I made it to 8 weeks! My oh my this is going to be an adventure! Pregnancy definitely changes your body. I cannot understand how someone could not know they are pregnant. Especially those shows on TV where a women delivers and she never knew she was pregnant. I cannot understand that. I am definitely not the same as I was 8 weeks ago.

Morning sickness (or what I like to call it “I’m going to puke at any minutes now”) is really annoying. Morning sickness is such a terrible name. It happens 24 hours a day! One day last week I did not have any morning sickness. Then of course I got nervous that something was wrong with the baby. (What an emotional rollercoaster). The morning sickness is back now and with it reassurance of normalcy. The best thing I found was graham crackers. I just need to eat one or two little squares and I am good for about an hour. Eating something small every couple of hours really helps too.
I am so tired. I could sleep forever right now. When I wake up in the morning I feel like I am going to puke so I have to get up to eat something. Then I can go back to bed for a little while. Brian has been great. I take a nap a few nights a week now. It is amazing how tired I really am.

Yesterday we cleaned out our lower level of our house. We have a split level house so we have a lower level. It is completely finished down there. How it is set up it is not like a basement. We treated the one room like a basement and threw all of our junk in there. We need to clean it out so it can now become our spare bedroom since our current spare bedroom will be “baby’s” room.
We are calling the baby, “baby” right now. Very original I know. We have talked about names however we don’t want people to know them until baby is born. We like to keep things a surprise. We have decided on a girl’s name however we are still working on a boy’s name. We are not going to find out the gender of the baby. Again we want it to be a surprised.

Yesterday while cleaning up the downstairs bedroom we found Brian’s baby book from when he was younger. It was so cool to go through it at this time in our lives. Brian was a good baby so lets hope baby is too! My mother in law kept a journal about her pregnancy and it was so cool to read it. It made me glad that I was doing the same thing. I did not know she did that until yesterday. I think my baby book is still at my parents house. My parents were great and did not make me take all my childhood things out of their house. I really don’t want all my junk at my house. (I don’t like clutter). Brian’s mom had moved so he had to take all of his stuff several years ago.

While going through things, Brian happened to find a Birthday card from his dad. It was weird because he didn't really keep cards. You get one every year, so what's the point. After someone passes away though that changes. Brian's dad died nearly 5 years ago. It seemed as though this card had just gotten mixed in with some other stuff by accident. Inside the card said, "I hope someday you have a son of your own, and you're as proud of him as I am of you." It's funny how relevant that seems right now. Neither Brian or I have a preference for gender, so son/daughter are one in the same to us.
We leave for vacation on Friday. With everything going on, I cannot believe we are going on vacation. It has been planned for months but I am nervous about this trip. I just hope baby and I are okay while traveling. I am so nervous about a miscarriage and I don’t want to be away from home if that would happen. I pray everyday everything will be okay and baby is healthy!

This morning I was going through my clothes to pack for the trip. I still have not gained any weight but I just feel fat. I am getting wider though. My breast feel like softballs (boy do they hurt). I do not like tight clothes right now. I need room to breathe. This trip is going to be nice and relaxing. We don’t have anything planned. We have never done that before. I hope to live in my swimsuit for a week.
We are going to the rec center to exercise. I have still be doing all my regular exercises (weight training/treadmill/elliptical and walking 6-7 miles with my friend Dawn once a week). I even got a yoga while pregnant DVD however I have not tried that yet. Maybe later tonight or tomorrow.
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