We are in Bermuda. We left Friday night after Brian got off of work and drove 4 hours to Breezewood PA. I was extremely nauseous all day Friday. When we left the house, I drove for a while. I normally cannot do anything while riding in the car or I get motion sickness. Now that is especially true so I thought I might as well drive. We stopped once for a potty break, once for dinner (that was terrible), and then finally when we got to Breezewood. It went fairly smoothly.
On Saturday morning we woke up to drive the rest of the way to Baltimore for our cruise. When I woke up I went to the bathroom and there was bright red blood. Not a lot but some. I freaked out for a little bit. I am tired of bleeding. I always think something is wrong with baby. Why is this happening? I calmed down and knew that since I was not in pain and it was not a lot of blood everything should be okay. We went to McDonald’s for breakfast then hit the road to Baltimore. After my episode this the morning, there was no blood during my second bathroom visit. Whew!

When we got to the cruise terminal we stood in line for while to go through security. It was really hot and I was not doing so well. I wanted to puke and sit down. Finally after about 45 minutes we were on the cruise. This week is going to be nothing but relaxing. We really need it. I think baby needs it too!
I have been feeling my normal pregnant self while on the cruise. Dr Grossman gave me a prescription for zofran but I have not had to use it yet. Hopefully I will not have to. I don’t like taking anything while I am pregnant. The best thing that helps me with nausea is graham crackers and we have plenty of those.

Today was a big day for us. We have known for a year to two how we wanted to tell our family and friends we are pregnant. Still to this day no one knows we are pregnant (we are 9 weeks 2 days). We are going to take a picture with us in it. On the side of the picture we are going to write: $3000 Cruise to Bermuda, $250 transportation to cruise, Telling you there are 3 of us in the picture: Priceless! (This is from a common theme used in MasterCard commercials for the past 10-20 years in case anyone is reading this in the future and is confused). We are going to mail this card out to our family (I want to hand deliver it to my parents because they are going to freak). We are still going to wait a few more weeks but today was picture day for us and baby!

We went to Hamilton and St George to get some pictures. We have two in St George that we really like. I cannot wait until people get them. Oh it is going to be so fun!

We still plan to keep the names for the baby a secret but we have a funny name picked out. Graham Cracker Frackelton. The reason is that I eat so many graham crackers right now. The cracker part is to be funny, but is also fitting for Brian's dad. He used to work for Lance crackers and we called him Cracker as a nickname. Everyone knew who we were talking about. Then Brian said for a girl we would name her Lorna Doone (like the shortbread cookies). I think that is really funny.

The real names we like right now are Sydney Lynn for a baby girl (and Venice Catherine for baby girl two). We still cannot decide for certain on a boy but we do like Austin Patrick. It fits our travel theme (Austin, Texas). We searched for it online and Google auto-completed the first part of the name ("AUST") as AUSTralia which seemed equally fitting, so Austin is starting to firm up as our clear favorite if it's a boy. We found name plates while in Ocean City and took a picture (on July 2).
NOTE: The discussions of names were hidden on the blog and only published after Austin was born and named. We kept the names a secret from our family.
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