This week is going much better. Breastfeeding is going pretty well. In fact, I have not had to give Austin formula since Tuesday (as of Friday). My milk supply has come in. I am still pumping and feeding every 2-3 hours but it is working for us. I also got a hands free pumping bra that is awesome. This morning I was able to feed Austin a bottle of breast milk while pumping. I definitely could not of done that without the hands free pump bra.
My mother in law came into town last Friday. Over the weekend, she made us several meals to freeze. Now I can just take them out of the freezer and bake. That was extremely helpful.

Also her and Brian went to the grocery store and got us lots of food. I don’t know what I was thinking before my pregnancy ended but I was not prepared on the food front. The first week home with Austin was difficult. Plus we did not have food to eat. One night we had macaroni and cheese only for dinner. I did not have anything to go with it. This week has been much better. I am eating 3 healthy meals a day and we have snacks in the house for me too.

Also this week my mother in law cleaned my house, did laundry, and cooked dinner for us. It was extremely helpful because it allowed Brian and I to get into a routine without having to worry about the house. Brian and I are still learning what works best for Austin. We have a nighttime routine down but are still working on the daytime routine. Austin usually eats at night at 11pm, 2am, and 5 am. I can now feed him, change his diaper and have him back to bed within an hour. I think that is pretty good. The first week it took me two hours!

Last night was a bit of a challenge for Brian. I went to take a nap from 9pm until midnight. I thought that Austin would be going to bed too. However Austin had other plans. He kept Brian up until midnight. He kept being hungry, pooping his diaper and spitting up. Brian got to change him a lot! Let's hope Austin learns to go to bed earlier.
Today is my first day home all day alone with Austin. At first I was not so sure about it but I think I am doing good. We are trying to get a schedule down. We woke up at 8am. Then I fed him and changed his diaper. We had tummy time and read books for a while. I was able to keep him up until about 11:30am. Then I placed him down for a nap. This way I could get things done around the house and take a shower. I am going to let him sleep for about 2 hours then get him back up to eat.

On Tuesday, I went to a breastfeeding support group. It was good for me to get out of the house and hear other women’s issues with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a lot a work and definitely a challenge. While there I was able to weigh Austin. He was up to 7lb 13 ounces. At first I read the scale wrong and I thought it said 7lb 1 oz. I freaked out! I could not believe he was still losing weight. But like I said I read it wrong and he had finally gained weight (he was born at 8 lb 1.5 oz and lost weight down to 7 lb 3 oz). We go to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he is back to his birth weight. We also want to ask if we need to wake him up to eat or just let him tell us when he is hungry. That answer may depend on his weight. Austin's hands aren't as big as Brian's yet, so he has some growing to do!
Melissa is on her way up to meet Austin now. We are excited for her to get here. I am sure Austin and her will have fun. This next week Melissa will be here with me. I am looking forward to it. We should have a good week together with baby Austin.
The Cavs are not doing well, but that just meant that their announcer Austin Carr had time to say hi to Austin.
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