I’m 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant! Today I had an ultrasound. I could not wait for this day. I was so nervous. I was afraid something would be wrong. My biggest concern was that implantation occurred in the fallopian tube and not in the uterus. That would mean the pregnancy would not make it. I am so nervous about having a miscarriage. All I want is a healthy baby!
The ultrasound was quick and easy. They put jelly on my belly and found the baby within seconds. I could not believe it. A baby is growing inside of me. (I know it is still an embryo right now but to me it is a baby). The ultrasound tech measured my uterus and looked at my ovaries. I ovulated from the right side to conceive this baby. It is so interesting how the ultrasound works. Then she took a look at the baby. I could see the baby’s heart beat. It was beating 121 beats per minute. She said that everything looks normal. I am so excited!
I even got ultrasound pictures! I have pictures of the baby. Amazing! When I left the office, I was so happy that everything was fine. I texted Brian to let him know the good news. The appointment was in the middle of the day and he was at work. We didn't realize that there would be so much to see this early on, so he didn't take the day off to join me. The ultrasound offered some reassurance.
I came home and took a nap. It is really amazing how tired I am right now. I have always liked my sleep but right now I need so much sleep. I don’t have much energy. Going to work basically takes everything out of me. I am still exercising and trying to be as active as possible.
The worst part is the morning sickness. I am nauseous probably 80% of the time I am awake. It is not terrible nausea but it can still be annoying. The mornings are the worst part for me. Anytime I get hungry is also bad. Food is not the same to me right now. There are several things that I usually like that I don’t have an interest for which are: carrots, pop, banana bread, and cookies. I don’t even enjoy cereal like I usually do.
I am trying so hard to eat healthy. My biggest problem is we don’t eat as much protein as I need to right now. We are not big meat eaters. We probably only have meat 4 nights a week and that is only one serving. I normally always have a protein serving for lunch (either peanut butter or lunch meat). Now I am trying for two servings at dinner. I started hard boiling eggs and eating one on a salad a few nights a week too. Last night we had pasta for dinner. I made meatballs with it. Usually I would not have done that.
I am definitely getting my servings of fruits and vegetables. I am also good at eating nonfat diary. I love milk and yogurt. I am even trying to drink fruit juice instead of anything carbonated. For some reason this week, I have lost my interest in pop. Water sometimes tastes good and other moments makes me want to vomit!
Well it is almost 10pm and I need to get ready for bed.
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