Auntie Melissa came up to visit baby Austin for a week. When she came over, she was actively involved in caring for Austin. She was not afraid to hold him or change his diaper. While she doing her second diaper change, Austin started pooping and poop went everywhere. Melissa was screaming. We cleaned it up and then Melissa went to put on a new diaper. Just before she did, Austin peed everywhere. Brian and I were not any help. We just laughed at her. Melissa's friend Laura was there too and also enjoyed the show. To top off this epic diaper change, Melissa finally got the diaper on and told Austin to behave for the rest of the week. About 2 seconds later he threw up everywhere. So within 10 minutes Melissa was hazed with poop, pee, and puke. It was hysterical. Of course Melissa’s reaction was really funny. She handled it very well. She will be a great mommy some day.

Melissa helped me out around the house for the week. She cleaned my kitchen and cooked dinner for us every night. It was awesome. Cooking these days is difficult for me but I am starting to get back into it again. I do not have a desire or time to cook. Melissa made some really tasty chicken recipes. It was nice to have her while Brian was at work all day.

In the evenings, Brian, Melissa, Laura, Austin and I would hang out. We even had our own little super bowl party together. It was fun. Life is definitely different these days. Everything we do is on Austin’s schedule and not ours.
We went to the pediatrician last Saturday. I was really nervous about Austin’s weight. He weighed 8lb 5 oz and was now over his birth weight of 8lb 1.5oz. I was so happy. I felt that Austin and I did it! I no longer need to record every feeding and diaper change. I also can stop waking him up every two to three hours to feed him. He can now eat on demand. This is excellent news! I have not given Austin any formula for almost 2 weeks now. I have worked really hard to pump often to increase my milk supply. In fact right now, I have over 40 ounces of breast milk frozen. Plus we have 12 ounces in the refrigerator for him to eat as needed. He is doing very well breast feeding and taking a bottle interchangeably.

Breastfeeding is a challenge. It is definitely not easy but the benefits are worth it. Because Austin has gotten a bottle after every breastfeeding, he is used to getting one. When Austin is hungry he (and I) do not have the patience to breastfeed so we fed him a bottle with breast milk in it. He screams when he is hungry and will not stay on the breast for long. He wants his milk quickly and cannot get it fast enough on the breast. This is not how I imagined things going but it works for us. Most of the time, Austin receives a bottle with breastmilk. He breastfeeds only a few times a day and still gets a bottle of breast milk afterwards. He is getting all the benefits of breast milk so I guess that is all that matters.

I am adjusting to motherhood fairly well. I was nervous on how I would do having to stay in the house all the time. I have enjoyed my time alone with Austin. It has been really cold outside so I really don’t have a desire to go out. I am amazed how busy Austin keeps me. By the time I feed him, pump breast milk, and change him it is time to start the process over again. He gets little naps and some playtime in there but I do not get much else accomplished. For two days, I have wanted to write this blog and have not been able to find the time to do it.
I am enjoying spending time with Austin. I know he is not going to be little for long so I want to treasure these moments I have with him right now. If he wants to lie on my chest for an hour, I let him. I don’t worry about things I could be doing because it’s not worth it. I will get the other stuff done eventually. Austin is what is important right now.

Brian has been wonderful. I know I have said this before but I really could not do this without him. He spends all evenings with Austin so I can get other stuff done and take a nap. Brian takes very good care of Austin. I never worry when he is taking care of him. Our society has a stereotype that moms are the ones who should know and do everything. I think that is crazy and from the very beginning we have been in this together. I have learned many things about Austin from Brian. I know some dads that are not involved in the care of their children. Brian is definitely a hands on dad which is great.

We have also developed a sleep schedule that seems to work for us. I get a nap in the evenings for a few hours. Brian is in charge during that time and I don’t worry about Austin. Around midnight, I take over so Brian can sleep the rest of the night. Austin goes to bed right now around 11pm. Then he gets up around 3-4am for a feeding and diaper change. Austin then gets up around 7:30am for the day. For being only 3 weeks old, I think that is awesome. The only thing that sometimes does not go well for me is if my pumping schedule is different than Austin’s feeding schedule. Then I don’t get as much sleep but that is okay.

Brian was really nice to me last night. He let me sleep all night and he took care of Austin. That was the first time since he has been born. I am not working right now so it should be me up all night with him but I was really tired. I only had to get up last night to pump but did not have to feed or change Austin. It takes us about an hour to feed him, burp him, and change his diaper before he goes back to bed (usually). It takes me about a half hour to pump so there are some nights I can be up for over two to three hours depending on how things go.
I am going to make dinner now and spend some time with Austin. We will see what this week brings. It was nice to have family from out of town visit to help, but now we're settling into our own routine on our own.
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