They sometimes have issues there.  They like to run and scream in the stores at times.  Other times they will stay with us and shop with us.  They like to ask for things to get.   They like Giant Eagle because they get a piece of cheese at the deli.  We get lunch meat every week because of this.  They now hold their own cheese and eat it while we shop.  Sydney use to drop it but she's good at holding it now.  I can't believe how fast they are growing up.

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