Wow, how much things have changed in our lives in one month. Actually I cannot believe our baby is already a month old. Time really does go by fast. Things are getting better everyday. The main reason is we are figuring everything out and we are developing a routine. We learn a lot everyday. Like have a bottle ready for Austin in the middle of the night instead of warming it once he is screaming!

Over the past month, we have had several visitors. Both my mother in law and sister in law came up for a week to meet Austin. Brian’s aunt Cathy and Uncle Tony stopped over one night to meet Austin and brought us dinner. That was really nice of them. My parents are over once a week to see Austin and baby sit as needed. It is nice to have them close by to help us out as needed. For those people who do not have family close by and have children, I cannot imagine how hard that must be. We go visit Austin’s great grandparents usually weekly. It is so much fun to see them with Austin.

Brian and I had to go to a Baptism class to learn about Baptizing Austin one night. My parent’s baby sat for a few hours while we went to the class. I was a little nervous about leaving Austin but I knew they could handle it. Austin was good for them. They enjoyed spending them with him. Now Brian and I are trying to work out the details of Austin’s Baptism.
I go to a breastfeeding support group every Tuesday. The first time I had to leave the house with Austin was challenging. I had to take a shower and do my hair and makeup. Then I had to get Austin changed and fed. Plus I had to pump. While I was pumping, Austin had vomited all over me. Then I had to clean him and myself up. I was thinking it was a sign I should stay home. But I forced myself to go and I was glad I did.

The group is nice not only for breastfeeding but to talk to other moms. Being a new mom, I like hearing of mom’s stories. It really helps. Plus it is good for me to get out of the house. Being February, it is cold out and Austin and I do not leave the house often. I actually snow blowed the driveway the other day after Brian got home just so I could be outside for a while.
Breastfeeding is going well now. Austin latches on without difficulty. I can even move around the house while feeding him. I never thought that would happen. I breastfeed him 2-3 times a day. For the other feeding, he gets a bottle of breast milk. It is working out well for everyone. I also have a lot of breast milk frozen for when I go back to work.

Our sleep schedule is also going very well. I get a nap from 9pm to midnight every night. During that time, Brian puts Austin to bed. I think its good for Brian to be able to spend time alone with Austin. Then I get up by midnight and take over Austin duty. I wake up every time Austin wakes up from there to feed and change him. He usually gets up twice after that. It really works well for us. On Saturday nights, Brian takes Austin duty all night. I really enjoy my night of sleep but I miss spending time with Austin.

Austin is more awake these days. He really likes to be with us. I swear he knows if we are in the room or not and he will cry if we are not. That happens to me every time I take a shower and Brian is not home. I do not get a long shower these days. That is okay. I am having fun taking care of him.
We have Austin’s one month doctor check up on Monday. On my Tuesday class, I weigh him.

This week he was 10 pounds (he was as low as 7 lbs 3 oz)! Brian said by percentage of body weight, that would be the equivalent of him gaining more than 60 pounds in a month! I am excited to see how much he weighs on Monday. Hopefully the pediatrician will say everything looks good.
One funny thing about Austin is that he likes to put one or both hands in the air. He'll even do this while sleeping as the picture above shows. It's been a snowy weak with an ice storm, so I'm glad to be at home. Brian took this photo in the Cleveland metroparks on the way to work:
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