It was nice because the first weekend home it was Labor Day weekend. Brian was off for the 3 days. It was great having him home. On Saturday, we took Austin swimming at the rec center. Austin still loves swimming. Then on Sunday, Brian took Austin to the airshow. It was weird staying home but we knew that Sydney could not take the loud noises so I had to stay home with her. Brian had Austin on his shoulders most of the time while at the airshow. At one point there was a very loud plane that flew directly over them and Austin was on Brian's shoulders. Austin was crying but pointing at the same time at the plane. Brian would have loved to see Austin's face during it. Brian bought Austin's ear protection and after that plane Austin gladly wore them.
Once they got home from the airshow, we decided to all go to the Taste of Hudson. We have went for the past 3 years and it's always fun. We got some dinner and ate it on the grass. Then we took Austin to the play area so he could play. He enjoyed the cars. It was a nice evening out. Sydney did not realize that we left the house since she never woke up.
On Monday, we did are usual grocery shopping. At first we had two carts but then at another store decided to get a big cart where Austin could drive the cart and place Sydney on top in her carrier. We have always grocery shopped with Austin. Now we do it with Austin and Sydney. We had a great weekend together as our new family.
Austin is a great big brother. He brings Sydney her blanket and turns on the swing's music for her. Other than that he does not interact much with her. Sydney likes to sleep. When she is awake, its a treat for us. She is not nearly as busy as Austin right now. But that is okay while we try to figure out life with two kids. The biggest challenge I face right now is how to feed Sydney while entertaining Austin. Austin is not one that just sits still. He is always into something. Luckily breast feeding is going well so if I am by myself I just feed Sydney while walking all around the house with Austin. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly!
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